Chanda Lalit Mohan High School H.S.
Chanda Lalit Mohan H.S. Chanda High School | |
Location | |
Chanda Lalit Mohan H.S. Location in Panchita, West Bengal, India | |
Bangaon, West Bengal, 743235 India | |
Coordinates | 23°6′24″N 88°48′59″E / 23.10667°N 88.81639°E |
Information | |
Type | High School |
School district | North 24 Parganas |
School code | Dise Code: 19112118403 |
Headmaster | Dilip Kumar Mondal |
Chanda Lalit Mohan High School H.S. is a school located in the village Panchita ( Chanda Bazar ) of the state West Bengal in India. It was established in 1956 as a Junior High School having Classes V to VIII. Then it was upgraded to High School i.e. Class IX and Class X was added. In 2006 Class XI and Class XII was added and it became a High School. So it has classes V to XII presently. The student of class XI & XII student may take ARTS or Humanities stream for their higher studies. English and Bengali are compulsory and other subjects are History, Geography, Sanskrit, Political Science, Philosophy and Education.
Route location. Track route from kolkata to Chanda Lalit Mohan High School (H.S.) were described. Any person interested to travel by train then take a train Sealdah-Bongaon local (or Sealdah-Ranaghat-Bongaon) from Sealdah, and reach to Bongaon. After words take a rishkaw or auto tempo or toto and come up to Motiganj. Next by bus or auto tempo you have to reach Chanda Bazar(Panchita). And the school is there by you. If any one interested to travel by bus or car then he must take 34-NH road and reach to bongaon, Motigunj, then next to Chanda bazar (Panchita), and the school is nearly by you.