Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, NSUEM (full name Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management») – social and economic higher education institute in Novosibirsk, Russia.
By the 1 of October, 2015 NSUEM contains: Business College, 4 faculties, 27 Departments, 7 branches in Tomsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk regions, in Altay and Khakassia Republics and in the Altai district

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
Original name | Novosibirsk National Economy Institute |
Type | State |
Rector | Alexandr Novikov |
Address | 630099, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Kamenskaya Str. 56 |
Students | 13 500 |
Web | |
Location | 55°02′02″ N 82°55′44″ E (G) (O) |

In 1929 Siberian Institute of National Economy was launched in Novosibirsk, and was based in the contemporary building of Novosibirsk State architectural and art Academy. The main aim was to provide the economic managers for the national economics. Teaching staff in 1929 consisted of 10 people and in 1931 it gained up to 57, within them: 4 professors, 19 associate professors.
In the first academic year Institute launched 4 faculties: planned economy, industrial, product exchange and distribution, economic and agricultural management.
In 1967 according to Administrative order by the Minister of high and secondary education ) Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy (NINE) was launched on the basis of All Union correspondence financial-and-economic Institute branch. NINE was launched on the 1 of August 1968. The first rector was Victor Pervushin.
In 1986 Peter Shemetov became rector. He was aimed on pre-entry preparation and bringing up a multi-level educational system in Institute. He launched Doctorate degree education and printing and publications center.
An important place was given to the pre-higher education faculty, which was later transformed into Economic lyceum – the first behind the Urals. In those years there was shortage of qualified specialists in the fields of economics (financiers, accountants and etc.). And the Institute met this demand.
In 1994 the Institute received the status of the Academy, and in 2004, the status of the University. The University status led NSUEM to a new name: Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.
Some structures of modern NSUEM were created in post-soviet time.

There are:
- Faculty of Information and Technologies,
- Faculty of Law,
- Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Science,
- Center of training and certification for auditors under the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation,
- Training center for crisis managers,
- Center of information technologies, which is responsible for implementing information technologies at the whole university,
- Case-club of NSUEM, where student can develop their skills to find the best options and decisions in complicated working situations,
- International business school, where some international educational programs are realized,
- International center of computer education "APTECH NSUEM" (the official center of corporation APTECH WORLDWIDE),
- Children computer school of animation, where teenagers and children can learn how to use modern technologies,
- Center of graduates support and etc.
In 1991 Thesis board was organized. In 1992 Institute has become an experimental place to launch double level education system: Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s degree.
In January, 2001 for the first NINE issued its magazine “Our Academy”
In September 2012 the 5th academic block was delivered, and before that NSUEM launched the 4th academic block.
Since 7 June 2014 NSUEM is headed by Alexandr Novikov.
University was reorganized:
- Institutes were formed into faculties;
- New management system was formed (Departments of youth policy, external affairs, informational technologies and scientific policy)
NSUEM rectors
- Viktor Aleksanrovich Pervushin (19 May 1967 – 17 May 1974)
- Viktor Nikolaevich Schukin (17 May 1974 – 19 July 1983)
- Anatolii Danilovich Korobkin (14 July 1983 – 15 September 1986)
- Petr Vasiljevich Shemetov (27 November 1986 – 16 February 1998)
- Yurii Vasiljevich Gusev (28 April 1998 – 29 April 2013)
- Оlga Vitaljevna Molchanova (29 April 2013 – 22 May 2014)
- Alexandr Vladimirovich Novikov (7 July 2014 – to the present day)

NSUEM today
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM) is the biggest educational complex in the field of economics in Western Siberia.
Over 13 thousand students study in NSUEM. The number of faculty members is over 320 persons, among them 35 are Doctors of Science and 175 are PhD of Science.
NSUEM has tier system of continuous education: undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. The Thesis Board works at NSUEM. Business College of NSUEM is the institution of secondary vocational education, which has 9 specializations.
There are 4 faculties at NSUEM:
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Science
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Information and Technologies
Another level of NSUEM education system is postgraduate education:
- Additional training and professional education courses;
- Educational centers and schools
NSUEM actively implements state-of-the-art educational technologies: professional simulations, workshops, project method, and on-line education. As a result of practice-oriented education almost 90% NSUEM graduate students find job immediately after graduation. NSUEM is a regional center of postgraduate education: MBA program provides training for the top-managers, APTECH program trains IT-specialists. Also there are retraining programs and advanced training programs. Cooperation with international Universities and organizations is an integral part of NSUEM life, which leads to active student exchange programs.
NSUEM in the regions
NSUEM branch was launched in Abakan in 1999. In 2013 the quantity of students was 837, in 2014 627. Director: Tatyana Zeibert.
NSUEM branch was launched in Belokurikha in 1998. For the period of 2012-2014 over 150 students entered NSUEM. This branch has its own library and academic building. Director: Natalya Nazarenko.
NSUEM branch was launched in Gorno-Altaisk in 1999. Director: Alla Naumova
NSUEM branch was launched in Iskitim in 1999. For the last three years over 100 people entered NSUEM through this branch. Director: Tatyana Nikulina.
NSUEM branch was launched in Prokopievsk in 1998. For the last three years over 80 people entered NSUEM through this branch. Director: Marina Balakina
NSUEM branch was launched in Strezhevoi in 1999. For the Strezhevoi citizens (oil and gas extraction center) NSUEM is very interesting for its economic faculty. For the last three years over 60 people entered NSUEM through this branch.
NSUEM branch was launched in Yurga in 1999. The first entry was 51 student. In 2000 the branch was relocated to Yurga industrial-and-economic technical college building. The yurga branch is an active part of social life of the city, taking part in exhibitions, fairies etc. Director is Tatyana Elovskaya.
Ranking | Place |
National University Ranking | 95-95 |
Enrollment quality in social-and-economic profile Higher education Institutes Ranking | 18 |
Appeal Ranking within Siberian Federal District | 1 |
Best Russian Higher education Institute, according to European research and production Chamber (ARES-2015) | 84 |
University structure
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Economics is a structural subdivision of NSUEM
In 2014 a new step of development has begun in NSUEM, within the University reconstruction Institutes of Economics and Management were united into Faculty of economics.
At the moment Faculty of Economics is the biggest in NSUEM by the quantity of students.
Acting dean – Doctor of Economics, Professor Sergei Filatov.
- Direction of Economics
- Direction of Management
- Direction of Human resources
- Direction of State and Municipal management
Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Science
Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Science is a structural subdivision of NSUEM.
Acting Dean – Natalya Luchina
The Faculty offers 9 fields:
- Psychology;
- Sales;
- Sociology;
- Foreign regional studies;
- International relations;
- Advertising and public relations;
- Services;
- Tourism;
- Hospitality Management

Faculty of Information and Technologies
Faculty of Information and Technologies is a structural subdivision of NSUEM
Nowadays students of Faculty are trained in 7 directions of information and innovation field. All directions complement each other and provide excellent specialist training in the field of enterprise management system.
Acting Dean – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor Yuri Shcheglov.
Information and Technologies faculty offers 7 areas:
- Fundamental informatics and InformationTechnologies;
- Information Systems and Technologies
- Applied Informatics;
- Information Security;
- Innovation Studies;
- Business Informatics;
- Management of the Environment and Natural Resources
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law is a structural subdivision of NSUEM.
In 2014 according to the demand of the education programs development, NSUEM launches Faculty of Law. “Legal clinic” is a part of the Faculty. Faculty is oriented for lawyers training for organizations of different economy spheres. The graduates work in different government structures; hold the position in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Acting Dean – PhD in Law, associate professor Dmitri Savchenko
Faculty of Law offer education in Law
Academic activities
NSUEM academic day starts at 08.00 a.m and lasts till 20.00. In the group schedule there are 4 classes the most. Students attend lectures and seminars. Academic activities are held in auditoriums, computer classes, and specially equipped laboratories.
University students actively take part in regional. All-Russian, national, international seminars, Olympic, forums and other events.
Extra-curricular activities
NSUEM offers 7 areas:
- Leadership and initiatives;
- International relations;
- Analytics, science and innovation;
- Culture and creation work;
- Healthy lifestyle and safety & security;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Business and governance

Each area combines representatives from NSUEM and business and governmental society representatives.
Student’s life in NSUEM
Since 1996 NSUEM launched a Student’s club. The club owns modern lightning and sound equipment. Permanently students Club has:
- Vocal class;
- School of modern dance “High voltage”;
- Art-ballet “Shpilhouse”;
- Literature club;
- Theatre studio;Art-ballet
- Design and ornamental studio “Masteritca”;
- Esthetic development studio “fashion studio Ocean”;
- Guitar music club
International relations in NSUEM
NSUEM is an active participant of academic and scientific exchange programs. University has over 150 international Agreements. Since 1991 NSUEM works with international organizations and launches international projects. NSUEM cooperates with:

CIS countries, Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of China, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, United States, France, Czech Republic, Republic of India, etc.
Main directions of International activities are:
- Students exchange programs;
- Interuniversity cooperation;
- Scientific and research projects

Educational programs in the frames of academic exchange:
- Student’s exchange programs;
- Language schools;
- Summer schools;
- Double Degree programs;
- MBA co-programs;
- Teachers exchange programs;
- Scientific and research programs;
- New approaches in teaching technologies.
NSUEM partners:
- Xinjang University, China;
- Dalian University of foreign languages, China;
- Mudanjiang Normal University, China;
- SolBridge, International Business school;
- State University of New York, USA;
- University of Applied sciences and Arts, Coburg, Germany;
- Management College, Mancosa, Republic of South Africa;
- Arena Multimedia, Republic of India;
- Amity University, Republic of India
Over 200 students and teaching staff took part in exchange programs and international events. NSUEM welcomed official delegation of: South Africa, Republic of India, Japan, Federal Republic of Germany, etc.
NSUEM publications
“NSUEM reporter”, a scientific magazine
NSUEM reporter is issued 4 times a year.
Chief editor – Vladimir Glinskiy, Doctor of economics, professor, Head of Statistic Department, NSUEM
Scientific Magazine “Ideas and ideals”
Issued once a quarter (in 2 parts)
Humanitarian almanac «Human.RU» /человек.ru/
Almanac publishes: modern research results in the spheres of: philosophy, psychology, pedagogic, traditional and modern anthropology practices.
Newspaper «Our Academy»
It is issued once in 2 weeks, having 16 columns. It covers: University life, interviews, scientific research results, etc. The circulation is 500 distributed in University. “Our Academy” has its e-publication within the official web-site of NSUEM. .
Entering NSUEM
Entering NSUEM for Bachelor's degree is based on the results of Unified State Exam

Bachelor programs:
- 38.03.01 Economics
- 38.03.02 Management
- 38.03.03 Human resources
- 37.03.01 Psychology
- 38.03.06 Commercial
- 39.03.01 Sociology
- 41.03.01 Foreign regional studies
- 41.03.05 International relations
- 42.03.01 Advertising and PR in organization
- 43.03.01 Consumer service
- 43.03.02 Tourism
- 43.03.03 Hotel industry
- 02.03.02 Fundamental informatics
- 09.03.02 Information systems and technologies
- 09.03.03 Applied informatics
- 10.03.01 Informational security
- 27.03.05 Innovation theory
- 38.03.05 Business-informatics
- 05.03.06 Management of the environment and natural resources
- 40.03.01 Law
External links
Official web of Novosibirsk State University of Economic and Management