SP postcode area

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Salisbury postcode area
Postcode area SP
Postcode area name Salisbury
Post towns 6
Postcode districts 11
Postcode sectors 47
Postcodes (live) 8,355
Postcodes (total) 10,691
Statistics as at February 2012[1]

The SP postcode area, also known as the Salisbury postcode area,[2] is a group of eleven postcode districts in England, which are subdivisions of six post towns. These postcode districts cover south Wiltshire and parts of north Dorset and west Hampshire, including Salisbury, Andover, Fordingbridge, Gillingham, Shaftesbury and Tidworth.

The letters in the postcode refer to the Salisbury Plain, a plateau within the postcode area.


The approximate coverage of the postcode districts:

Postcode district Post town Coverage Local authority area
SP1 SALISBURY Central Salisbury Wiltshire
SP2 SALISBURY Outer Salisbury and surrounding villages Wiltshire
SP3 SALISBURY Tisbury, Shrewton, Hindon, Chilmark, East Knoyle, Dinton. Wiltshire
SP4 SALISBURY Amesbury & Durrington Wiltshire
SP5 SALISBURY Downton, Laverstock Wiltshire
SP6 FORDINGBRIDGE Fordingbridge New Forest
SP7 SHAFTESBURY Shaftesbury, Compton Abbas, Fontmell Magna, Donhead St Andrew, Donhead St Mary, Berwick St John, Motcombe. North Dorset, Wiltshire
SP8 GILLINGHAM Gillingham, Stour Provost, East Stour, West Stour, Kington Magna, Buckhorn Weston, Milton-on-Stour. North Dorset
SP9 TIDWORTH Tidworth, Shipton Bellinger Wiltshire, Test Valley
SP10 ANDOVER Andover Test Valley
SP11 ANDOVER Outskirts of Andover and surrounding villages Test Valley, Basingstoke and Deane, Wiltshire


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SP postcode area map, showing postcode districts, post towns and neighbouring postcode areas. BA postcode area BH postcode area DT postcode area RG postcode area SN postcode area SO postcode area
SP postcode area map, showing postcode districts in red and post towns in grey text, with links to nearby BA, BH, DT, RG, SN and SO postcode areas.

See also


  1. "ONS Postcode Directory Version Notes" (ZIP). National Statistics Postcode Products. Office for National Statistics. February 2012. Table 2. Retrieved 21 April 2012. Coordinates from mean of unit postcode points, "Code-Point Open". OS OpenData. Ordnance Survey. February 2012. Retrieved 21 April 2012.
  2. Royal Mail, Address Management Guide, (2004)

External links

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