Prague Integrated Transport
Prague Integrated Transport (Czech: Pražská integrovaná doprava, PID) is an integrated public transport system including metro, tramways, railways, city bus and coach services, Petřín funicular and P+R services. PID operates in Prague and in Praha-východ, Praha-západ, Mělník, Beroun, Příbram, Kladno, Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov, Mladá Boleslav and Nymburk areas of Central Bohemia.
Integration means introducing a single fare and tickets together with unified regulations, route numbering plan, some parts of the information system, transfer facilities improving mixed-mode commuting, and also unified service subsidy system. Prague Integrated Transport is being co-ordinated by ROPID
Previously, Prague transport system used to be called IDS (integrovaný dopravní systém – integrated transport system). Modern name (pražská integrovaná doprava) was first used in 1993 as a part of the name of ROPID organisation, which has also started using this name for the transport system itself.
Transporters participating in PID
Train services
Train services included in PID are currently operated by:
- České dráhy, a. s.: operates most of the train services including S41 service from Praha-Libeň station to Roztok u Prahy.
- KŽC Doprava, s. r. o.: from 4 March 2007 operates train services on railway lines 013 and 012 to Kolín; from 1 April 2010 operates seasonal week-end trains (Pražský motoráček) on a railway line 122 from Prague main station to Zličín.[1]
Metro, trams, Petřín funicular
City rail services are de facto monopolised by Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, which operates all Prague tram and metro services, and Petřín funicular. Until now, there haven't been any realistic proposals of any other transporter to operate any services of this kind.
Bus and coach services
Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy
City bus services in Prague have originally been operated by multiple city-owned enterprises which have later been merged into a single entity, Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy. These days, this company operates most of the city bus services, and also some of the suburban coach services.
Other bus transporters participating in PID
- Arriva Praha, s. r. o.
- ČSAD Střední Čechy[2]
- ČSAD POLKOST, spol. s r. o.
- ČSAD MHD Kladno, a. s.
- MARTIN UHER, spol. s r. o.
- Okresní autobusová doprava Kolín, s. r. o.
- ABOUT ME s. r. o
- ARRIVA Střední Čechy
- STENBUS s. r. o.[3][4]
- Jaroslav Štěpánek
- Vlastimil Slezák[5]
- Societa o. p. s.
Waterway transport
Boat services are operated by:
- Pražské Benátky s. r. o.
- Vittus group s. r. o.
- Pražská paroplavební společnost a. s.
- ↑ Pražský motoráček vyjede 1. 5. 2010, ROPID, 30. 4. 2010
- ↑ Změny v září 2012, ROPID, 20. 9. 2012, poslední změna 24. 9. 2012
- ↑ ROPID: Linka 269 vyjede v nové trase k metru Letňany, BUSportá, 3. 3. 2009, podle tiskové zprávy ROPIDu
- ↑ Změny v prosinci 2012, ROPID
- ↑ Vlastimil Slezák, trvalé změny autobusových linek zařazených do Pražské integrované dopravy, web Autobusová zastávka, Filip Drápal