List of Persian scientists and scholars
This article is about ethnic Persian scientists and scholars of the pre-modern era. For scientists from the modern Iran, see List of contemporary Iranian scientists, scholars, and engineers.

Photo taken from medieval manuscript by Qotbeddin Shirazi. The image depicts an epicyclic planetary model.
Pre-modern Era
The following is a non-comprehensive list of Persian scientists and engineers who lived from antiquity up until the beginning of the modern age.
- Abdol-Hamid (?–756), founder of Arabic prose along with fellow Persian Ibn Muqaffa
- Abhari (?–1262/1265), mathematician
- Abu Dawood (c. 817–889), Islamic scholar
- Abū Ḥanīfa (699–767), Islamic scholar
- Abu Nasr e Mansur (c. 960–1036), mathematician
- Abu Sa'id al-Darir al-Jurajani (9th century)
- Abu Wafa Buzjani (940–998), mathematician
- Azod al-Dowleh (936–983), scientific patron
- Ahmad ibn Farrokh (12th century), physician
- Ahmad Ibn Imad ul-din (11th century), physician and chemist
- Alavi Shirazi (1670–1747), royal physician to Mughal Empire of South Asia
- Amuli, Muhammad ibn Mahmud (c. 1300–1352), physician
- Abū Ja'far al-Khāzin (900–971)
- Ansari, Khwaja Abdullah (1006–1088), Islamic scholar
- Aqa-Kermani (18th century), physician
- Aqsara'i (?–1379), physician
- Arzani, Muqim (18th century), physician
- Astarabadi (15th century), physician
- Aufi, Muhammad (1171–1242), scientist and historian
- Avicenna (Ibn Sina, 980–1037), physician, philosopher
- Azophi (903–986), a.k.a. Abdorrahman Sufi, astronomer from Ray who invented the meridian ring
- Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshīd ibn Masʾūd al-Kāshī (c. 1380–1429), astronomer and mathematician
- Baghawi (c. 1041–1122), Islamic scholar
- Bahai, Sheikh (1547–1621), poet, mathematician, astronomer, engineer, designer, faghih (religious scientist), and architect
- Baladhuri (?–892), historian
- Balkhi (787–886), a.k.a. Albumasar, mathematician
- Balkhi, Ibn Sahl (850–934), geographer and mathematician
- Balkhi, Ibn
- Banū Mūsā brothers (9th century)
- Barmak, Khaled (705–782), Buddhist from Khorasan in the court of al-Mansur, initiated the Greek translation movement of the Abbasid House of Wisdom
- Bayhaqi (994–1066), historian
- Behbahani, Vahid (1706–1791), theologian
- Ibn Bibi (13th century), historian of the Seljuks of Rum
- Biruni (973–1048), astronomer and mathematician
- Bukhari (810–870), Islamic scholar
- Bukhtishu (8th century?), Persian Christian physician of Academy of Gundishapur
- Bukhtishu, Abdollah ibn (c. 940–1058), Christian physician in Persia
- Bukhtishu, Gabriel ibn (9th century), Christian physician
- Bukhtishu, Yuhanna (9th century), Christian physician
- Burzoe (6th century), a.k.a. Borzouyeh-i Tabib, physician of Academy of Gundishapur
- Birjandi (?–1528), astronomer and mathematician
- Dīnawarī, Abū Ḥanīfa (815–896), polymath
- Dinawaree, ibn Qutaybah (828–885), historian
- Esfarayeni (13th century?), physician
- Farghani (?–880), a.k.a. Alfraganus, astronomer
- Farabi (872–950) (Al-Farabi, Pharabius), philosopher
- Kamal al-Din Farisi (1267–1319), mathematician
- Fazari, Ibrahim (?–777), mathematician and astronomer
- Fazari, Mohammad (?–796), mathematician and astronomer
- Ferdowsi (934–1027), poet
- Feyz Kashani, Mohsen (?–1680), theologian
- Geber; Jaber ibn Hayan (721–815), chemist, known as Geber in English
- Gardezi, Abu Said (?–1061), geographer and historian
- Ghazali (Algazel, 1058–1111), philosopher
- Gilani, Hakim (?–1609), royal physician
- Gorgani, Zayn al-Din Isma‘il ibn (1041–1136), royal physician
- Gorgani, Abu Saeed (9th century), astronomer and mathematician
- Gorgani, Rostam (16th century), physician
- Gorgani e Masihi, see Masihi Gorgani (?–999), Avicenn'a master
- Hakim Ghulam Imam, physician
- Hakim Muhammad Mehdi Naqi (18th century), physician
- Hakim Muhammad Sharif Khan (18th century), physician
- Hakim Nishaburi (933–1012), Islamic scholar
- Hallaj (858–922), mystic-philosopher
- Haly Abbas (?–c. 990), physician
- Hamadani, Ali, physician
- Hamadani, Mir Sayyid Ali (1314–1384), poet and philosopher
- Hanbal, Ahmad Ibn (780–855), Islamic scholar
- Harawi, Abolfadl (10th century), astronomer of Buyid dynasty
- Harawi, Muwaffak: See Al-Muwaffak (10th century), pharmacologist
- Harawi, Muhammad ibn Yusuf (died 1542), physician
- Harawi, Ali (died 1215), traveller
- Majid Hassanizadeh (born 1952), professor of hydrogeology, theories of porous media (Utrecht University, The Netherlands).[1]
- Hasani, Qavameddin (17th century), physician
- Hedayat, Habibollah (1927–2013), nutritionist and obstetrician gynecologist
- Hessaby, Mahmoud (1903–1992), scientist, physicist
- Ibn Abi Sadiq (11th century), "The Second Hippocrates", Avicenna's disciple
- Ibn Khaseb (9th century), physician
- Ibn Khordadbeh (c. 820–912), geographer
- Ibn Rustah (9th century)
- Ilaqi, Yusef (11th century), Avicenna's pupil
- Mansur ibn Ilyas (14th century), physician
- Isfahani Abol-fath (10th century), mathematician
- Ibn Sina (Avicenna, 980–1037), philosopher and physician
- Isfahani, Jalaleddin (19th century), physician
- Isfahani, Husayn (15th century), physician
- Istakhri (?–957), geographer, gives the earliest known account of windmills
- Iranshahri (9th century), philosopher, teacher of Muhammad Zakaria Razi
- Ali Javan (born 1926), inventor of helium–neon laser
- Jābir ibn Hayyān (821–915), polymath, considered the father of chemistry, emphasized systematic experimentation, and did much to free alchemy from superstition and turn it into a science
- Ja'far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi[2] (787–886)
- Jaghmini (14th century), physician
- Jaldaki (?–1342), physician
- Juvayni (1226–1283), historian
- Juwayni (1028–1085), philosopher
- Juzjani, Abu Ubaid (?–1070), physician
- Jamasb, philosopher
- Karaji (953–1029), mathematician
- Kashani (Kashi) (c. 1380–1429), mathematician
- Kashfi, Jafar (1775/6–1850/1), theologian
- Kazerouni, Masoud (14th century), physician
- Kermani, Iwad (15th century), physician
- Kermani, Shams-ud-Din, Islamic scholar
- Khazeni, Abu Jafar (900–971), mathematician
- Khazeni, Abolfath (c. 1130), physicist
- Khayyám, Omar (1048–1131), poet, mathematician, and astronomer
- Khorasani, Sultan Ali (16th century), physician
- Khujandi (c. 940–c. 1000), mathematician and astronomer
- Khwarizmi (a.k.a. Al-Khwarazmi, c. 780–c. 850), creator of algorithm and algebra, mathematician and astronomer
- Kushyar ibn Labban (971–1029), mathematician, Nasavi's master
- Kuhi, Rostam, mathematician
- Kubra, Najmeddin (1145–1220)
- Mahani (9th century), mathematician
- Muhammad al-Fazari (?–796)
- Muhammad Baqir Yazdi (17th century), he gave the pair of amicable numbers 9,363,584 and 9,437,056
- Majusi, Ibn Abbas (?–c. 890), physician
- Marvazi (?–869), astronomer and mathematician
- Marvazi, Abu Taher (12th century), philosopher
- Masawaiyh (777–857), or Masuya
- Mashallah ibn Athari (740–815), of Jewish origins, from Khorasan who designed the city of Baghdad based on Firouzabad
- Masihi Gorgani (10th century), Avicenna's master
- Mirza Ali Hakim (17th century), physician
- Miskawayh (932–1030), philosopher
- Modarressi, architect
- Mostowfi Qazvini (1281–1349), geographer
- Mullasadra (1572–1640), philosopher
- Muqaffa, Ibn (?–756), founder of Arabic prose along with Abdol-Hamid
- bin Musa, Hasan (9th century), astronomer
- bin Musa, Ahmad (9th century), astronomer
- bin Musa, Muhammad (9th century), astronomer
- Muwaffaq, Abu mansur (10th century), pharmacologist
- Muhammad ibn Muhammad Tabrizi (13th century), philosopher
- Nagawri (14th century), physician
- Nahavandi, Benjamin, Jewish scholar
- Nahavandi, Ahmad (9th century), astronomer
- Nakhshabi (14th century), physician
- Nasir Gebelli (born 1957), computer scientist and video game developer
- Nasir Khusraw (1004–1088), scientist, Ismaili scholar, mathematician, philosopher, traveler and poet
- Nasavi (c. 1010–c. 1075), mathematician
- Natili Tabari (10th century), physician
- Naubakht (9th century), designer of the city of Baghdad
- Naubakht, Fadhl ibn (8th century)
- Nawbakhty (4th century), Islamic scholar, philosopher
- Nawbakhti, Ruh (10th century), Islamic scholar
- Nayrizi (865–1022), mathematician
- Naqshband, Baha ud-Din (1318–1389), philosopher
- Neishaburi (18th century), physician
- Neishaburi (c. 815–875), Islamic scholar
- Nizami Ganjavi (1141–1209), romantic poet
- Nurbakhshi (16th century), physician
- Paul the Persian (6th century), philosopher
- Qazwini, Zakariya (1203–1283), physician
- Qumi, Qazi Sa’id (1633–1692), theologian
- Qumri (10th century), physician
- Qushayri, Abd al-Karīm ibn Hawāzin (986–1074), philosopher
- Razi, Amin (16th century), geographer
- Razi Amoli, Fakhreddin (1149–1209), philosopher
- Razi, Zakariya (Rhazes) (854–932), chemist and physicist
- Razi, Najmeddin (1177–1256)
- Rumi, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad (1207–1273)
- Rashid-al-Din Hamadani (1247–1318), historian, physician and politician
- Sabzevari, Mulla Hadi (1797–1873), poet and philosopher
- Saghani Ostorlabi (?–990), astronomer
- Sahl, Fadl ibn (?–818)
- Sahl, Shapur ibn (?–869), physician
- Salman the Persian, religion commentator, companion of Muhammad
- Samarqandi, Najibeddin (13th century), physician
- Samarqandi, Ashraf (c. 1250–c. 1310), mathematician, astronomer
- Sarakhsi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad (?–1096), Islamic scholar
- Seifzadeh, Hossein (born 1950), political scientist, Iranian studies
- Shahrastani (1086–1153), historian of religions
- Shahrazuri (13th century), philosopher and physician
- Shahrazuri, Ibn al-Salah (1181–1245), Islamic scholar
- Shaykh Tusi (996–1067), Islamic scholar
- Shaykh Saduq (923–991), theologian
- Shirazi, Imad al-Din Mas'ud (16th century), physician
- Shirazi, Muhammad Hadi Khorasani (18th century), physician
- Shirazi, Qutbeddin (1236–1311), astronomer
- Shirazi, Mahmud ibn Ilyas (18th century), physician
- Shirazi, Najm al-Din Mahmud ibn Ilyas (?–1330), physician
- Shirazi, Qurayshi (17th century), physician
- Shirazi, Sultan Waezin (1894–1971), theologian
- Sijzi (c. 945–c. 1020), mathematician
- Sijzi, Mas'ud (14th century), physician
- Soleiman ibn Hasan (17th century), physician
- Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (903–986): see Azophi
- Suhrawardi, Shahab al-Din (1155–1191), philosopher
- Tabarani, Abu al-Qasim (873–970), Islamic scholar
- Tabari Amoli (839–923), historian
- Tabari, Natili Amoli: See Al-Natili
- Tabari, ibn Farrukhan (?–815), astrologer and architect
- Tabari, Abul Hasan (10th century), physician
- Tabari, Ibn Sahl (c. 783–c. 858), Jewish convert physician, master of Rhazes
- Tabrizi, Maqsud Ali (17th century), physician
- Taftazani (1322–1390), theologian, linguist
- Tayfur, Ibn Abi Tahir (819–893), linguist
- Tāriq, Yaqub ibn (?–796)
- Tirmidhi (824–892), Islamic scholar
- Tunakabuni (17th century), physician
- Tughra'i (c. 1061–1122), physician
- Tusi, Nizam ol-Molk (1018–1092), the great vizier
- Tusi, Nasireddin (1201–1274), mathematician, philosopher
- Tusi, Sharafeddin (?–1213/4), mathematician
- Amin al-Din Rashid al-Din Vatvat (13th century), scholar and physician
- Waqidi (748–822), historian
- Yaqūb ibn Tāriq (?–796)
- Yumn, Nazif ibn (?–990)
- Zamakhshari (1074/5–1143/4), scholar and geographer
- Zarrin dast (11th century), oculist
- Zayn-e-Attar (?–c. 1043), physician
See also
- List of contemporary Iranian scientists, scholars, and engineers
- Nizamiyyah
- Academy of Gundishapur
- International rankings of Iran in science and technology
- ↑
- ↑ "Introduction to Astronomy, Containing the Eight Divided Books of Abu Ma'shar Abalachus". World Digital Library. 1506. Retrieved 2013-07-15.
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