Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) is a private agency of the government of the State of Nebraska in the United States. The commission is charged with stewardship of the state's fish, wildlife, state park, and outdoor recreation resources. The commission is also charged with issuing of state hunting licenses, fishing licenses, and boat registrations. It conducts public education programs for hunting and boating safety. The agency is headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The agency is governed by a board of commissioners, each member of which is appointed by the Governor of Nebraska to a 6-year term. Among the park facilities controlled by the commission are the state's 85 state-owned parks facilities, divided into four categories:
- State Parks – Areas of scientific, historic, or scenic value that are of sufficient size to be developed for public use without infringing on the primary value of the area.
- State Recreation Areas – Areas primarily of outdoor recreational value. All the state's water-oriented parks fall into this category.
- State Historical Parks – Areas primarily of significant historical value.
- State Recreation Trails – Linear corridors of statewide or regional value designed for non-motorized recreational use.
The agency also manages over 250 state Wildlife Management Areas. The acquisition and maintenance of these areas is funded entirely through hunting and fishing license fees. Primitive camping is generally allowed in these areas.
Law Enforcement

The commission has its own law enforcement division called conservation officers. Officers with Game and Parks have the same power as Nebraska State Patrol Troopers. They can enforce laws anywhere in the state of Nebraska, including traffic laws.