Arístides Calvani
Arístides Calvani Silva (Port Spain, 19 January 1918 – High of Petén, Guatemala, 18 January 1986) was a politician, diplomat and Venezuelan academician. The son of an immigrant from Corsican, Luis Francisco Calvani Grisanti, and of a native of Cumaná, Teresa Silva Carranza. Calvani made his first studies in the Saint School Ignacio of Caracas. Later it studied also in Switzerland, Belgium and Colombia, graduating of lawyer and specializing in labor right.
It participated in the Catholic Youth and in the Working Circle of Caracas and was pleaded labour. He was elect deputy to the Congress of Venezuela by the Federal District in 1947. Although he always acted in the political field like independent, identified fully with the Social Doctrine of the Church, that was the inspiration doctrine of the Party Socialcristiano COPEI, of the cual became, later, Secretary General Attach. In full dictatorship of the general Marcos Pérez Jiménez was president of the civil group designated "League of the morality", that developed in 1953 an intense advertising campaign against of the contests of beauty arriving to publish in the newspapers of the country a document where exhorted to the girls to not participating in the Miss Venezuela considering this event a full act of "immorality and deshonestidad".
After the fall of the dictator Pérez Jiménez, Calvani went again elect deputy, this time by the State Táchira (1959–1964) and participated in the editorial of the new Constitution approved on 16 January 1961 by the then Congress of the Republic (current National Assembly). During the first presidency of Rafael Boiler (1969–1974) occupied the charge of Minister of External Relations. In this function put emphasis in increasing the Venezuelan influence in the Caribbean and Centroamérica, that considered his sphere of natural geopolitical action. In this sense afterwards of past 4 years of the signature of the Agreement of Ginebra without arriving to result any, decides sign in the capital of Trinidad and Tobago the Protocol of Port Spain of 18 June 1970, with the end to freeze by twelve years the border catchwords with Guyana. Incidentally, by means of the formula of the "ideological pluralism", shelved the "doctrine Betancourt" when recognizing to several undemocratic Latin American governments (except Cuba and Haiti), although it refused the abolition of the article 9º of the Letter of the OEA. On the other hand, they initiated conversations with Colombia on territorial disputes slopes and adhered to the Agreement of Cartagena (on 13 February 1973) that would give place to the Andean Pact. In 1972 it reported -by incompatibility with the Andean Pact- the Treaty of Commercial Reciprocity with United States, in a representative act of the taking of distance with said power.
He was also Senator by the State Sucre (1979–1983). In the decade of 1980 he gave support to the democrat candidates Christians of Centroamérica to promote democratic exits to the civil wars in which they found immersed good part of the nations of this region. It was one of the theorists of the socialcristianismo, inspiring in Jacques Maritain. He assumed a contrary position to the "liberal individualism and the Marxist totalitarianism" and stood out the social paper of the company.
The teaching was a constant vocation in Calvani. He gave classes in the School of Social Service, in the Central University of Venezuela and in the Andrés Bello Catholic University was professor of Introduction to the Right, of Philosophy of the Right and of Social Philosophy. It created the School of Social Sciences in the Catholic University Andrés Beautiful in September 1959. On 10 July 1962 it founded the International Institute of Christian Democrat Training (IFEDEC), that from 1986 carries his name. It participated in the creation of the Latin American Head office of Workers. It was Secretary General of the Christian Democrat Organisation of America.
He died in a plane crash in the north of Guatemala along with his wife Adela Abbo Fontana and his daughters Graciela and María Elena.[1] The International Christian Democrat concedes annually the Prize Arístides Calvani by the peace, the democracy and the human development, that have received, among others, Andrés Pastrana Arango, Ricardo Arias Calderón and Emil Constantinescu.
A process of beatification is worked on for Calvani and Abbo.[2]
- The natural children: Brief sociological essay. Central university of Venezuela, 1942
- The II Inter-American Seminar of Social Studies. Magazine SIC No. 83, 1946.
1946, p. 143.
- The international politics of Venezuela in the last half century, in modern Venezuela. Half century of history, 1926–1976.,
Caracas, Foundation Mendoza, pp. 400–450, 1976.
- L'influenza gave J. Maritain sul pensiero politico-sociale in Venezuela. In Roberto PAPINI (ed.), Jacques Maritain and the società contemporanea, Milan, Massimo, 1978, p. 342.
- South way
- Defence of the Community
- A Peace Shared and Solidaria
Additional sources
- Arístides Calvani. Philosophy of the life
- Oremos Together. Ephemerides of 18 January.
- ROMERO, CARLOS. Venezuela, his external politics and the Caribbean. Rev. Venez. Of Econ. And Social Sciences, 2004, (10):3 (sept.-Dec.), pp. 243–259 (format pdf).