Hartmut Hegeler
Hartmut Hegeler (born 11 June 1946 in Bremen) is a German Protestant pastor and author, who is engaged to exonerate the victims of the witch hunt in Europe and has a homepage about Anton Praetorius.

Hegeler attended school in Bielefeld and was an exchange student in Senior High School in Renton, Washington in 1964. He studied theology in Germany in Bethel, at the university of Marburg and Heidelberg. As a vicar of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia he was in India and as pastor he served in Recklinghausen. 1974-1976 he worked in the field of development aid in North Yemen. 1976-1982 he was parish pastor in Dortmund, afterwards he worked as a pastor and religious education teacher in a vocational training college in Unna, North Rhine-Westphalia, where he lives. Since 2010 he is retired.

Questions of his students in 2001 about the persecution of witches were the impulse for his studies on this subject: writing books and holding lectures. He is fighting for the exonoration of the victims of the witchcraft trials, that they should be given back their dignity as human beings and as Christians. Places of remembrance should give witness to their fate. There have been many reports in the media about his activities.[1]
- ↑ "Spiegel online: Accused of Dancing With the Devil". 16 December 2011. Retrieved 21 December 2012.
- Literature by and about Hartmut Hegeler in the German National Library catalogue
- "Anton Pretorius" Homepage of Hegeler about witchcraft trials
- Hegeler in the lexicon of authors in Westphalia
- List of his publications in German
External links
- Germany Rehabilitates Its Persecuted 'Witches'
- Religia.tv 4. Dezember 2011 Rehabilitacje spalonych za czary Polish
- RÚV 17. Dezember 2011 Þýskaland: Nornir fá uppreisn æru Islandic
- Nigeria News 13. February 2012 Katharina Henot: Cologne retrial
- barneveldsekrant.nl 13. February 2012 Rehabilitatie Keulse heksen Dutch
- webbulvar.hu 13. February 2012 Hungarian
- Haberturk 14. Februar 2012 Turkish
- iDNES.cz 15. February 2012 Czech
- germania-online.ru 17. February 2012 Romanian
- Russkaja Germanija 17. February 2012 Russian
- Analitika 17. February 2012 Croatian
- Standard.be 17. February 2012 Duitse heksen krijgen eerherstel Belgium
- KohaNet 17. February 2012 Albanian
- Germany Comes To Grips With Its Witch-Hunting Past
- Cologne Extraordinary retrial begins of woman burned at the stake as a witch in 1627
- Cologne witchcraft trial reopens after 400 years
- 400-year-old witchcraft trial resumes in Germany
- Cologne rehabilitates witches killed 400 years ago
- 'Post office witch' gets new trial
- German 'witch' declared innocent after 385 years
- 400-year-old witchcraft trial resumes in Germany
- Cologne authorities rehabilitated victims of witch hunt
- Grâce à Hegeler les sorcières de Cologne sont été réhabilitées par le Conseil de la ville, Free University of Brussels Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etude des Religions et de la Laïcité 30. Oktobre 2012
- International media reports
- Hexenprozesse: Hartmut Hegeler und sein Kampf für Gerechtigkeit - ein Interview mit dpa
- Artikel im Spiegel 13. Februar 2012 über die Rehabilitation von verurteilten "Hexen" in Köln, die Hegeler angestossen hatte
- Deutschlandradio 15. Februar 2012 Kampf für die "Hexen"-Rehabilitation Interview mit Hegeler
- SWR 1, 29. April 2012 Thementag Verbrannt auf dem Scheiterhaufen, Gespräch mit Hegeler, Text
- WDR 5 Portrait von Hartmut Hegeler und die Opfer der Hexenprozesse (5. Mai 2012)
- Hartmut Hegeler und die Opfer der Hexenprozesse (5. Mai 2012)
- Artikel in der Financial Times Deutschland 27. Mai 2012: Pastor für Rehabilitation der Hexen
- Ev. Pressedienst: Rehabilitation der Opfer der Hexenprozesse durch den Rat der Stadt Köln am 28. Juni 2012
- Focus: Rehabilitation der Opfer der Hexenprozesse durch den Rat der Stadt Köln am 28. Juni 2012
- Die Welt: Rehabilitation der Opfer der Hexenprozesse durch den Rat der Stadt Köln am 28. Juni 2012
- Bildzeitung: Rehabilitation der Opfer der Hexenprozesse durch den Rat der Stadt Köln 28. Juni 2012
- Rhein-Zeitung Interview mit Hegeler 5. November 2012
- Hegeler zum Jubiläum im Jahr 2013: 400. Todestag des Pfarrers und Kämpfers gegen die Folter Anton Praetorius