Catherine Théot

Catherine Théot depicted in the 18th century.

Catherine Théot (born at Barenton (Normandy), France in 1716; died September 1, 1794) was a French visionary.


From her youth a victim of hallucinations, a long course of religious asceticism in the convent of the Miramiones in Paris unhinged her mind, and she was placed under restraint. Liberated in 1782, her early ideas concerning a Messiah became accentuated. She was now assured that she was destined to be the mother of the new Messiah; she pictured to her followers the fantastic features of the coming Paradise on earth; and was hailed as the "Mother of God".[1]

From the idea of the advent of a Messiah to its realization was but a step; in Robespierre the Theotists saw the redeemer of mankind; and preparations for his initiation were put in motion. The enemies of Robespierre, resenting his theocratic aims, seized upon his relations with the Theotists as an engine of revenge; Catherine, with Gerle and others, was arrested and imprisoned, and a letter to Robespierre discovered in her house.[1]

In the Convention, Marc-Guillaume Alexis Vadier trumped up the conspiracy of Théot, asserting that Catherine was a tool of Pitt, that the mummeries of the Theotists were but a cloak for clerical and reactionary intrigue, and hinting that Robespierre favored their designs. The case was adjourned to the Revolutionary Tribunal, and figured in the proceedings of 9th Thermidor. The accused were ultimately acquitted, Catherine herself having died in prison.[1]


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