List of Diptera of Ireland
The number of species in the order Diptera (true flies) known to occur in Ireland is 3,304. There are 98 Dipteran families in Ireland [1] [2]
Suborder Nematocera (thread-horns)
Superfamily Tipuloidea
Dolichopeza albipes, a common crane fly
- Tipulidae (crane flies) 57 species
- Cylindrotomidae (long-bodied craneflies) 3 species
- Pediciidae (hairy-eyed craneflies) 15 species
- Limoniidae (several crane flies) 130 species
Superfamily Bibionoidea (march flies and lovebugs)

St. Mark's fly (Bibio marci)
- Bibionidae 12 species
Superfamily Sciaroidea
- Bolitophilidae 6 species
- Diadocidiidae (some woodland flies) 2 species
- Ditomyiidae 1 species
- Keroplatidae (fungus gnats) 24 species
- Mycetophilidae (fungus gnats) 242 species
- Sciaridae (dark-winged fungus gnats) 104 species
- Cecidomyiidae (gall midges / gall gnats) 100 species
Superfamily Psychodoidea (moth fly)
- Psychodidae 67 species
Superfamily Trichoceroidea (winter crane flies)
- Trichoceridae 6 species
Superfamily Anisopodoidea (wood gnats, window gnats)
- Anisopodidae 4 species
- Mycetobiidae 2 species
Superfamily Scatopsoidea
- Scatopsidae (minute black scavenger flies) 23 species
Superfamily Ptychopteroidea
- Ptychopteridae (phantom crane flies) 6 species
Superfamily Culicoidea
- Dixidae (meniscus midges) 14 species
- Chaoboridae (phantom midges) 5 species
- Culicidae (mosquitoes) 17 species
Superfamily Chironomoidea

Male Ceratopogonidae (biting midge)

Male buzzer midge (Chironomus plumosus)
- Thaumaleidae (solitary/trickle midges) 2 species
- Simuliidae (Black flies) 28 species
- Ceratopogonidae (biting midges) 64 species
- Chironomidae (nonbiting midges) 475 species
Suborder Brachycera (flies with reduced antenna segmentation)
Superfamily Xylophagoidea
- Xylophagidae (awl-flies) 1 species
Superfamily Tabanoidea
- Athericidae (water snipe flies / ibis flies) 2 species
- Rhagionidae (snipe flies) 5 species
- Spaniidae 2 species
- Tabanidae (horseflies) 10 species
Superfamily Stratiomyoidea
- Stratiomyidae (soldier flies)
Superfamily Nemestrinoidea
- Acroceridae (small-headed flies, hunch-back flies, spider flies) 1 species
Superfamily Asiloidea
- Bombyliidae (bee flies) 4 species
- Therevidae (stiletto flies) 4 species
- Scenopinidae (window flies) 2 species
- Asilidae (robber flies / assassin flies) 3 species
Superfamily Empidoidea
- Atelestidae 1 species
- Hybotidae (dance flies) 77 species
- Empididae (dagger flies / balloon flies) 99 species
- Microphoridae 3 species
- Dolichopodidae (long-legged flies) 158 species
Superfamily Platypezoidea
- Opetiidae (flat-footed flies) 1 species
- Platypezidae (flat-footed flies) 16 species
- Phoridae (scuttle flies / coffin flies) 151 species
Superfamily Lonchopteroidea (spear-winged flies or pointed-wing flies)
- Lonchopteridae 3 species
Superfamily Syrphoidea
Female Arctophila superbiens, a common hoverfly.

Female Baccha elongata

Female Eristalis tenax
- Syrphidae (hoverflies, flower flies) 183 species
see List of the Syrphidae of Ireland
- Pipunculidae (big-headed flies) 31 species
Superfamily Nerioidea
- Micropezidae (stilt-legged flies) 3 species
Superfamily Diopsoidea
- Psilidae (rust flies) 19 species
Superfamily Conopoidea (thick-headed flies)
- Conopidae (thick-headed flies) 11 species
Superfamily Tephritoidea
- Lonchaeidae (lance flies) 14 species
- Pallopteridae (flutter-wing / trembling-wing / waving-wing flies) 10 species
- Piophilidae (cheese flies) 7 species
- Ulidiidae (picture-winged flies) 6 species
- Platystomatidae (signal flies) 2 species
- Tephritidae (fruit flies, peacock flies) 27 species
Superfamily Lauxanioidea
- Lauxaniidae 35 species
- Chamaemyiidae 8 species
Superfamily Sciomyzidea
- Coelopidae (kelp flies) 3 species
- Dryomyzidae 3 species
- Helcomyzidae 1 species
- Heterocheilidae (half-bridge flies) 1 species
- Sciomyzidae (marsh flies, snail-killing flies) 55 species
- Sepsidae (black scavenger flies, ensign flies) 19 species
Superfamily Opomyzoidea
- Clusiidae (druid flies) 5 species
- Odiniidae 2 species
- Agromyzidae (leaf-miner flies) 114 species
- Opomyzidae 8 species
- Anthomyzidae 6 species
- Aulacigastridae (sap flies) 1 species
- Stenomicridae 1 species
- Asteiidae 3 species
Superfamily Carnoidea
- Milichiidae (freeloader flies, filth flies, jackal flies) 2 species
- Carnidae (bird flies / filth flies) 2 species
- Braulidae (bee lice) 1 species
- Canacidae (beach flies, surf flies, surge flies) 6 species
- Chloropidae (frit flies, eye gnats, eye flies, grass flies) 70 species
Superfamily Sphaeroceroidea
- Heleomyzidae 33 species
- Trichoscelididae 2 species
- Chyromyidae 3 species
- Sphaeroceridae (small dung flies, lesser dung flies, lesser corpse flies) 72 species
Superfamily Ephydroidea
- Drosophilidae 30 species
- Campichoetidae 2 species
- Diastatidae 4 species
- Camillidae 1 species
- Ephydridae (shore flies, brine flies) 68 species
Superfamily Hippoboscoidea
- Hippoboscidae (louse flies, keds) 8 species
- Nycteribiidae (bat flies) 1 species
Superfamily Muscoidea
- Scathophagidae (dung flies) 33 species
- Anthomyiidae 93 species
- Fanniidae 27 species
- Muscidae (house flies, stable flies) 163 species
Superfamily Oestroidea
- Calliphoridae (blow-flies, carrion flies, bluebottles, greenbottles, cluster flies) 20 species
- Rhinophoridae 4 species
- Sarcophagidae (flesh flies) 24 species
- Tachinidae 65 species
- Oestridae (bot flies, warble flies, heel flies, gadflies) 6 species
- ↑ Chandler, P.J., Nash, R, and O’Connor, J.P 2008 An Annotated Checklist of the Irish Two-winged flies (Diptera) The Irish Biogeographical Society and the National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
- ↑ Chandler, P.J..1998 Checklist of Insects of the British Isles (New Series) Part 1: Diptera (Incorporating a List of Irish Diptera) Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, Volume 12, 234 pages.
External links
- Dipterists Forum Recent updates
- West Palearctic Distribution Fauna Europaea
- Faune de France Insectes Insectes Diptères pdfs free downloads
- Royal Entomological Society Handbooks Out of print parts available as free pdfs are:
- Vol 9 Part 1. Diptera - 1. Introduction and key to families. H. Oldroyd.
- Vol 9 Part 2 i. Diptera - 2. Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Tipulidae). R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly
- Vol 9 Part 2 ii. Diptera - 2. Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Trichoceridae - Culicidae). R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly
- Vol 9 Part 2 iii. Diptera - 2. Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Chironomidae). R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly
- Vol 9 Part 3. Diptera - Nematocera. Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Diadocidiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae). A. M. Hutson, D. M. Ackland and L. N. Kidd
- Vol 9 Part 4a. Diptera - Brachycera. Tabanoidea and Asiloidea. Harold Oldroyd
- Vol 9 Part 5. Diptera - Orthorrhapha Brachycera. Dolichopodidae. E. C. M. d'Assis Fonseca
- Vol 10 Part 1. Diptera. Syrphidae. R. L. Coe
- Vol 10 Part 2c. Diptera. Pipunculidae. R. L. Coe
- Vol 10 Part 3a. Diptera - Conopidae. Kenneth G. V. Smith
- Vol 10 Part 4a i. Diptera - Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (1) Section (a) Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Tachinidae). F. I. van Emden
- Vol 10 Part 4a ii. Diptera - Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (1) Section (a) Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Calliphoridae). F. I. van Emden
- Vol 10 Part 4b. Diptera - Cyclorrhapha Calyptrata, Section (b) Muscidae. E. C. M. d'Assis Fonseca
- Vol 10 Part 5a. Diptera - Tephritidae. I.M White
- Vol 10 Part 5g. Diptera - Agromyzidae. Kenneth A. Spencer
- Vol 10 Part 7. Diptera - Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae (Keds, Flat-Flies and Bat-Flies). A.M.Hutson
- Vol 10 Part 8. Diptera - Phoridae Genus Megaselia (Scuttle Flies). R.H.L. Disney
- Vol 10 Part 14. An introduction to the immature stages of British Flies. Diptera Larvae, with notes on eggs, puparia and pupae. Main text. K. G. V. Smith
- Vol 10 Part 14. An introduction to the immature stages of British Flies. Diptera Larvae, with notes on eggs, puparia and pupae. Figures
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