
The "Parem" (Tajik: Парем), is a Tajik music band formed in March 1993 at the "Boychechak" Pioneers Club in the former Frunze district in the city of Dushanbe (Tajikistan), under the leadership of Georgiy Dmitrievich Nepomnyashiy. Initial composition of the band included :
- Vladimir Yumatov - drums, vocals
- Olim Shirinov - bass, vocals
- Feiroz Hakimuv - guitar, vocals
- Alisher Zarikov - guitar
- Nechipurenko Vladislav - keyboard instruments
- Nargis - vocals
Since spring of 1993 till 1995 the band periodically presented in the rock panoramas without giving solo concerts. But these years were very important for the future of the band, the first songs in Tajik language start to release, which were written by Alisher. In 1995 Vladimir Yumatov left the group and was replaced by Olim Shirinov.
In May 1996 year Parem released its first album, Why Love (Ай чаро ишқ).
The song Ай чаро ишқ of the album immediately became a # 1 hit. The album was recorded under new composition of the band:
- Saifullaev Alisher - guitar, vocals
- Shirinov Olim - drums, vocals
- Zarikov Alisher - lider-gitara, backing vocals
- Toirov Maksoud - bass
- Aminov Sobir - guitar.
In 1996 Toirov Maqsoud, while in December 1998 Alisher Zarikov left the group. In December Alisher Saifullaev also left the group and Sobir replaced him.
In 1999 the second album of Parem Дишаб) released. In the 19 December 1999 year group became a laureate of the "melodies of outgoing century" established in the Institute of "Open Company" of the Soros Foundation, in nostalgic nomination. On 26 December 1999, with the song Танҳо дар ёд became a laureate of international competition of "Arian, Samanids and Tajikistan", established by the Youth Committee of Tajikistan, in the designation of best song.