List of works with the subtitle "Constancy Rewarded"

See List of works with the subtitle "Virtue Rewarded" for discussion of this phenomenon.

Author Title Genre Year Story Virtuous person Constancy Reward
Eliza Haywood The surprize; or constancy rewarded Romance 1724 "Aldina dismisses one of her suitors when she discovers her cousin, Euphenia, is in love with him."[1] Aldina Chastity and prudence ?
Anonymous History of Constantius and Pulchera; or, Constancy Rewarded[2] Romance 1790 Pulchera is separated and reunited with Constantius several times, against the wishes of her father. Pulchera Steadfast love A happy life with Constantius
Abner Reed Love triumphant, or constancy rewarded[3] Letters 1797 Emma is banished from her house by her father because of her love for Ferdino. Emma Steadfast love Union with Ferdino
Ludwig van Beethoven Fidelio, or Constancy Rewarded Opera 1805
Quentin Quilliver? The Village Beauty, or, Constancy rewarded[4] Humor 1877

See also


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