Raitz von Frentz

Raitz von Frentz is the name of a baronial (freiherrlichen) family, that belongs to the German ancient nobility (Uradel). The Barons Raitz von Frentz should be distinguished form the dynastic family "von Frenz", a branch of the Dukes of Limburg, that became extinct in the 14th century.
The Raitz von Frentz is one of the oldest patrician and noble (Rittergeschlechtern) families of the free imperial city of Cologne (Reichsstadt Köln). A member of the family Raitz (Razo) was first mentioned in a document as witness of the Archbishop Wichfrid of Cologne in the year 948. The uninterrupted line of ancestors starts with the Ministerialis Raitz at St. Pantaleon Abbey in Cologne, 1106–1154. In the Middle Ages several members of the family were mayors of the free imperial city of Cologne.
Lord Rutger Raitz (I.), mayor of the free imperial city of Cologne (1294 and 1304), was married to Lady Ida von Heppendorf, daughter of Lord Gerhard III von Heppendorf, noble reeve of the Electoral Principality of Cologne, who (after Rutger died) was married to Count Ruprecht III von Virneburg in 1330. Her son Lord Rutger Raitz (II.) bought in 1347 from his step father the castle and the lordship of Frentz near Quadrath-Ichendorf, which is now known as Frens Castle. Lordship and castle were a fief (Lehen) of the Dukes of Limburg, and originally belonged to a branch of that family. Since 1347 the family is called Raitz von Fren(t)z.
Members of the family Raitz von Frentz were Free Imperial Knights (also called: Knights of the Holy Roman Empire) (Reichsritterschaft). Since 1620 the family became hereditary treasurer (Erbkämmerer) of the Electoral Principality of Cologne, which was ruled by the Prince-Elector and Arch-Bishop of Cologne.
In 1635 the branch "Raitz von Frentz zu Kendenich und Stolberg“, was created hereditary Baron of the Holy Roman Empire (Reichsfreiherrenstand). This branch became extinct in 1746. The family received the lordship of Kendenich at the beginning of the 16th century, when Robert Raitz von Frentz got married to Agnes von Orsbeck zu Kendenich. In 1648 the family received the lordship and castle Stolberg when Ferdinand Baron of the Holy Roman Empire Raitz von Frentz zu Kendenich married Odilia Maria Baroness von Efferen zu Stolberg, daughter of Baron Adolf von Efferen and Gertrud, née Lady von Metternich.
In 1512 Lord Winand Raitz von Frentz married Lady Maria von und zu Schlenderhan, the last of her line. This branch consequently received the lordship of Schlenderhan and was henceforth known as "Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan". The branch was created Baron of the Holy Roman Empire (Reichsfreiherrenstand) as "Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan und Kleinenbruch" on 15 July 1650.
On 25 October 1652, the branch "Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan" received the county Odenkirchen from the Prince-Elector and Archbishop of Cologne Maximilian Heinrich and was created Hereditary Burgrave (Erbburggraf) of the Electoral Principality of Cologne. On 11 June 1672 the immatriculation among the nobility of the Kingdom of Bohemia (Inkolat) followed. In 1826 the King of Prussia recognised the [barony](Freiherrenstand) of the only surviving branch Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan and the branch Freiherr Raitz von Frentz zu Kellenberg, which became extinct in the late 19th century.
All male members of the family bear the name Freiherr (Baron) Raitz von Frentz, their wives that of Freifrau (Baroness) Raitz von Frentz. A daughter of a married male member of the family is called Freiin (Baroness) Raitz von Frentz.
Coat of arms
The coat of arms (Stammwappen) is a golden cross on black ground. On the top it shows a helmet with the neck and the head of a bull with golden horns. The oldest still existing official seal of the family dates from 20 January 1289 and is of "Theodericus dictus Raitze miles, civis Colon" and his sons.
When the two branches of the family were created Barons of the Holy Roman Empire the coat of arms were extended.
When the branch Raitz von Frentz zu Kendenich und Stolberg was created Barons of the Holy Roman empire (Reichsfreiherrenstand) in 1635 their coat of arms were extended as follows: Quartered: Field 1 and 4: Golden Cross on black ground. Field 2 and 3: On a silver ground two red Sparren.
When the branch Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan was created Barons of the Holy Roman empire (Reichsfreiherrenstand) in 1635 their coat of arms were extended as follows: Quartered: Field 1 and 4: Golden Cross on black ground. Field 2 and 3: On silver ground a black bar with three golden amsels. Center shield: half red and half blue ground, with a silver lion with a golden crown. The center shield was added by the emperor Leopold II when the family this branch of the family was created Baron of the Holy Roman Empire.
Members of the Family
- Henricus Raitz - "Henricus de foro", mayor of the free imperial city of Cologne (1182), Judge of the Cologne High Court.
- Theodericus Raitz, Baronet, mayor of the free imperial city of Cologne (1271–1272), Judge of the Cologne High Court, dominus, civis Coloniensis.
- Rutger (I) Raitz (died 1330), Baronet, mayor of the free imperial city of Cologne (1305–1306), Schöffe, ambassador of the free imperial city of Cologne at the court of pope Johannes XXII. in Avignon.
- Rutger (II) Raitz, Baronet, mayor of the free imperial city of Cologne (1341–1342).
- Rutger (III) Raitz von Frentz (died 1369), Baronet, famous knight fighting for King Philipp of Valois, Count Wilhelm III. of Holland, Duke of Brabant, King John of France and King Charles V of France Frankreich.
- Rutger (V) Raitz von Frentz, Knight of the Order of St. Hubertus (St. Hubertusorden); The Order was founded because of victory in the battle of Linnich (a.d. Roer) on 3 November 1444 when Duke Gerhard von Jülich und Berg beat the troops of Arnold von Egmond, who tried to occupy the duchy of Geldern. Rutger (V) Raitz von Frentz was one of the heroes, who became a knight of the Order of St. Hubertus after the battle.
- Johann Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan (died 1640), Chancellor to the last Duke Johann Wilhelm von Jülich-Kleve-Berg, after 1613 Duke of Jülich-Berg, Dean of Münster, Speyer und Lüttich, princely Pfalz-Neuburgischer Geheimer Rat.
- Arnold Raitz von Frentz von and from Schlenderhan, Chamberlain to the last Duke Johann Wilhelm von Jülich-Kleve-Berg.
- Adolf Sigismund Baron of the Holy Roman Empire Raitz von Frentz zu Kendenich (Baron after 4 April 1635), Landhofmeister von Jülich und Berg, Amtmann of Hülchrath, seit 1620 mit dem Erbkämmereramt des Erzstiftes Köln belehnt.
- Ferdinand Reichsfreiherr Raitz von Frentz zu Kendenich, Erbkämmerer, geheimer Rat und seit 1647 auch Oberstallmeister des Erzstiftes Köln.
- Maria Adriana Raitz von Frentz, Fürst-Äbstissin der freien Reichsabtei Burtscheid (1614–1616).
- Anna Raitz von Frentz, Fürst-Äbtissin der freien Reichsabtei Burtscheid (1616–1639).
- Henriette Reichsfreiin Raitz von Frentz, Fürst-Äbtissin der freien Reichsabtei Burtscheid (1639–1674).
- Johanna Reichsfreiin Raitz von Frentz, Fürst-Äbtissin der freien Reichsabtei Burtscheid (1675–1676).
- Winand Hieronymus Reichsfreiherr Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan (born 1613), (Reichsfreiherr seit 1650), Erbburggraf des Erzstiftes Köln (seit 1652), Burggraf zu Odenkirchen (seit 1652), Herr zu Schlenderhan, Kellenberg, Hattenheim, Kleinenbroich, Randerath, usw.
- Arnold Reichsfreiherr Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan, (Reichsfreiherr seit 1650), Domherr zu Lüttich und Speyer.
- Lambertina Irmgardis Reichsfreifrau Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan, Burggräfin von Odenkirchen, verheiratet seit 1. Dezember 1647 mit Winand Hieronymus Reichsfreiherrn Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan, Burggrafen von Odenkirchen, geborene Reichsfreiin und Burggräfin von Werth, Tochter des berühmten und volkstümlichen Reitergenerals Johann Reichsfreiherr und Burggraf von Werth, genannt Jan von Werth.
- Franz Carl Anton Johann Nepomuk Freiherr Raitz von Frentz von und zu Schlenderhan (15 April 1763 – 6 August 1821), Ritter und Großkreuz des Roten Adlerordens 1. Klasse, Herr auf Schlenderhan, Kleinenbroich, Hattenheim, Listringhausen, Badinghagen, Paz, Genkel, Hesmike, Neuenhof und Meulengrind.
- Emmerich Anton Hubert Maria Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (16 March 1803 – 30 December 1874), Ritterhauptmann der Rheinischen Ritterschaft, Schlosshauptmann von Benrath, Herr auf Schloss Garath.
- Jakob Franz Hubert Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (Köln 30 May 1826 – Koblenz 26 September 1884), Landrat, Landtagsmarschall und Abgeordneter, Schlosshauptmann von Stolzenfels.
- Emmerich Leopold Karl Maria Hubert Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (18 December 1857 – 13 April 1930), Königlich Preußischer Generalleutnant.
- Josef August Karl Jakob Maria Hubert Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (11 August 1858 – 6 February 1922), Ehrenritter des souveränen Malteser Ritterordens, Königlich Preußischer Generalleutnant.
- Maximilian Nikolaus Hubert Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (5 December 1880 – 28 November 1963), Generalleutnant.
- Jakobus-Maximilian Edmund Josef Hubert Maria Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (7 July 1885 – 21 August 1967), Dr. jur., Senatspräsident am Verwaltungsgerichtshof von Rheinland-Pfalz, Landrat von Koblenz, Landrat von Lippstadt.
- Edmund Erwin Joseph Hubert Maria Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (18 July 1887 – 2 November 1964), Dr. jur., Päpstlicher Geheimkämmerer di spada e cappa, Ehrenritter des souveränen Malteser Ritterordens, Großkreuz des Konstantinordens vom St. Georg, Schriftsteller und Journalist.
- Emmerich Friedrich Karl Thaddäus Sigmund Maximilian Hubertus Maria Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (8 December 1889 – 19 May 1968), Dr. phil., Dr. theol, Priester der Societas Jesu, bekannter Jesuit und Verfasser verschiedener theologischer Schriften, u.a. Selbst Verleugnung - Eine Aszetische Monographie, 1936, Verlagsanstalt Benziger & Co. AG, Einsiedeln.
- Irmgard Freifrau Raitz von Frentz (31 May 1912 – 23 November 1998), born von Bohlen und Halbach, daughter of Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, chairman of the board of Friedrich Krupp AG, and of Bertha Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, born Krupp. Irmgard Freifrau Raitz von Frentz heiratete in zweiter Ehe, nach dem Tod ihres ersten Ehemanns Johann (Hanno) Freiherr Raitz von Frentz, am 19. Juni 1952 Robert Eilenstein.
- Hermann Josef Freiherr Raitz von Frentz (born 1927), Landwirt, Schloßherr zu Haus Stapel bei Havixbeck, heiratete Ermengard geb. Freiin Droste zu Hülshoff (born 1927), Erbin des Wasserschlosses Haus Stapel, Eltern von Clemens (siehe unten).
- Goth. Frhrl. Tschb. 1848, 1904 (Stammreihe), 1906 (Berichtigung dazu), 1932 (+ Linie Kellenberg) fg., GhdA, Frhrl. Häuser A, Bd II (1956).
- Franz von Nagel: Historisch-genealogische Nachrichten über die reichsfreiherrliche Familie Raitz von Frentz zu Schlenderhan. Aachen 1857.
- Otto Hupp: Münchener Kalender 1914. Buch- und Kunstdruckerei AG, München und Regensburg 1914.
- Ernst von Oidtman: Ältere Stammreihe und ältere Siegel des Geschlechts Raitz von Frentz. Bonn 1921.
- Emmerich Leopold Freiherr Raitz von Frentz: Stammreihe, Stellung und Wappen eines tausendjährigen Reichsrittergeschlechts der ehemaligen freien Reichsstadt Cöln. In: Mitteilungen der Westdeutschen Gesellschaft für Familienkunde. Band 5. Köln 1927, Spalte 145–188.
- Manfred Groten (2003), "Raitz von Frentz", Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) (in German), 21, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 124–125
- Andreas Burtscheidt: Edmund Freiherr Raitz von Frentz – Rom-Korrespondent der deutschsprachigen katholischen Presse 1924–1964. Schöningh, 2008, ISBN 3-506-76472-1. Dieses Buch enthält unter anderem eine längere Darstellung der Geschichte der Familie Raitz von Frentz.
- Raitz von Frentz, Maximilian Franz Joseph: Stamm- und Ahnentafel der am 15. Juli 1900 lebenden Mitglieder der reichsherrlichen Familie Raitz von Frentz, Strassburg 1900
External links
- Coat of arms of the branch Raitz von Frentz zu Kendenich
- SPIEGEL-article about the relationship of the family Krupp and Raitz von Frentz (pdf)
- Information about Castle Schloss Frentz (Frens), after which the family was called "von Frentz"
- German article in Wikipedia about Raitz von Frentz