Heteronym (linguistics)

A heteronym (also known as a heterophone) is a word that is written identically but has a different pronunciation and meaning. In other words, they are homographs that are not homophones. Thus, row (propel with oars) and row (argument) are heteronyms, but mean (intend) and mean (average) are not (since they are pronounced the same). Heteronym pronunciation may vary in vowel realisation, in stress pattern (see also Initial-stress-derived noun), or in other ways:
- The weather was beginning to affect his affect.
- A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
- They were too close to the door to close it.
- Don't desert me here in the desert!
- Do you know what a buck does to does?
- When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
- How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
- The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
- He could lead if he would get the lead out.
- After a number of injections my jaw got number.
- I did not object to the object.
- We must polish the Polish furniture.
- He thought it was time to present the present.
- The farm was used to produce produce.
- The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
- There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
- I seconded the motion that the official be seconded to another department.
- A seamstress and a sewer fell down into the sewer.
- To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
- I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
- Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
- The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
- The bandage was wound around the wound.
- I was reading a book in Reading, Berkshire.
- I met an august man last August.
Most heteronyms are doubles. Triple heteronyms are extremely rare; two examples, sin and mobile, are listed below. Proper nouns can sometimes be heteronyms. For example, the final syllable of Oregon is pronounced like the word in by residents of that state in the United States, while in the name of the village of Oregon in Wisconsin, the final syllable is pronounced like the word on. Other examples include local pronunciations of Cairo, GA, Versailles, KY, and Milan, TN. There are also pairs which include both initialisms and regular words, e.g., US and us.
Heteronyms can also occur in non-alphabetic languages. For example, the Chinese character 行 can be pronounced háng, meaning "profession", or xíng, meaning "OK".
"Heterophone" literally just means "different sound", and this term is sometimes applied to words that are just pronounced differently, irrespective of their spelling. Such a definition would obviously include virtually every pair of words in the language, so "heterophone" in this sense is normally restricted to instances where there is some particular reason to highlight the different sound. For example, puns normally involve homophones, but in the case of heterophonic (or imperfect) puns, the two words sound different, and yet similar enough for one to suggest the other (for example, mouth and mouse).
Further examples
For a longer list, see Wiktionary:Category:English heteronyms.
Spelling | Pronun. | PoS | Meaning |
abstract | /ˈæbstrækt/ | a. | existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence |
/æbˈstrækt/ | v. | consider (something) theoretically or separately from something else | |
abuse | /əˈbjuːs/ | n. | improper treatment |
/əˈbjuːz/ | v. | to use improperly | |
address | AmE and BrE /əˈdrɛs/ | v. | to speak to (address) the crowd |
AmE /ˈædrɛs/ BrE /əˈdrɛs/ | n. | a postal address | |
advocate | /ˈædvəkeɪt/ | v. | to argue for someone else |
/ˈædvəkᵻt/ | n. | a person who speaks in support of something | |
affect | /əˈfɛkt/ | v. | to have an effect on |
/ˈæfɛkt/ | n. | mood, emotional state | |
agape | /əˈɡeɪp/ | adv. | open wide |
/ˈæɡəpiː/, /əˈɡɑːpeɪ/ | n. | altruistic, beneficial love | |
allied | /əˈlaɪd/ | a. | The vice is of a great kindred: it is well allied. |
/ˈælaɪd/ | a. | The Treaty of Vienna had bound the Allied Powers to make war together upon Napoleon. | |
alternate | /ˈɔːltərnət/ | adj. | other |
/ˈɔːltərneɪt/ | v. | to take turns | |
analyses | /əˈnælɪsiːz/ | n. | plural of analysis |
/ˈænəlaɪzəz/ | v. | third person singular present of analyse | |
appropriate | /əˈproʊpriət/ | adj. | suitable |
/əˈproʊprieɪt/ | v. | to set apart for | |
attribute | /ˈætrᵻbjuːt/ | n. | a characteristic |
/əˈtrɪbjuːt/ | v. | to associate ownership | |
articulate | /ɑːrˈtɪkjəleɪt/ | v. | The tourists are the ones who always try to articulate every syllable when they speak the language. |
/ɑːrˈtɪkjəlᵻt/ | a. | In one decade, the image of youth went from radicals uttering rage-filled rhetoric to the much less articulate valley girl or surfer wannabe. | |
axes | /ˈæksiːz/ | n. | pl. of axis |
/ˈæksᵻz/ | n. | pl. of axe | |
ay/aye | /ˈaɪ/ . | adv. | He voted aye on the legislation he had sponsored |
/ˈeɪ/ | adv. | They vowed their undying love for aye. | |
bases | /ˈbeɪsᵻz/ | n. | plural of base |
/ˈbeɪsiːz/ | n. | plural of basis | |
bass | /ˈbeɪs/ | n. | low in pitch |
/ˈbæs/ | n. | a fish | |
blessed | /ˈblɛsᵻd/ | adj. | having divine aid |
/ˈblɛst/ | v. | past tense of bless | |
bow | /ˈboʊ/ | n. | a stringed weapon, or the initiator of sound in some stringed musical instruments. |
/ˈbaʊ/ | v. | to bend in respect | |
n. | the front of a boat or ship | ||
buffet | /bəˈfeɪ/ ~ /ˈbʊfeɪ/ | n. | sideboard meal |
/ˈbʌfᵻt/ | v. | to strike | |
close | /ˈkloʊz/ | v. | to shut |
/ˈkloʊs/ | adj. | nearby | |
combine | /ˈkɒmbaɪn/ | n. | A farm machine that harvests and threshes |
/kəmˈbaɪn/ | v. | To bring two or more things together, mix | |
compact | /kəmˈpækt/ | v. | to compress |
/ˈkɒmpækt/ | adj. | small | |
complex | /ˈkɒmplɛks/ | n. | A collection of buildings with a common purpose, such as a university or military base |
/kəmˈplɛks/, /ˈkɒmplɛks/ | adj. | Made up of multiple parts | |
compound | /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ | n. | A substance having definite proportions of elements |
/kəmˈpaʊnd/ | v. | To make a situation worse | |
concert | /ˈkɒnsərt/ | n. | We saw SLAYER in concert. |
/kənˈsɜːrt/ | v. | We had to concert all our energy to stay awake. | |
conduct | /ˈkɒndəkt/ | n. | action |
/kənˈdʌkt/ | v. | to lead | |
confines | /ˈkɒnfaɪnz/ | n. pl. | Work within the confines of the contract. |
/kənˈfaɪnz/ | v. | But the contract confines my creativity! | |
conflict | /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ | n. | The mother said to her belligerent son, "Violence is no way to resolve conflict!" |
/kənˈflɪkt/ | v. | The two news reports seem to conflict each other. | |
console | /kənˈsoʊl/ | v. | provide comfort from grief |
/ˈkɒnsoʊl/ | n. | control unit | |
content | /ˈkɒntᵻnt/ | n. | information |
/kənˈtɛnt/ | adj. | satisfied | |
contract | /ˈkɒntrækt/ | n. | The contract was supposed to expire seven years after it was signed. |
/kənˈtrækt/ | v. | Derek firmly stated that he would rather contract pneumonia and die than stand outside wearing that ridiculous pink and green poncho. | |
convict | /kənˈvɪkt/ | v. | to find guilty |
/ˈkɒnvɪkt/ | n. | one convicted | |
crooked | /ˈkrʊkt/ | v. | I crooked my arm to show the sleeve. |
/ˈkrʊkᵻd/ | a. | Unfortunately, that just made the sleeve look crooked. | |
decrease | /dɪˈkriːs/ | v. | To lessen |
/ˈdiːkriːs/ | n. | A diminution | |
defense | /dɪˈfɛns/ | n. | The attorney gave a strong defense. |
/ˈdiːˈfɛns/ | n. | The coach put out his best defense. (dialectual, used in sports contexts) | |
desert | /ˈdɛzərt/ | n. | an arid region |
/dᵻˈzɜːrt/ | v. | to abandon | |
discard | /ˈdɪskɑːrd/ | n. | Toss it in the discard pile. |
/dɪsˈkɑːrd/ | v. | But I don't want to discard it! | |
do | /ˈduː/, /də/ | v. | What do you think you are doing? |
/ˈdoʊ/ | n. | To warm-up, the singer sang the scale from do. | |
does | /ˈdoʊz/ | n. | pl. of doe |
/ˈdʌz/ | v. | form of do | |
/ˈduːz/ | n. | one spelling of the plural of do as a noun - e.g. hair does | |
dogged | /ˈdɒɡd/ | v. | At night proctors patrolled the street and dogged your steps if you tried to go into any haunt where the presence of vice was suspected. (Samuel Butler, The Way of All Flesh) |
/ˈdɒɡᵻd/ | a. | Still, the dogged obstinacy of his race held him to the pace he had set, and would hold him till he dropped in his tracks. (Jack London, The Son of the Wolf) | |
dove | /ˈdʌv/ | n. | a bird |
/ˈdoʊv/ | v. | Mainly American past tense of dive | |
ellipses | /ᵻˈlɪpsᵻz/ | n. | Plural of ellipse |
/ᵻˈlɪpsiːz/ | n. | Plural of ellipsis | |
entrance | /ˈɛntrəns/ | n. | doorway |
/ɛnˈtræns/ | v. | to delight | |
exploit | /ˈɛksplɔɪt/ | n. | a heroic or extraordinary deed |
/ɛksˈplɔɪt/ | v. | to make use of or take advantage of | |
house | /ˈhaʊs/ | n. | a residential building |
/ˈhaʊz/ | v. | to place in residence | |
incense | /ˈɪnsɛns/ | n. | Dad, I bought this incense at the temple. |
/ɪnˈsɛns/ | v. | Big mistake. If you burn it here, you'll incense your mother. | |
increase (The accentuation shown here is not strictly followed.) | /ɪn-ˈkriːs/ | v. | To get greater |
/ˈɪn-kriːs/ | n. | An augmentation | |
intimate | /ˈɪntᵻmeɪt/ | v. | to suggest |
/ˈɪntᵻmət/ | adj. | very close | |
invalid | /ɪnˈvælᵻd/ | adj. | incorrect |
/ˈɪnvəlᵻd/ | n. | a disabled person | |
laminate | /ˈlæmᵻneɪt/ | v. | to assemble from thin sheets glued together |
/ˈlæmᵻnᵻt/ | n. | material formed of thin sheets glued together | |
lead | /ˈliːd/ | v. | to guide |
/ˈlɛd/ | n. | a metal | |
learned | /ˈlɜːrnᵻd/ | adj. | having much learning |
/ˈlɜːrnd/ | v. | past tense of learn | |
lima | /ˈlaɪmə/ | attributive | A vegetable |
/ˈliːmə/ | pn. | The capital of Peru | |
live | /ˈlɪv/ | v. | to be alive |
/ˈlaɪv/ | adj. | having life | |
merchandise | /ˈmɜːrtʃəndaɪs/ | n. | goods available for sale |
/ˈmɜːrtʃəndaɪz/ | v. | to make (something) available for sale | |
minute | /maɪˈnjuːt/ | adj. | small |
/ˈmɪnət/ | n. | unit of time | |
mobile | AmE /ˈmoʊbiːl/, BrE /ˈmoʊbaɪl/ | n. | The baby sat in awe at the bright colors on the mobile. |
AmE /ˈmoʊbəl/, BrE /ˈmoʊbaɪl/ | a. | Although most animals are mobile, the sponge is sessile. | |
/moʊˈbiːl/ | pn. | A city in Alabama | |
moped | /ˈmoʊpɛd/ | n. | a small motorcycle |
/ˈmoʊpt/ | v. | past tense of mope | |
mow | /ˈmaʊ/ | n. | a stack of hay, or the part of a barn where hay is stored |
/ˈmoʊ/ | v. | To cut something (especially grass or crops) down or knock down | |
multiply | /ˈmʌltᵻplaɪ/ | v. | to increase |
/ˈmʌltᵻpli/ | adv. | in multiple ways | |
number | /ˈnʌmbər/ | n. | a numeral |
/ˈnʌmər/ | adj. | more numb | |
object | /ˈɒbdʒᵻkt/ | n. | a thing |
/əbˈdʒɛkt/ | v. | to protest | |
overall | /oʊvərˈɔːl/ | a. | Overall, we didn't do too badly. |
/ˈoʊvərɔːl/ | n. | I need new overalls. | |
periodic | /pɪəriˈɒdɪk/ | a. | Temperature shows periodic variation. |
/pɜːrˈaɪɒdɪk/ | a. | Periodic acid is an oxoacid of iodine. | |
polish | /ˈpɒlᵻʃ/ | v. | to shine |
/ˈpoʊlᵻʃ/ | adj. | of, from, or native to Poland | |
present | /prᵻˈzɛnt/ | v. | to reveal |
/ˈprɛzənt/ | n. | a gift | |
n. | the current moment (e.g. At present) | ||
adj. | existing in the immediate vicinity (e.g. Santa is present.) | ||
primer | AmE /ˈprɪmər/, BrE /ˈpraɪmər/ | n. | Book that covers the basic elements of a subject |
/ˈpraɪmər/ | n. | An undercoat of paint | |
proceeds | /ˈproʊsiːdz/ | n. | Revenue |
/prəˈsiːdz/ | v. | Third person singular of the verb "proceed" | |
produce | /proʊˈdjuːs/ | v. | to make |
/ˈproʊdjuːs/ | n. | fruit and vegetables | |
progress | /prəˈɡrɛs/ | v. | I hope things will progress faster. |
/ˈprɑɡrɛs/ | n. | I haven't made any progress. | |
project | /ˈprɒdʒᵻkt/ | n. | an undertaking |
/proʊˈdʒɛkt/ | v. | to cast an image | |
putting | /ˈpʊtɪŋ/ | v. | pr. part. of to put |
/ˈpʌtɪŋ/ | v. | pr. part. of to putt | |
ragged | /ˈræɡd/ | v. | She ragged on me about my ragged jeans. |
/ˈræɡᵻd/ | a. | But my ragged jeans are my trademark, I responded. | |
read | /ˈriːd/ | v. | present tense |
/ˈrɛd/ | v. | past tense | |
rebel | /rᵻˈbɛl/ | v. | to resist |
/ˈrɛbəl/ | n. | one who rebels | |
record | /ˈrɛkərd/ | n. | physical information |
/rᵻˈkɔːrd/ | v. | to make a record | |
refuse | /ˈrɛfjuːs/ | n. | garbage |
/rᵻˈfjuːz/ | v. | to decline | |
resign | /rᵻˈzaɪn/ | v. | to quit |
/riːˈsaɪn/ | v. | to sign again; re-sign | |
resume | /rᵻˈzjuːm/ | v. | to start again |
/ˈrɛzjᵿmeɪ/ | n. | curriculum vitae (sometimes distinguished with acute accents; résumé) | |
root | /ˈruːt/ or /ˈrʊt/) | n. | The tree's root was rotted. |
/ˈruːt/ | v. | A pig can be trained to root for mushrooms. | |
row | /ˈroʊ/ | n.; v. | a line; to paddle a boat |
/ˈraʊ/ | n. | an argument | |
sake | /ˈseɪk/ | n. | benefit |
/ˈsɑːkiː/ | n. | rice wine | |
second | /ˈsɛkənd/ | adj., n., v. | ordinal of "two", 1/60 of a minute, to endorse a motion |
/səˈkɒnd/ | v. | to transfer temporarily to an alternative employment | |
separate | /ˈsɛprᵻt/ | a. | This should be divided into packets of ten cartridges each, which should be rolled up in flannel and hermetically sealed in separate tin canisters. (Samuel W. Baker, The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia) |
/ˈsɛpəreɪt/ | v. | To stalk these wary antelopes I was obliged to separate from my party, who continued on their direct route. (Samuel W. Baker, The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia) | |
sewer | /ˈsjuːər/ | n. | drainage pipes |
/ˈsoʊər/ | n. | one who sews | |
shower | /ˈʃaʊ.ər/ | n. | precipitation |
/ˈʃoʊər/ | n. | one who shows | |
sin | /ˈsɪn/ | n. | a moral error |
/ˈsaɪn/ | n. | abbrev. for sine | |
/ˈsiːn/ | n. | Sumerian god of the moon | |
sow | /ˈsoʊ/ | v. | to plant seeds |
/ˈsaʊ/ | n. | a mature female in the swine species | |
subject | /ˈsʌbdʒᵻkt/ | n. | a topic |
/səbˈdʒɛkt/ | v. | to cause to undergo | |
supposed | /sʌˈpoʊzid/ | adj. | being assumed to be |
/sʌˈpoʊsd/ | v. | obliged to do | |
/sʌˈpoʊzd/ | v. | past sense of suppose | |
tear | /ˈtɪər/ | n. | liquid produced by crying |
/ˈtɛər/ | v. | to separate | |
tier | /ˈtɪər/ | n. | Our seats are in the third tier of the stadium. |
/ˈtaɪ.ər/ | n. | Will the tier be around to make these knots? | |
transfer | /ˈtrænsfər/ | n. | a movement of something from one place to another |
/trænsˈfɜːr/ | v. | to move something from one place to another (the verb can be accented on either syllable) | |
use | /ˈjuːs/ | n. | function, benefit |
/ˈjuːz/ | v. | employ, utilize | |
unionized | /ˈjᵿnjənaɪzd/ | adj. | formed into a union |
/.ʌnˈaɪənaɪzd/ | adj. | not ionized | |
whoop | /ˈhwʊp/ | v. | Pa says he's gonna whoop you good if you don't learn some manners! |
/ˈhwuːp/ | v. | When they scored a goal, he began to whoop and holler. | |
wicked | /ˈwɪkᵻd/ | adj. | bad, evil |
/ˈwɪkt/ | v. | past tense of wick (e.g. to wick away some liquid) | |
wind | /ˈwɪnd/ | n. | air movement |
/ˈwaɪnd/ | v. | to tighten a spring | |
wound | /ˈwaʊnd/ | v. | past tense of wind |
/ˈwuːnd/ | n. | an injury | |
External links
- List and analysis of English homographs/heteronyms by John Higgins
- The Home of the Heteronym, featuring There's a Sewer in the Sewer
- www.onetrickwords.com
- The Heteronym Page