List of atheists (surnames A to B)
Atheists with surnames starting A and B, sortable by the field for which they are mainly known and nationality.
Name | Dates | Known for | Reference | ||
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Aaron, JasonJason Aaron | 1973– | American comics writer, known for his work on The Other Side, Scalped, Ghost Rider, Wolverine and PunisherMAX. | "I’ve been an atheist for many years, but I’ve remained fascinated by religion. If anything, I’ve become more fascinated by religion and faith after I lost mine."[1] | |
Aaronovitch, DavidDavid Aaronovitch | 1954– | British journalist, author and broadcaster. | "Like most of the Godless (or Godfree), I have no desire to proselytise for atheism or to persuade people out of religions that may offer them comfort and companionship."[2] | ||
Abraham, AbuAbu Abraham | 1924–2002 | Indian political cartoonist, journalist, and author. | "His strongest theme, as India sank faster into factional and religious politics, had remained adherence to the original vision of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru for a wholly secular state: Abu was a rationalist and atheist."[3] | ||
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Acciarito, PietroPietro Acciarito | 1871–1943 | Italian anarchist activist who attempted to assassinate King Umberto I. | "He was tried at the Rome Assizes on May 28 and 29, and on being convicted, was sentenced to imprisonment for life. He was certainly both an Anarchist and an atheist, but whether he had accomplices or acted solely on his own initiative is doubtful."[4] | |
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Achmat, ZackieZackie Achmat | 1962– | South African anti-HIV/AIDS activist, founder of the Treatment Action Campaign. | "I am a married gay man and an atheist who subscribes to one moral viewpoint on sexuality and HIV – protect yourself and protect those you love – do not harm yourself and do not harm others."[5] | |
Adams, ClarkClark Adams | 1969–2007 | American freethought leader and atheist activist. | "In college, after reading material from American Atheists, he became, in his words, 'a pretty hard core atheist.'"[6] | ||
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Adams, DouglasDouglas Adams | 1952–2001 | British radio and television writer and novelist, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. | "I am a radical Atheist..." - Adams in an interview with American Atheists.[7] | |
Mary AdamsMary Adams | 1898–1984 | British television producer and administrator in the BBC, instrumental in setting up the BBC's television service. | "She was a socialist, a romantic communist, and could charm with her charisma, spontaneity, and quick informed intelligence. She was a fervent atheist and advocate of humanism and common sense, accepting her stance without subjecting it to analysis."[8] | ||
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Adams, PhillipPhillip Adams | 1939– | Australian journalist and broadcaster, writer, film-maker, left-wing radical thinker and iconoclast. He was the Australian Humanist of the Year in 1987. | "I’d been an atheist since I was five."[9] | |
Adithya | 1974– | Indian actor in Tamil and Malayalam films. | "Am I glad I am an atheist for I am convinced that were I to be a believer in the cosmic watchdog then I would surely be reserved a suite in hotel hell. The good part is that I will not be alone. All my close circle of friends will be there to keep me company, males and females alike. Hell, come to think of it the best of everybody will be around – It's going to be one big party.[10] | ||
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Adler, LarryLarry Adler | 1914–2001 | American musician, widely acknowledged as one of the world's most skilled harmonica players. | "I was among friends and family who packed a chapel at Golders Green crematorium on Friday to hear more than two hours of tributes to Larry Adler. In accordance with Larry's wishes - he was an inveterate atheist who refused to recognise the supernatural in any shape or form - there were no religious observances."[11] | |
Ahearne, JoeJoe Ahearne | 1963– | British television writer and director, best known for his work on several 'cult' fantasy-based programmes including Ultraviolet and Doctor Who. | Interviewer: "Has researching subjects such as exorcism and possession forced you to challenge your belief system?"
Ahearne: "No I'm a devout atheist and endlessly fascinated with the issue of faith in the impossible."[12] | ||
Aldred, GuyGuy Aldred | 1886–1963 | British (English) anarchist communist and a prominent member of the Anti-Parliamentary Communist Federation. | "The defendant, in the witness-box, declared that the meeting was quite orderly, and there were cries of "Shame" when he was arrested. He denied the charges. Aldred said he was an Atheist and a Socialist."[13] | ||
Ali, Ayaan HirsiAyaan Hirsi Ali | 1969– | Dutch feminist and politician, a prominent critic of Islam, whose screenplay for the movie Submission led to death threats. | "Too much reason can reform a faith away, which would be fine with Hirsi Ali, who regards herself as an atheist."[14] | ||
Ali, SubhashiniSubhashini Ali | 19??– | Indian Marxist politician and President of the All India Democratic Women's Association. | "There are religions that have very rigid rules and there are others that don't. Religion is something that I, as a person, am not interested in. I have always been an atheist. My parents were atheists. It doesn't bother me if somebody is religious. My problem is when religion is used to institutionalise other things."[15] | ||
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Ali, TariqTariq Ali | 1943– | British-Pakistani historian, novelist, filmmaker, political campaigner and commentator. | "It is well known that I am not a religious person, I grew up and remain an atheist [...]".[16] | |
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Alkon, AmyAmy Alkon | 1964– | American advice columnist known as the Advice Goddess, author of Ask the Advice Goddess, published in more than 100 newspapers within North America. | "Come on, somebody tell me I can't possibly have morals because I'm an atheist."[17] | |
Dave AllenDave Allen | 1936–2005 | Irish comedian, popular on United Kingdom and Australian television in the 1960s, 1970s and also in the 1990s. | "Allen had little time for those who unquestioningly accept the tenets of any creed or system of thought. He applied this stricture equally to himself, and used humour to undermine even his own scepticism ("I'm an atheist, thank God"). [...] "His baffled humanity," wrote Charles Spencer, the theatre critic of The Daily Telegraph, in 1993, "his perplexity in the face of life's mysteries and irritations, are the qualities that make him such a fine and sometimes moving comedian. He's a blaspheming atheist on the side of the angels."[18] | ||
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Keith AllenKeith Allen | 1953– | British comedian, actor, singer and writer, father of Lily Allen. | "One of the many reasons Allen made the documentary was to explore his own atheism. Unlike most non-believers, he claims, in all seriousness, to have once seen God. It was at Glastonbury during the 1980s, and (as is the case with most of the splendid anecdotes that litter his conversation), it involved enough mind-altering substances to stun a baby elephant. [...] Like any considered atheist, particularly one who will burn in Hell, he lives according to a moral code that refuses to romanticise things like love, or devotion."[19] | |
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Allen, WoodyWoody Allen | 1935– | American film director, writer, actor, comedian, playwright and jazz musician, winner of numerous awards. | "To you, I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition." | |
Allende, SalvadorSalvador Allende | 1908–1973 | Chilean Marxist politician, President of Chile from November 1970 until his death during the coup d'état of 11 September 1973. | "The inauguration was, however, followed by an ecumenical service in the cathedral, since, as the new President, an atheist and Freemason, has already explained, many of those who voted for his "Popular Unity" programme are sincere Roman Catholics."[20] | ||
Alvarez de Toledo, Luisa IsabelLuisa Isabel Alvarez de Toledo | 1936–2008 | Spanish duchess, holder of the ducal title Medina-Sidonia, known as the "Red Duchess". | "The dictator Francisco Franco jailed her for championing workers, who nicknamed her the "Red Duchess". She challenged Spain's official history, arguing that Columbus didn't discover America. She was an atheist, a republican and reckoned her 13th-century ancestor Guzman el Bueno, ennobled for fighting the Moors, was a north African whose grandmother was black."[21] | ||
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Altman, RobertRobert Altman | 1925–2006 | American film director, recognised in 2006 with an Academy Honorary Award. | "Still, it's worth noting that by the age of 20 this whistle-blower had resisted two of the most powerful institutions - church and army, both. He is an atheist, "And I have been against all of these wars ever since.""[22] | |
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Amado, JorgeJorge Amado | 1912–2001 | Brazilian author. | Amado is described as an "ateu convicto", or "convinced atheist".[23] | |
Ambler, EricEric Ambler | 1909–1998 | British (English) writer of spy novels, influential for introducing a new realism to the genre. Awards: OBE. | "Once, filming in Italy with the American director John Huston and a US army crew, Ambler and his colleagues were shelled so fiercely that his unconscious 'played a nasty trick on him' (Ambler, Here Lies, 208). A confirmed atheist, he heard himself saying, 'Into thy hands I commend my spirit.' "[24] | ||
Amis, Sir KingsleySir Kingsley Amis | 1922–1995 | British (English) novelist, poet, critic and teacher, most famous for his novels Lucky Jim and the Booker Prize-winning The Old Devils. | "His son Martin, who led the ceremony, said: "His relationship with the Christian God was not entirely frictionless. In 1962, (the Russian poet) Yevtushenko asked him 'Are you an atheist?'. He replied: 'Well, yes - but it's more that I hate Him'.""[25] | ||
Amte, BabaBaba Amte | 1914–2008 | Indian social activist, known for his work with lepers. | "From 1990, he went to live by the Narmada, the most threatened river, building another ashram from scratch on stony, empty ground. Each day, until he grew too frail and the slippery banks too hazardous, he would walk to the river to watch it flow. Atheist though he was, he saw the Narmada as a goddess whose beauty should be decorated only with micro-dams on a human scale. And certainly he did not want his ashes to float there after his death. He insisted on burial, where his body—becoming what he had once been most disgusted and afraid of—might go on being useful and productive, inside the earth."[26] | ||
John AndersonJohn Anderson | 1893–1962 | Australian philosopher, founder of the empirical philosophy known as 'Sydney realism'. | "This degree of radicalism Sydney could endure. But what of a man who had signed up as a communist immediately on his arrival, who was unashamedly an atheist, a realist where philosophers were expected to be idealists, who freely mixed with students when he was expected to meet them only in classes or, very occasionally, in their studies? Trouble was bound to loom ahead."[27] | ||
William Crawford AndersonWilliam Crawford Anderson | 1877–1919 | British (Scottish) socialist politician, a founder member of the Union of Democratic Control. | "His mother was an intelligent and widely read woman of strong, radical, Presbyterian views who encouraged William to read extensively and passed on a love of literature which stayed with him long after he was converted to free-thinking atheism."[28] | ||
Angier, NatalieNatalie Angier | 1958– | American nonfiction writer and science journalist for The New York Times; 1991 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Beat Reporting. | "I may be an atheist, and I may be impressed that, through the stepwise rigor of science, its Spockian eyebrow of doubt always cocked, we have learned so much about the universe.[29] | ||
Ansari, AzizAziz Ansari | 1983– | American Comedian. | Ansari has described himself as an atheist.[30] | ||
Argibay, CarmenCarmen Argibay | 1939– | Argentinian lawyer, a member of the Argentine Supreme Court of Justice, the first woman to be nominated for the Court by a democratic government in Argentina. | In interviews has described himself as "a militant atheist." Has said that "if one reads my declarations correctly. I believe that saying up front who one is or what one thinks is an indication of honesty, which is the first step towards impartiality. My beliefs, or lack thereof, should not interfere in the judicial decisions I take."[31] | ||
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Asimov, IsaacIsaac Asimov | 1920–1992 | Russian-born American author and professor of biochemistry, a highly prolific and successful writer of science fiction and popular science books. Widely considered a master of the science-fiction genre, he was considered one of the "Big Three" science-fiction writers during his lifetime. | "I am an atheist, out and out. It took me a long time to say it... I don't have the evidence to prove that God doesn't exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn't that I don't want to waste my time."[32] | |
Athill, DianaDiana Athill | 1917– | British literary editor, novelist and memoirist who worked with some of the most important writers of the 20th century. | "I have been an atheist almost since the day I was confirmed in the Christian faith by the Bishop of Norwich in 1931."[33] | ||
Atkins, PeterPeter Atkins | 1940– | British (English) chemist, Professor of chemistry at Lincoln College, Oxford in England. | When asked by Rod Liddle in the documentary The Trouble with Atheism "Give me your views on the existence, or otherwise, of God", Peter Atkins replied "Well it's fairly straightforward: there isn't one. And there's no evidence for one, no reason to believe that there is one, and so I don't believe that there is one. And I think that it is rather foolish that people do think that there is one."[34] | ||
Atran, ScottScott Atran | 1952– | American anthropologist. | "I find it fascinating that among the brilliant scientists and philosophers at the conference, there was no convincing evidence presented that they know how to deal with the basic irrationality of human life and society other than to insist against all reason and evidence that things ought to be rational and evidence based. It makes me embarrassed to be a scientist and atheist."[35] | ||
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Auriol, VincentVincent Auriol | 1884–1966 | French politician who served as the first President of the Fourth Republic from 1947 to 1954. | "When John XXIII was later “elevated” to the College of Cardinals, he insisted upon receiving the red hat from the atheist and notoriously anti-clerical socialist Vincent Auriol, President of the country of France, whom he had described as "an honest socialist."[36] | |
Avakian, BobBob Avakian | 1943– | American author of Away With All Gods! (2008) and Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. | Part Four of Away With All Gods! contains a section called "God Does Not Exist — And There Is No Good Reason to Believe In God".[37] | ||
Avalos, HectorHector Avalos | 1958– | Mexican-American professor of Religious Studies at Iowa State University and author of several books about religion. | "I was a child evangelist and preacher, and I used to go around a lot of churches in Arizona specifically [...] it was coming along sort of in stages [...] slowly through high school, and so by the first year of college, I pretty much had realised that I am an atheist."[38] | ||
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Aveling, EdwardEdward Aveling | 1849–1898 | British (English) Marxist activist and partner of Karl Marx's daughter Eleanor. | "His failed marriage aside, he was on a climbing path of conventional success and acclaim, which he left in 1879 when he abandoned his application for the chair of comparative anatomy because the post required its holder to profess Christianity. In July 1879 he made a public pronouncement that he had been an atheist for two or three years. In June 1881 he lost his lectureship, largely because of his atheism."[39] | |
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Avnery, UriUri Avnery | 1923– | German-born Israeli journalist, left-wing peace activist, and former Knesset member. | "Well, I myself am a 100% atheist. And I am increasingly worried that the Israeli-Palestinian struggle, which dominates our entire life, is assuming a more and more religious character."[40] | |
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Axelrod, JuliusJulius Axelrod | 1912–2004 | American Nobel Prize winning biochemist, noted for his work on the release and reuptake of catecholamine neurotransmitters and major contributions to the understanding of the pineal gland and how it is regulated during the sleep-wake cycle. | "Although he became an atheist early in life and resented the strict upbringing of his parents’ religion, he identified with Jewish culture and joined several international fights against anti-Semitism."[41] | |
Ayer, Sir A. J.Sir A. J. Ayer | 1910–1989 | British philosopher and advocate of logical positivism, Grote Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic at University College London, Wykeham Professor of Logic at the University of Oxford, and a president of the Aristotelian Society. | "Conversely, an absolute denial of God's existence is equally meaningless, since verification is impossible. However, despite this assertion, Ayer may be considered a practical atheist: one who sees no reason to worship an invisible deity."[42]
"I was thoroughly irritated when Freddie Ayer, the philosopher who was at Christ Church with me, presented me with a book inscribed: 'To my fellow atheist'."[43] | ||
B, FrankoFranko B | 1960– | Italian-born, London-based performance artist who uses his own body in his art. | "But while the power of Franko B's medium is unquestionable, the multi-dimensional interpretations open to onlookers mean that he is prey to negative readings. He protests: "Blood is one of the fluids inside me that gives me life, and in a way when I'm performing I feel I'm giving life. I grew up Catholic, and while I am an atheist, religion is a major influence on my work - I love churches, I love paintings of the Crucifixion. Whatever I do, I believe in it 100 per cent.""[44] | ||
Bachelet, MichelleMichelle Bachelet | 1951– | Chilean politician, former President of Chile and the first woman to hold this position in the country's history. | "A paediatrician turned politician, Ms Bachelet is an atheist single mother with three children by two different partners - which makes her an odd choice in a macho and profoundly Catholic country."[45]
"Given this context, it is nothing short of extraordinary - even revolutionary - that the clear front-runner in the presidential vote being held on Sunday is Michelle Bachelet, a divorced mother of three who is an atheist and a member of the Socialist Party."[46] | ||
Francis BaconFrancis Bacon | 1909–1992 | Irish-born figurative painter whose work is known for its bold, austere, and often grotesque or nightmarish imagery. | "And a painter works with his human material, not with colours and paintbrushes. It's his thoughts that enter the painting. But I don't expect any certainty in life, I don't believe in anything, not in God, not in morality, not in social success ... I just believe in the present moment if it has genius - in the spinning roulette ball or in the emotions that I experience when what I transmit on to the canvas works. I am completely amoral and atheist, and if I hadn't painted, I would have been a thief or a criminal. My paintings are a lot less violent than me. Perhaps if my childhood had been happier, I would have painted bouquets of flowers."[47] | ||
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Bacon, KevinKevin Bacon | 1958– | American film and theatre actor whose notable roles include Animal House, A Few Good Men, Stir of Echoes, JFK, Apollo 13, Mystic River and Footloose. | "I don't believe in God, but if I did I would say that sex is a Godgiven right. Otherwise it's the end of our species." [48] | |
Baggini, JulianJulian Baggini | 1968– | British (English) writer specializing in philosophy, author of Atheism: A Very Short Introduction. | "The reverend Dr Tom Ambrose was sacked yesterday by his bishop for being "arrogant, aggressive, rude, bullying, high-handed, disorganised and at times petty", as a Church of England tribunal put it. Twice, he even spat at parishioners. You might expect that, as an atheist, I might rub my hands over this clerical outrage."[49] | ||
Bahara, HassanHassan Bahara | 1978– | Moroccan-Dutch author. | "In interviews he calls himself an atheist, but "so far I have been left alone by the beardmonkeys [referring to Muslims]. Perhaps I have to make myself heard just a little bit better, I should be more explicit in my aversion to Islam and religion in general.""[50] | ||
Roy BaileyRoy Bailey | 1935– | British (English) socialist folk singer, awarded an MBE for services to folk music in 2000. | "I think of myself as a militant atheist and I never knew quite where Tony [Benn] was coming from on the religion side."[51] | ||
Bailey, Sir Edward BattersbySir Edward Battersby Bailey | 1881–1968 | British geologist, director of the British Geological Survey and Fellow of the Royal Society. | "In religious matters he was an atheist."[52] | ||
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Bakunin, MikhailMikhail Bakunin | 1814–1876 | Russian philosopher, writer and anarchist. | "We are materialists and atheists, and we glory in the fact."[53] | |
Banks, IainIain Banks | 1954–2013 | Scottish author, writing mainstream fiction as Iain Banks and science fiction as Iain M. Banks. | "I'm an evangelical atheist so I'm not into supernatural effects - I hated The Exorcist - but John Carpenter's remake of The Thing is different."[54] | ||
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Bardem, JavierJavier Bardem | 1969– | Spanish actor and former rugby player best known for his role in Jamón, Jamón and No Country For Old Men. | "In a final act of deflection, he explained away all this Oscar business by blaming [Cuban writer Reinaldo] Arenas: "I don't believe in God," he said. "But I do believe in guardian angels. He chose me for his movie."[55] | |
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Barker, DanDan Barker | 1949– | American atheist activist, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation and author of Losing Faith In Faith: From Preacher To Atheist. | "Following five years of reading, Dan gradually outgrew his religious beliefs. "If I had limited myself to Christian authors, I'd still be a Christian today," Dan says. "I just lost faith in faith." He announced his atheism publicly in January, 1984."[56] | |
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Baskerville, JohnJohn Baskerville | 1706–1775 | British (English) typesetter, printing innovator and typefounder, designer of the typeface that bears his name. | Baskerville, designer of the type that bears his name and one of Birmingham's best known citizens, was an atheist and anticleric whose will contained a vitriolic attack on the Church."[57] | |
Bateson, Sir PatrickSir Patrick Bateson | 1939– | British biologist and science writer, Emeritus Professor of ethology at Cambridge University, president of the Zoological Society of London, and Fellow of the Royal Society. | "A confirmed agnostic, he [Bateson] was converted to atheism after attending a dinner where he tried to converse with a woman who was a creationist. "For many years what had been good enough for Darwin was good enough for me. Not long after that dreadful dinner, Richard Dawkins wrote to me to ask whether I would publicly affirm my atheism. I could see no reason why not.""[58] | ||
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Bateson, WilliamWilliam Bateson | 1861–1926 | British geneticist, a Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, where he eventually became Master. He was the first person to use the term genetics to describe the study of heredity and biological inheritance, and the chief populariser of the ideas of Gregor Mendel following their rediscovery. | "William Bateson was a very militant atheist and a very bitter man, I fancy. Knowing that I was interested in biology, they invited me when I was still a school girl to go down and see the experimental garden. I remarked to him what I thought then, and still think, that doing research must be the most wonderful thing in the world and he snapped at me that it wasn’t wonderful at all, it was tedious, disheartening, annoying and anyhow you didn’t need an experimental garden to do research."[59] | |
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Bauer, BrunoBruno Bauer | 1809–1882 | German philosopher, theologian and historian, the first propounder of the Jesus myth hypothesis. | "Feuerbach's book received criticism from two quarters: expectedly from Christian theologians but surprisingly, from the atheists Max Stirner and Bruno Bauer."[60] | |
Beaird, Charles T.Charles T. Beaird | 1922–2006 | American industrialist, investor, newspaper publisher, philanthropist, philosopher, college professor, world traveler, and civic leader, a self-identified "liberal Republican" politician and a champion of civil rights. | "He had many friends across a wide spectrum of economic, social and religious backgrounds, all of whom he respected and honored. While Carolyn [his wife] was a devoted Presbyterian, he was a 'nontheist'."[61] | ||
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Beauvoir, Simone deSimone de Beauvoir | 1908–1986 | French author and existentialist philosopher, author of novels and monographs on philosophy, politics, social issues and feminism. | "[Beauvoir] remained an atheist until her death."[62]
"I cannot be angry at God, in whom I do not believe."[63] | |
Berton, PierrePierre Berton | 1920–2004 | Canadian author of non-fiction | "Berton's book, The Comfortable Pew, in which as a lifelong atheist he attacked status quo religiosity, outraged churchgoers. But the wider public came to expect to be challenged by Berton's views."[64] | ||
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Besser, MattMatt Besser | 1967– | American comedian. | ""My name is Matt Besser, and I'm an Arkansas Razorback. My father is a Jew from Little Rock, Ark., my mother was a Christian from Harrison, Ark., and somehow I'm an atheist now living in L.A. I am a Razorback living in the Razorback diaspora." Thus begins Woo Pig Sooie, Matt Besser's one-man comedic rant that fearlessly confronts all the folly and confusion of what it means to be religious in America."[65] | |
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Bettany, PaulPaul Bettany | 1971– | British (English) actor, known for his roles in A Knight's Tale, A Beautiful Mind, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World and The Da Vinci Code. | "I was brought up Catholic. I'm lapsed. From the age of three I was with the nuns. Now I'm an atheist. I think religion does a lot for us but I can't quite believe it, alas... It's just a personal choice. I love the idea of heaven though. Who doesn't? It's lovely."[66] | |
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Blackburn, JemimaJemima Blackburn | 1823–1909 | British (Scottish) painter and illustrator, especially of evocative images of rural life in 19th century Scotland. | "Around their dinner table could be found all shades of political and religious affiliation. Hugh was a devout Christian and apolitical, while Jemima's atheism was coupled with a stout defence of Disraeli's brand of toryism."[67] | |
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Blackburn, SimonSimon Blackburn | 1944– | British (English) academic philosopher known for his efforts to popularise philosophy. | "Some years ago, without realizing what it might mean, I accepted a dinner invitation from a Jewish colleague for dinner on Friday night. I should say that my colleague had never appeared particularly orthodox, and he would have known that I am an atheist."[68] | |
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Patrick BlackettPatrick Blackett | 1897–1974 | British experimental physicist known for his work on cloud chambers, cosmic rays, and paleomagnetism, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Fellow of the Royal Society and awarded OM and CH. | "The grandson of a vicar on his father’s side, Blackett respected religious observances that were established social customs, but described himself as agnostic or atheist."[69] | |
Blackford, RussellRussell Blackford | 1950– | Australian writer, philosopher, bioethicist, and critic. He is co-editor of the upcoming Voices of Disbelief, a collection of essays by prominent atheists and sceptics. | "It’s true that atheists and sceptics have less reason to be aggressive in arguing publicly for our views if we find ourselves in an environment where religion wields little political influence. In those circumstances, there is simply less urgency about speaking up. Those, however, are not the circumstances that we face."[70] | ||
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Blackmore, SusanSusan Blackmore | 1951– | British psychologist and memeticist, best known for her book The Meme Machine. | In a Point of Inquiry podcast interview, Blackmore described religion as a collection of "really pernicious memes", "I think religious memeplexes are really amongst the nastiest viruses we have on the planet". Blackmore also practices Zen Buddhist meditation; later, when she was asked: "And you find this practice of Zen, the meditative practice, completely compatible with your lack of theism, your atheism...?" She replied: "Oh yes, I mean, there is no god in Buddhism...".[71] | |
Blazwick, IwonaIwona Blazwick | 1955– | British art gallery curator, Director of the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London, art writer and broadcaster, awarded an OBE in 2008. | "The hidden jewel of the year was an impromptu performance by 40 singers from a South African township under the dome of St Paul's Cathedral, which made me - a devout atheist - feel spiritually moved."[72] | ||
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Blunt, Wilfrid ScawenWilfrid Scawen Blunt | 1840–1922 | British poet, author and diplomat. | "Wilfred Scawen Blunt was notorious as an atheist, a libertine, an adventurer and a poet. Somehow he also found time to be a diplomat - one of the earliest in this country to make a real attempt to understand Islam - and an anti-imperialist, becoming the first British-born person to go to jail for Irish independence."[73] | |
Sir Hermann BondiHermann Bondi | 1919–2005 | English-Austrian mathematician and cosmologist, best known for co-developing the steady-state theory of the universe and important contributions to the theory of general relativity and a Fellow of the Royal Society. | "Since his childhood in Vienna Bondi had been an atheist, developing from an early age a view on religion that associated it with repression and intolerance."[74] When presented with a prestigious international award, he divided a large sum of money between the Atheist Centre and women's health projects in Mumbai.[75] | ||
Bouazza, HafidHafid Bouazza | 1970– | Moroccan-Dutch author. | "Believers live behind a fence, and non-believers live in a pasture and they know there are believers out there behind the fence." "It [religion] is a matter of conditioning, of brainwashing." "I know that when I die, it's over with me."[76]
"Look, I'm an atheist. I believe God does not exist, I do not believe in an afterlife. How terrible it may be: Hitler isn't in hell getting pinched in his ass with a trident. I'm fine with the fact there are people who do believe that and get comfort from it, like my mother. I just hope the influence of religion on policy makers will diminish, because my freedom is precious to me."[77] | ||
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Boyd, WilliamWilliam Boyd | 1952– | British (Scottish) novelist and screenwriter; recipient of a CBE. | Interviewer: "What song would you like played at your funeral?"
Boyd: "We'll Meet Again. I'd like the congregation to join in. As a devout atheist, I should make it clear there are no religious connotations."[78] | |
Braddock, BessieBessie Braddock | 1899–1970 | British Labour politician, vice-chairman of the party in 1968. | "Mrs. Braddock, whose husband died in 1963, was an atheist, and her funeral service, next Tuesday at Liverpool crematorium, will be non-sectarian."[79] | ||
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Bradlaugh, CharlesCharles Bradlaugh | 1833–1891 | British political activist and Member of Parliament, freethinker, radical and champion of popular causes, and one of the most famous English atheists of the 19th century. | "Excepting to each of the above allegations, I maintain that thoughtful Atheism affords greater possibility for human happiness than any system yet based on, or possible to be founded on, Theism, and that the lives of true Atheists must be more virtuous -- because more human -- than those of the believers in Deity, the humanity of the devout believer often finding itself neutralized by a faith with which that humanity is necessarily in constant collision. [...] Atheism, properly understood, is no mere disbelief; is in no wise a cold, barren negative; it is, on the contrary, a hearty, fruitful affirmation of all truth, and involves the positive assertion of action of highest humanity." Charles Bradlaugh, 'A Plea For Atheism' (1864). | |
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Brandes, EdvardEdvard Brandes | 1847–1931 | Danish politician, critic and author, Minister of Finance 1909–1910 and 1913–1920. | "Because of his Jewish origin, his atheism, and his "European", rather than "Danish", outlook, Brandes was, from the beginning of his political career, at odds with the more moderate faction of the left coalition that formed the Left Reform Party in the late 1890s."[80] | |
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Braga, BrannonBrannon Braga | 1965– | American TV producer and writer, creator of Star Trek: Enterprise. | "The fact that we're all gathered here today is kind of odd when you think about it, because we really have nothing to talk about other than our conviction that religion sucks, isn't science great, and how the hell do we get the other 95% of the population to come to their senses? We don't believe anything. Therefore, we have no need for a mythology."[81] | |
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Brahms, JohannesJohannes Brahms | 1833–1897 | German romantic composer. | The religious faith of Brahms is a matter in which he, true to his character, would give varying accounts of in public. He did, however, entrust his true thoughts to a small clique of close friends, among them Bohemian composer Antonín Dvořák. Dvořák once said of Brahms: "Such a man, such a fine soul--and he believes in nothing! He believes in nothing!" [82] | |
Brain, MarshallMarshall Brain | 1961– | American author, founder of HowStuffWorks. | "I am an atheist...I do not believe in any supernatural being, including the god of the bible.[83] | ||
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Braun, LilyLily Braun | 1865–1916 | German feminist writer. | Lily was converted to atheism, pacifism, and feminism by Georg von Gizycki, whom she married in 1893.[84] | |
Brearey, PeterPeter Brearey | 1939–1998 | British secularist, socialist, journalist and atheist activist, Editor of The Freethinker from 1993 until his death. | "He was an old-fashioned rationalist and radical. He detested modern politics and despised Blairite froth, spin-doctoring and cloned MPs and betrayal of principles. I share Peter's doubts about the milk-and-water term "humanism." He and I called ourselves atheists."[85] | ||
Brenton, HowardHoward Brenton | 1942– | British (English) English playwright, who gained notoriety for his 1980 play The Romans in Britain. | "It strikes me as an exceptionally powerful study of the human need for belief in a higher power, notwithstanding the fact that Brenton himself is an atheist. And the dramatist examines the nature of Paul's faith with both sympathy and insight."[86] | ||
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Breton, AndréAndré Breton | 1896–1966 | French writer, poet, artist, and surrealist theorist, best known as the main founder of surrealism. | "A cynical atheist, the poet, critic, and artist harbored an irrepressible streak of romanticism."[87] | |
Bridges, CalvinCalvin Bridges | 1889–1938 | American geneticist, known for his work on fruit fly genetics. | "...he always remained true to his own concepts and ideals and did not dissimulate. His open designation of himself as "atheist" in "Who's Who in America" and his opposition to the invasion of the Soviet Union by the Allies..."[88] | ||
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Brigstocke, MarcusMarcus Brigstocke | 1973– | British comedian, satirist and presenter of The Late Edition. | On being presented by Richard Dawkins with an Out Campaign T-shirt: "Look at that. Outed, outed as an atheist and proud to be so."{{[89]}}" | |
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Broadbent, JimJim Broadbent | 1949– | British (English) Academy Award-, Golden Globe- and BAFTA-winning theatre, film and television actor, regarded as one of cinema's most reliable character actors, and known especially for his roles in Bridget Jones's Diary, Moulin Rouge! and Iris. | "Does the prospect of his own inevitable death frighten him? 'I don't think it does. I don't fret about it. I think it was partly to do with seeing my father go. It didn't frighten him. Upset him a bit but not ... I think if you are an atheist, what's there to be frightened of? ... But I don't want to die yet.' "[90] | |
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Isaac BrockIsaac Brock | 1975– | American singer, guitarist, banjoist, and songwriter for the indie rock band Modest Mouse. | Interviewer: "Do you still consider yourself an atheist?"
Brock: "Pretty much, but there are things that make me think. Like that guy who played Jesus [Jim Caviezel] getting hit by lightning during the filming of that movie? That just makes you think, "I can't be 100 percent sure." But I'm not going to change my game plan anyway. [...] I'm 100 percent on the whole Christianity thing being a crock of shit, pretty much, but I don't give a fuck if other people are religious. Believe what you want. Whatever makes the day easier for you."[91] | |
Brock, JeremyJeremy Brock | 1959– | British actor, producer, writer, and director, whose work includes Mrs. Brown and the BAFTA award winning screenplay for The Last King of Scotland. | "Nor does organised religion emerge with honour, and Brock says he has been an atheist for many years. "My father was an intelligent and articulate advocate for old-fashioned notions of kindness and liberalism, but in the end I just did not feel that loving him was a justification for believing in a whole theocratic system. Religion in certain circles has become increasingly exclusive and aggressive. Fundamentalist attitudes pervade, and that, in its most extreme form, means you can kill anybody you want to because they're an unbeliever.""[92] | ||
Broderick, DamienDamien Broderick | 1944– | Australian science fiction and popular science writer. His science fiction novel The Judas Mandala is credited with the first appearance of the term "virtual reality". | "I sat around reading, especially science fiction comics. My father thought this was some absurd weakness of character, and not only that -- this stuff was going to corrupt me and make me an atheist. Luckily, he was right!"[93] | ||
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Brook, YaronYaron Brook | 1961– | Israeli activist, current president and executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute. | "Anyone who has heard Dr. Yaron Brook lecture on foreign policy would likely call him a militant, unflinching champion of Israel. His loyalty, however, does not derive from his Jewish or Israeli background. He's a proud atheist, who admits to not knowing - or really caring - when the Pessah Seder falls. He relentlessly defends Israel and the West because he puts his faith in the rational, free, individual soul."[94] | |
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Brooks, PhilPhil Brooks | 1978– | American professional wrestler, known by the ring name CM Punk. | "I am an atheist."[95] | |
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Brooks, RodneyRodney Brooks | 1954– | Australian-born American robotics engineer, artificial intelligence and artificial life researcher, and director of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. | "I've been an atheist - I had found it difficult to have religious beliefs and scientific ones, but I've accepted that I have a duality - there's a human way of interacting with people but also a mechanistic explanation of what people are and how they work."[96] | |
Brophy, Lady Levey, BrigidBrigid Brophy, Lady Levey | 1929–1995 | British novelist, essayist, critic, biographer, and dramatist. | "It [her non-fiction book Black Ship to Hell (1962)] endeavoured to formulate a morality based on reason rather than religion—Brophy described herself as 'a natural, logical and happy atheist' (King of a Rainy Country, afterword, 276)."[97] | ||
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Brown, DerrenDerren Brown | 1971– | British (English) psychological illusionist, mentalist, and skeptic of paranormal phenomena. | "[Richard Dawkins's book] The God Delusion is a very important defence of atheism, and systematically looks at every aspect of faith and 'proofs' of God's existence. [...] For atheists like me, it's an addictive and wonderful read which argues comprehensively and convincingly for the fallacy of religious belief."[98] | |
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Brown, Lori LipmanLori Lipman Brown | 1958– | American politician, lobbyist, lawyer, educator, and social worker supporter, Nevada Senator 1992-1994. | ""You can be elected as an openly gay politician in this country, but you can't be elected as an openly atheistic one," said Lori Lipman Brown, who was hired last fall to be the Washington, D.C., lobbyist for an organization devoted to atheist causes, the Secular Coalition for America. She's believed to be the first paid lobbyist for the unbelievers in the nation's capital, the front lines of the culture wars. Now, all Brown is seeking is a constituency willing to go public. "Think of where the LGBT movement was 25 years ago," said Brown, who has worked on gay and lesbian rights issues as a legislator and attorney. "That's where atheists are today." [...] Brown, who is married and was raised a "humanistic Jew," talks about how she "came out" as an atheist several years ago, and how most atheists aren't "out yet" at work. She says atheist kids—like many gay children—are made to feel outcasts at school, and explains that she wants to erase the negative connotation to the word "atheist" just as homosexuals have reclaimed slurs like "queer" and "dyke.""[99] | |
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Brown, William MontgomeryWilliam Montgomery Brown | 1855–1937 | American Episcopal bishop, communist author and atheist activist. | "An ecclesiastical court [...] sitting at Cleveland, Ohio, yesterday, found Dr. William Montgomery Brown, retired Bishop of Arkansas, a self-styled "Christian Atheist", guilty of heresy."[100] | |
Brownjohn, AlanAlan Brownjohn | 1931– | British poet and novelist. | "Brownjohn is 75 at the moment of publication. He has been on the literary scene - publishing, reviewing, judging, chairing, tutoring, giving readings - since the 1950s. He has also been a London borough councillor, a Labour parliamentary candidate (Richmond, Surrey, 1964), very much what I think of as decent, persistent, dogged "Old Labour" - sensitive but solid, inclining towards the puritan (though a self-confessed atheist in matters of religion) - and a strenuous campaigner for serious radio and television, anti-muzak, anti-destruction of libraries, for the proper traditional cultural concerns of the British Council, et al."[101] | ||
Brunswick, Ruth MackRuth Mack Brunswick | 1897–1946 | American psychologist, a close confidant of and collaborator with Sigmund Freud. | "Although in her youth she had shared her father's Zionist sympathies, she was not otherwise involved in Jewish affairs and was by conviction an atheist."[102] | ||
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Büchner, LudwigLudwig Büchner | 1824–1899 | German philosopher, physiologist and physician who became one of the exponents of 19th century scientific materialism. | "Büchner's materialistic interpretation of the universe in Kraft und Stoff created an uproar for its rejection of God, creation, religion, and free will and for its explanation of mind and consciousness as physical states of the brain produced by matter in motion. His continued defense of atheism and atomism and his denial of any distinction between mind and matter (Natur und Geist, 1857; "Nature and Spirit") appealed strongly to freethinkers, but dialectical materialists condemned his acceptance of competitive capitalism, which Büchner viewed as an example of Charles Darwin's "struggle for survival.""[103] | |
Buñuel, LuisLuis Buñuel | 1900–1983 | Spanish-born Mexican filmmaker, activist of the surrealist movement, considered one of Mexico's finest directors, and one of the most important directors in the history of cinema. | "Father Julian... and I often talk about faith and the existence of God, but... he's forever coming up against the stone wall of my atheism..."[104]
Buñuel is also known for his one-liner, "Thank God I'm still an atheist." | ||
Burgon, GeoffreyGeoffrey Burgon | 1941–2010 | British composer known especially for his television and film themes. | "Geoffrey Burgon [...] has declined a generous Hollywood offer to write the music for award-winning John Carpenter's remake of The Thing, a 1950s horror film. An atheist with a remarkable feel for "church" music, Burgon tells me that time prevents his crossing the Atlantic; he is busy writing two operas [...]"[105] | ||
Bush, LawrenceLawrence Bush | 1951– | American author of several books of Jewish fiction and non-fiction, including Waiting for God: The Spiritual Explorations of a Reluctant Atheist. | "Caught between the atheism of his parents and the religion of his peers, Bush writes from what he calls "my own peculiar perch as an atheist who has nevertheless worked intimately in Jewish religious institutions as a writer and editor for much of my adult life." As a result, he writes about non-belief with an empathy for believers missing from the works of the New Atheists. [...] Bush may be reluctant, but he remains an atheist: "No matter how therapeutic religious observance might be for individuals, no matter how beguiling the symbols, metaphors, ceremonies, and community spirit, there is something about the surrender to God and to a prescribed worship tradition that simply offends my arrogant soul.""[106] | ||
Burstow, HenryHenry Burstow | 1826–1916 | British shoemaker, singer and bellringer from Horsham, Sussex, best known for his vast repertoire of songs, many of which were collected in the folksong revival of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. | "Burstow was a fascinating man. A shoemaker by trade, he shared the radical and non-conformist attitudes of many who followed the gentle craft. His reading included Darwin and Lyle and he was a convinced atheist, this in spite of the fact that he was a well known church bell-ringer."[107] | ||
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Busoni, FerruccioFerruccio Busoni | 1866–1924 | Italian composer, pianist, teacher of piano and composition, and conductor. | "Aside from his undisputed powers as composer, pianist and man of letters, Busoni was an enterprising (if sometimes erratic) conductor, a passionate bibliophile, a talented draughtsman and a bon vivant. Baptized into the Catholic church, he was at heart an atheist; a lucid commentator on world affairs, he remained politically uncommitted."[108] | |
Butts, MaryMary Butts | 1890–1937 | British modernist writer. | "By this time she had become an atheist and socialist."[109] | ||
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Byron, KariKari Byron | 1974– | San Francisco-based television host and artist, best known for her featured role on the Discovery Channel show MythBusters. | "I am an atheist, but I don’t begrudge anyone for whatever belief systems they hold." - Byron in an interview with Suicide Girls.[110] |
- ↑ Sims, Chris (3 December 2012). "War Rocket Ajax #138: Jason Aaron Talks 'Thor: God Of Thunder'". Comics Alliance.
- ↑ Wicked untruths from the Church, David Aaronovitch, Times Online, 25 March 2008 (Accessed 26 March 2008)
- ↑ Michael McNay, 'Obituary: Abu Abraham', The Guardian, 7 December 2002, Pg. 26.
- ↑ Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred (1911), Barcelona Outrages - The Empress Elizabeth and Luccheni, The Anarchists: Their Faith and Their Record, Turnbull and Spears Printers, Edinburgh. Retrieved 19 March 2007.
- ↑
- ↑ Clark Adams: 1969-2007, American Humanist Association News Flash, 24 May 2007 (Accessed 14 April 2008)
- ↑
- ↑ Sally Adams: 'Adams , Mary Grace Agnes (1898–1984)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 (accessed 29 April 2008).
- ↑ Phillip Adams, "I'm Proud that".
- ↑ 'Thank god I'm an atheist!', The Big Bang (Adithya's blog), 9 April 2007 (accessed 12 August 2007).
- ↑ Richard Ingrams, 'Larry Adler: brilliant musician, formidable campaigner', The Observer, 12 August 2001, Observer News Pages, Pg. 24.
- ↑ Interview with writer, Joe Ahearne, BBC Press Office, 31 October 2008 (accessed 28 November 2008).
- ↑ 'Hyde Park Speech Prosecution. Evidence For The Defence', The Times, Wednesday, 4 Mar 1925; pg. 5; Issue 43901; col G.
- ↑ Ian Buruma (2005-08-05). "Sacred freedom". Financial Times. Retrieved 2006-12-22.
- ↑ The Rediff Interview/ Subhasini Ali, 8 August 2001 (accessed 21 April 2008).
- ↑ Tariq Ali, Interview: Tariq Ali, Socialist Review November 2006 (accessed 22 April 2008).
- ↑ Amy Alkon/Advice Goddess Blog, Awww, How Sweet!, 25 May 2008 (accessed 9 June 2008).
- ↑ Obituary of Dave Allen, Daily Telegraph, 12 March 2005, Pg. 029.
- ↑ Guy Adams, Serious documentary maker? Is Keith Allen having a laugh?, The Independent 21 June 2007 (accessed 25 April 2008).
- ↑ Richard Wigg, '75 states witness Allende pledge to democracy', The Times, 4 November 1970; pg. 9; Issue 58014; col E.
- ↑ Elizabeth Nash, 'Red Duchess a rebel to the last as she snubs family and leaves all to wife', The Independent (London), 2 May 2008, World News, Pg. 26.
- ↑ Suzie Mackenzie interviewing Altman, 'Still up to mischief', The Guardian, 1 May 2004, Pg. 30.
- ↑ Cynara Menezes (8 August 2001). "Velório de Jorge Amado foi discreto" (in Portuguese). Folha de S. Paulo. Retrieved 2007-11-24.
- ↑ Michael Barber: 'Ambler, Eric Clifford (1909–1998)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edition, January 2007 (accessed 29 April 2008).
- ↑ John Ezard, 'Secular send-off for an 'old devil' who did not wans too much fuss over his funeral', The Guardian (London), 23 October 1996, Pg. 8.
- ↑ Obituary: Baba Amte, The Economist, 28 February 2008 (accessed 21 August 2008)
- ↑ John Passmore: 'Anderson, John (1893–1962)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 (accessed 29 April 2008).
- ↑ Joseph Melling, 'Anderson, William Crawford (1877–1919), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 (accessed 2 May 2008).
- ↑ My God Problem
- ↑ Itzkoff, Dave (June 4, 2010). "Feeding the Comedy Beast Without Serving Leftovers". New York Times.
- ↑ Diana Cariboni, 'Single Woman, Atheist, Heads to Seat on High Court', IPS News, 21 January 2004.
- ↑ Isaac Asimov in "Free Inquiry", Spring 1982, vol.2 no.2, p. 9 (See Wikiquote.)
- ↑ Diana Athill, 'I'm a believer - but only in a good story', The Guardian, 21 January 2004, Features Pages, Pg. 5.
- ↑ "The Trouble with Atheism, UK Channel 4 TV". 2006-12-18. Missing or empty
(help) - ↑ Atran criticising other speakers in an Edge discussion following the Beyond Belief conference in 2006 (accessed 13 August 208).
- ↑ The Scandals and Heresies of John XXIII
- ↑ Table of Contents from the publisher, Insight Books (accessed 13 August 2008).
- ↑ From a Freethought Radio podcast: Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence (mp3), 2 June 2007 (accessed 25 April 2008).
- ↑ C. A. Creffield: 'Aveling, Edward Bibbens (1849–1898)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 (accessed 29 April 2008).
- ↑ Uri Avnery, A War of Religions? God Forbid!, Ramallah Online 19 February 2007(?) (accessed 28 April 2008).
- ↑ Craver, Carl F: "Axelrod, Julius", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. 19 p. 122. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.
- ↑ 2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People with the Courage to Doubt, by James A. Haught, Prometheus Books, 1996, p. 276.
- ↑ Lord Dacre, 'I liked the elegant, frivolous life...', Daily Telegraph, 28 January 2003, Pg. 17.
- ↑ Rachel Halliburton, 'It's a Bleeding Liberty', The Independent (London), 26 April 2000, Features: Arts, Pg. 11.
- ↑ Jen Ross, 'Single mother becomes Chile's first female president', The Independent (London), 16 January 2006, News, Pg. 25.
- ↑ Rafael Gumucio, 'Señora Presidente?', New York Times, 9 December 2005 (accessed 14 July 2008).
- ↑ Francis Bacon interviewed by Francis Giacobetti, The Independent, 14 June 2003, Features, Pg. 8-14.
- ↑ Wendy Ide interviewing Bacon, 'The outsider wants in', The Times (London), 1 December 2005, Features, Pg. 20.
- ↑ Julian Baggini, Thought for the day - BBC Radio Bristol, blog entry, 11 April 2008 (accessed 22 April 2008).
- ↑ (Dutch) "In interviews noemt hij zichzelf atheïst, maar tot nog toe ‘ben ik ongemoeid gelaten door de baardapen. Misschien moet ik een hardere toon aanslaan en wat explicieter zijn in mijn afkeer van de islam en religies in het algemeen.'" Kranenberg, Annieke (2007-08-11). "'Als dit niet werkt, beledig ik Wilders wel'" (in Dutch). De Volkskrant. Retrieved 2008-05-09.
- ↑ The Writing on the Wall: An Interview with Roy Bailey (accessed 14 April 2008).
- ↑ A.G. MacGregor: "Bailey, Edward Battersby", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. 1 p. 393. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.
- ↑ Both quotes from James A Haught, ed, 2000 Years of Disbelief. See also other Bakunin quotes at Positive Atheism's Big List of Quotations.
- ↑ 'I was a brain-eating zombie... As the scary season descends [...] famous horror experts choose their most terrifying screen experiences', Daily Telegraph, 30 October 2004, Arts Pg. 04.
- ↑ Kristin Hohenadel, '"Don't Call Me Actor," says a Nominee for Best, Um...', The New York Times, 4 March 2001, Section 2A; Column 1; Arts and Leisure Desk; Pg. 3.
- ↑ Minister Turned Atheist, Barker's Freedom From Religion Foundation biography page.
- ↑ 'Printer's Reburial Demanded', The Times 9 March 1963; pg. 6; Issue 55645; col A.
- ↑ Lewis Smith, 'Science has second thoughts about life', The Times (London), 1 January 2008, Pg. 24.
- ↑ Interview with Dr. Cecilia Gaposchkin by Owen Gingerich, 5 March 1968.
- ↑ Van A. Harvey, Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007 (accessed 22 May 2008).
- ↑ Obituary: 'Charles T. Beaird, Ph.D.', Shreveport Times, 20 April 2006 (accessed 19 August 2008).
- ↑ Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986), The Internet Encyclopedia or Philosophy (Accessed 21 April 2008)
- ↑ Haught (1996), p. 293.
- ↑ Cathryn Atkinson, 'Obituary: Pierre Berton', The Guardian, 7 December 2004, Pg. 27.
- ↑ 'Razor Sharp', Nashville Scene, 1 June 2006 (accessed 20 August 2008).
- ↑ Paul Bettany, Bettany the Non-Believer, Movie & Entertainment News,, 10 May 2006 (accessed 10 June 2008).
- ↑ A. J. Crilly, 'Blackburn, Hugh (1823–1909)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 (accessed 2 May 2008).
- ↑ Simon Blackburn, Religion and Respect (pdf) on his website, August 2004 (accessed 23 April 2008.)
- ↑ Mary Jo Nye: "Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol. 19 p. 293. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.
- ↑ The New Atheism rocks
- ↑ Susan Blackmore - In Search of the Light, Point of Inquiry, 15 December 2006 (accessed 1 April 2008).
- ↑ Iwona Blazwick, 'The Best of 2002', Daily Telegraph, 21 December 2002, Section, Pg. 01.
- ↑ Phil Daoust, The Guardian, 11 March 2008, G2: Radio: Pick of the day, Pg. 32.
- ↑ Helge Kragh: "Bondi, Hermann", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. 19 p. 343. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008. Accessed via Gale Virtual Reference Library 29 April 2008.
- ↑ Jane Wynne Willson, Vice-President of the British Humanist Association, 'Obituary letter: Hermann Bondi', Guardian, 23 September 2005 (accessed 29 April 2008).
- ↑ (Dutch) "Gelovigen leven achter een hek, en ongelovigen in een weiland, waarin ze weten dat er gelovigen zijn die achter hekken wonen." "Het [religie] is een kwestie van conditionering, van hersenspoeling" "Ik weet dat het moment dat ik ter aarde word besteld, dat het afgelopen is met mij." Humanistische Omroep, Video interview with Hafid Bouazza.
- ↑ (Dutch) "Kijk, ik ben atheïst. Ik geloof niet dat God bestaat, ik geloof niet dat er een hiernamaals is. Hoe gruwelijk ook: Hitler wordt op dit moment niet in de hel met een drietand in zijn reet geprikt. Dat er mensen zijn dat dat wél geloven en daar troost uit putten, mensen als mijn moeder: prima. Als de invloed van religies op beleidsmakers maar steeds kleiner wordt, want mijn vrijheid is me dierbaar."Verdonschot, Leon (2008-05-08). "Ik kan niet leven zonder roes. Interview met Hafid Baouzza, gepubliceerd in Dif nr.1" (in Dutch). Retrieved 2008-05-09.
- ↑ Rosanna Greenstreet, 'Q&A: William Boyd', The Guardian, 3 February 2007, Weekend Pages, Pg. 8.
- ↑ Christopher Warman, '"Merseyside legend" Mrs Braddock dies at 71', The Times, 14 November 1970; pg. 1; Issue 58023; col G.
- ↑ 'Brandes, Edvard', Encyclopædia Britannica Online (accessed 1 August 2008).
- ↑ Siðmenntar, Stjórn (16 August 2006). "Every religion has a mythology," speech before the International Atheist Conference in Reykjavik Iceland 24 & 25 June 2006. Siðmennt.
- ↑ Swofford, Jan. "Johannes Brahms: A Biography." Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1997
- ↑ Marshall Brain, biographical page at
- ↑ 'Braun, Lily', Encyclopædia Britannica Online (accessed 1 August 2008).
- ↑ Karl Heath, 'Obituary Letter: Peter Brearey', The Guardian, 30 May 1998, Pg. 21.
- ↑ Charles Spencer reviewing a production of The Romans in Britain, 'A powerful and thrilling act of heresy', Daily Telegraph, 10 November 2005, Reviews, Pg. 30.
- ↑ Douglas F. Smith reviewing Mark Polizzotti's Revolution of the Mind: The Life of André Breton.
- ↑ H J Muller, 'Dr. Calvin B. Bridges', Nature 143, 191-192 (4 February 1939).
- ↑ Marcus Brigstocke,
- ↑ Nigel Farndale, 'The Heartbreak Kid: Jim Broadbent', Sunday Telegraph, 23 September 2007, Section 7, Pg.8.
- ↑ Brock interviewed by Josh Modell, 'Modest Mouse', AV Club, 7 April 2004 (accessed 19 August 2008).
- ↑ Sheila Johnston interviewing Brock, A very British charmer, Daily Telegraph 18 August 2006 (accessed 22 April 2008).
- ↑ Damien Broderick: Spikes and Cycles
- ↑ Orit Arfa, The nexus, The Jerusalem Post, 12 July 2007 (Accessed 16 April 2008)
- ↑
- ↑ Rodney Brooks on A.I.
- ↑ Peter Parker: 'Brophy, Brigid Antonia [married name Brigid Antonia Levey, Lady Levey] (1929–1995)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edition, May 2006 (accessed 29 April 2008).
- ↑ Derren Brown, Tricks of the Mind, p. 379, Channel 4 Books 2006, ISBN 978-1-905026-38-8.
- ↑ Joe Garofoli, 'Atheists hoping to assert rights in religious era', San Francisco Chronicle, 20 February 2006 (accessed 16 June 2008).
- ↑ "U.S. Heresy Trial. A "Christian Atheist."". The Times (43667). 2 June 1924. p. 13. col C.
- ↑ Anthony Thwaite reviewing Brownjohn's Collected Poems, 'Poetry: The vodka in the verse', The Guardian, 7 October 2006, Review Pages, Pg. 18
- ↑ 'Brunswick, Ruth Jane Mack (17 February 1897 – 24 January 1946)' in Notable American Women: 1607-1950. Retrieved 1 August 2008, from Credo Reference
- ↑ 'Büchner, Ludwig', Encyclopædia Britannica Online (accessed 1 August 2008).
- ↑ Luis Buñuel (1982, 1985). My Last Breath: p.254.
- ↑ Peter Watson, 'The Times Diary', The Times, 12 January 1982; pg. 8; Issue 61129; col C.
- ↑ Andrew Silow-Carroll, The rabbi and the atheist, New Jersey Jewish News, 20 September 2007 (accessed 21 April 2008).
- ↑ Vic Gammon, Chairman of the Oral History Society, 'The Grand Conversation: Napoleon and British Popular Balladry', 26 March 1999 (accessed 2 May 2008).
- ↑ Beaumont, Anthony: 'Busoni, Ferruccio (Dante Michelangelo Benvenuto)', Grove Music Online ed. L. Macy (accessed 28 April 2008),
- ↑ Nathalie Blondel: 'Butts , Mary Franeis (1890–1937)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 (accessed 30 April 2008).
- ↑ Suicide Girls Interview