List of formulas in elementary geometry

This is a short list of some common mathematical shapes and figures and the formulas that describe them.

Two-dimensional shapes

Shape Area Perimeter/Circumference
Square A = side^2 P = 4 x side
Rectangle ( l = length, w = width) A = l × w P = 2l + 2w
Circle A = π × C = 2 × π × r or C= π × d
Ellipse (where a is the semimajor axis and b is the semiminor axis) A = π × a × b
Triangle (b = base, h = height, a,b,c = sides) A = ½ × b × h P = a + b + c
Parallelogram (b = base, h = height, a = side) A = b × h P = 2a + 2b
Trapezoid (where a and b are the bases) A = ½(a + b) × h

Three-dimensional shapes

Shape Volume Surface area
Rectangular Prism l = length, h = height, w = width V = l × w × h S = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh
Sphere V = () π
Right Circular Cylinder V = π × × h S = 2π rh + 2π

LaTeX markup (for writer/editors)

Circle (area and circumference)

Sphere (area and volume)


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