Sports Ground, Kiev

The Sports Ground (Ukrainian: Спортивне поле: Russian: Спортивное поле) in Kiev, Ukraine was the first permanent sports stadium in the Russian Empire.[1] It was opened on 12 August 1912, and used during the First All-Russian (Imperial) Olympiad in 1913. It was located in the old historic area of Lukianivka (50°27′27.6″N 30°29′21″E / 50.457667°N 30.48917°ECoordinates: 50°27′27.6″N 30°29′21″E / 50.457667°N 30.48917°E) of Kiev.
The Sports Ground was destroyed during World War I.
First All-Russian Olympiad
One of the most prominent events in Kiev at that time was the First All-Russian (Imperial) Olympics. Held in 1913 and dedicated to the opening of the All-Russian industrial exhibition celebrating 300 years of the rule of Romanov family. A stadium was built in Kiev especially for the competitions – with race-tracks, a cycle-track as well as stands for 5,000 seats. The program of the Olympiad included such sports as track and field, marathon, soccer, wrestling, weight-lifting, fencing, swimming, gymnastics, equestrianism, bicycle and motorcycle racing along the Kiev – Chernihiv – Kyiv route.[2]
- Перший стадіон в Києві // Старт.—1987.—№ 8. (Ukrainian)
- Рибаков М.О. Невідомі та маловідомі сторінки історії Києва — К.: Кий, 1997. ISBN 966-7161-15-3. (Ukrainian)
- "Дзеркало тижня". — 2003.—30 серпня - 5 вересня. (Ukrainian)
- Київ. Історична енциклопедія. З найдавніших часів до 1917 року (Ukrainian)
- Вашъ Кiевъ — photos. (Russian)
- 'Олімпіада на Лук'янівці' (Ukrainian)