Masopust is a Czech surname (meaning carnival), it may refer to:
- Josef Masopust (1931–2015), Czech footballer
- Karel Masopust (born 1942), Czech ice hockey player
- Lukáš Masopust (born 1993), Czech footballer
Masopust or the time of carnivals used to be in the past the period from the Twelfth-night until Ash Wednesday. A Lenten period begins on Ash Wednesday before Easter. A fancy dress fun which is held as a rule on the Lenten Tuesday is the culmination of Masopust. The name carnival is a synonymous word to the name masopust, but currently the name masopust is used for marking the carnival festivity.
Masopust and especially the few last days of this period (fašank, končiny) was an official holiday of feasting for people in the past. During these days people were supposed to eat one’s fill, therefore, huge dinner parties were held. Then, the forty days long Lent followed and mostly lentils, baked potatoes, eggs, cheese, and boiled semolina were consumed.
Masopust in regions of The Czech Republic
In some regions (Chodsko, Doudlebsko, Hlinecko etc.) a ceremonial procession of masks is a part of the festivity which goes through a village with music. In many places liquor, eggs, ham or doughnuts are collected and are consumed later on in a pub during a village party. In same processions a serious attention is given to a dance, mainly, to the ceremonial dances of young men who are called "bobkovníci" or "Turci". During the party other ceremonial dances are performed. These are called "na len" or "žabská". In many other localities the festivity is made without these ceremonial components. There is only the presentation of masks left and it is a form of rural popular amusement which is connected with one particular date.
The word’s origin [1]
The word fašank is created from mangling the German word Fashing which has got the same meaning. The word carnival comes from Roman languages, exactly from a connection of words carne (meat) and vale (leave). This word formation describes the situation when the meat is already eaten and there is nothing left. Another interpretation might be hidden behind the Latin words "carrus navalis", which means a ship of Fools.
Folk saying advises:[2]
At the end of masopust “fool’s days” nobody is supposed to get married, otherwise, both of the couple will go mad. He who works during masopust too much, he will be ill during summer.