Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai

The Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai (IFSC Mumbai) is an institute of Higher Eductation in Mumbai, India which offers courses leading to a BSc degree in Forensic Science,Master of Forensic Science (2 Years). 2nd Year Specialisation in various branches of foresnsics & Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Science and Related law, and Postgraduate Diploma in Digital and Cyber Forensic and Related Law. IFSC Mumbai is housed on the grounds of the Institute of Science, an institute for postgraduate teaching and research.
The Forensic science is the up-growing field in India. Still not developed due lack of technology, Training Students to make future of forensics in India brighter is the main aim of the Institute of Forensic Science. The IFSC is the institute situated in Mumbai for more details visit website Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai