Phalcon Slayer
Phalcon Slayer is a large wrapper that restructures the Phalcon framework, it also supports Composer.
You can call it as a Wrapper/Boilerplate/Skeleton, it is designed to support dependencies having the speed.
The initial plan is to create a simple folder structure that supports composer.json and a simple configuration, while the development is going on, they realized to include some packages that could support the file system, database migrations, queuing, testing tools and console command helpers. Here's the packages that this project depends on:
- Symfony Components for console
- Flysystem for file system
- Faker for auto generating of fake data
- Guzzle for cURL support
- Illuminate for other helpers/blade support
- Tactician for middleware
- Mailgun for/as mail adapter
- Monolog for logging
- Phinx for database migration
- CSS Inliner for template engine inliner, main focused for mail templates
- Class Pre-Loader for php file combiner to speed up things
External links
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 8/16/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.