Star Wars: Empire

Star Wars: Empire was a series of comics published by Dark Horse Comics. The first issue was released on 4 September 2002. It ran for 40 issues, and was continued in the Star Wars: Rebellion series.
Star Wars Empire: Betrayal
Star Wars Empire: Betrayal consists of issues 1 to 4 of the Star Wars: Empire comics series published by Dark Horse Comics
On Coruscant, Darth Vader, Grand Moff Trachta and Moff Kadir test the blaster accuracy of a battalion of a newly trained stormtroopers. Vader is so impressed by their skill that he orders them sent to escort Governor Wilhuff Tarkin to the Death Star. Kadir objects, as the men were assigned to his Coruscant City Guard. Vader threatens him that the previous commander of Coruscant Security also made demands for more soldiers, and that Kadir should be silent if he doesn't wish to share his predecessor's fate. As Vader leaves, Kadir and Trachta express their annoyance with the Sith. Trachta hints that there might be a solution to the Sith problem, and tells Kadir that he'll be sent for.
Emperor Palpatine and Trachta meet. Palpatine asks Trachta to provide a skilled detachment of stormtroopers for his escort to the Death Star. He then says that he would have assigned Trachta to oversee the construction of the Death Star instead of Tarkin, if only Trachta wasn't necessary for the Emperor's operations on Coruscant. Meanwhile, Darth Vader thinks back to a conversation he had with Qui-Gon Jinn before he was introduced to the Jedi Council. He then meets with Palpatine, who gives him a mission to hunt down a lightsaber-wielding criminal on the planet Dargulli. They both suspect it could be one of Vader's children.
- Star Wars Empire 1: Betrayal, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 2: Betrayal, Part 2
- Star Wars Empire 3: Betrayal, Part 3
- Star Wars Empire 4: Betrayal, Part 4
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire: Princess... Warrior | Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire |
Dramatis personae
- Anakin Skywalker; Padawan (human male) (Flashback)
- Atali; first officer, Star Destroyer, Mathayus (human male)
- Bartam; Grand Moff; Galactic Empire (human male)
- Boba Fett; bounty hunter (human male clone)
- Carsan; officer, Imperial military (human male)
- Cliegg Lars; moisture farmer (human male) (Flashback)
- Coy; admiral, Imperial Navy; commander, Star Destroyer, Mathayus (human male)
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male)
- Dezsetes; captain, Imperial Navy; second officer, Star Destroyer, Mathayus (human male)
- Ganji; bounty hunter
- Gauer; assassin (human male)
- Kadir; Moff, Galactic Empire; commander, Coruscant Security (human male)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi; Jedi Knight (human male) (Flashback)
- Padmé Amidala; queen, Naboo (human female) (Flashback)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male)
- Qui-Gon Jinn; Jedi Master (human male) (Flashback)
- Shmi Skywalker Lars; mother of Anakin Skywalker (human female) (Flashback/Deceased)
- Skosef; general, Imperial Army (human male)
- Trachta; Grand Moff, Galactic Empire (human male)
- Wilhuff Tarkin; Grand Moff, Galactic Empire (human male) (Mentioned only)
Star Wars Empire: Princess... Warrior
Star Wars Empire: Princess... Warrior is a two-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Randy Stradley. The first issue was published on 5 February 2003 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy one year before the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
- Star Wars Empire 5: Princess... Warrior, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 6: Princess... Warrior, Part 2
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Way of the Wookiee | Star Wars Empire: Betrayal |
Dramatis personae
- Bail Organa; ruler of Alderaan (human male) (Referenced)
- Basso; Ralltiir resistance (human male)
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male)
- Jiir; Ralltiir resistance (human male)
- Karg; commander, Imperial Army (human male)
- Leia Organa; princess, Alderaan; senator, Galactic Empire (human female)
- Mia Ikova; leader of Kattada (human female)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Raymus Antilles; captain, Tantive IV; Royal Alderaan Civil Fleet (human male)
- Spilik; lieutenant, Imperial Army (human male)
- Tion; officer, Imperial Army (human male)
Star Wars Empire 7: Sacrifice
Star Wars Empire 7: Sacrifice is the 7th issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. It was originally published on 9 April 2003, and later collected in the Boba Fett: Man with a Mission trade paperback.
Dramatis Personae
- Ardal
- Boba Fett
- Daron
- Lol
- Malvander Bren
- Naia
- Rabutz
- Tark
- Yarda
- Yolan Bren
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
The Long, Bad Day | Star Wars Empire 14: The Savage Heart |
Star Wars Empire: Darklighter
Star Wars Empire: Darklighter is a four-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Paul Chadwick. The first issue was published on 21 May 2003 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy shortly before, and during the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
- Star Wars Empire 8: Darklighter, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 9: Darklighter, Part 2
- Star Wars Empire 12: Darklighter, Part 3
- Star Wars Empire 15: Darklighter, Part 4
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
First Impressions | The Princess Leia Diaries (pages 10–12) |
Dramatis personae
- Biggs Darklighter; officer, Imperial Navy; first mate, Rand Ecliptic (human male)
- Delund (human male)
- Derek "Hobbie" Klivian; officer, Imperial Navy; second mate, Rand Ecliptic (human male)
- Heliesk; captain, Imperial Navy; commander, Rand Ecliptic (human male)
- Jan Dodonna; general, Alliance Military (human male)
- Kandji; childhood friend of Biggs Darklighter (human female) (Holo image)
- Luke Skywalker (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Mon Mothma; co-founder, Rebel Alliance; senator, Galactic Empire (human female)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Peate Kurin (human male)
- Roons Sewell; general, Alliance Military (human male) (Mentioned only/Deceased)
- Vanden Willard; tactical advisor and military officer, Alliance Military (human male)
Star Wars Empire: The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell
Star Wars Empire: The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell is a two-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Paul Chadwick. The first issue was published on 23 July 2003 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy one year before the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Star Wars Empire 10: The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 11: The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, Part 2
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire | A New Hope |
Dramatis personae
- Jan Dodonna; general, Alliance Military (human male)
- Masla; actress (human female) (Flashback)
- Mon Mothma; co-founder, Rebel Alliance; senator, Imperial Senate (human female) (Flashback)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Roons Sewell; general, Alliance Military (human male) (Flashback)
Star Wars Empire 13: What Sin Loyalty?
Star Wars Empire 13: What Sin Loyalty? is the 13th issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. It was originally published on 26 November 2003, and later collected in the Star Wars Empire: The Imperial Perspective trade paperback.
4 days BBY, the planet Ralltiir. What was supposed to be a small rebel cell turned out to be a planetwide rebellion. Commander Akobi led Imperial forces. In some cases, the Rebels used women and children to defend themselves. The Rebels jammed communications and disrupted sensors. During an Imperial bombing run on a Rebel supply depot, the TIE Bombers sensors failed. Akobi ordered them to go on anyway. The Bombers bombed a Med Center by accident, killing scores of civilians. The Imperials covered it up, and made Akobi into a hero. While he was trying to get power back up, the Rebels tried to bomb him. His friend and bodyguard, a Stormtrooper, TK-622 saved him. The Commander believed it to be an accident. Akobi and 622 were then assigned to the Death Star. During a meeting of officers, a RA-7 Death Star Droid opened fire, killing some of the officers. 622 shot it down before it could do more harm. The remains of the droid was brought to a Technician. While he was scanning it 622 came across an excplicit order to kill Commander Akobi. Just then, the droid's memory banks exploded. While TK-622 was escorting Commander Akobi to a medals ceremony for his actions on Ralltiir, an errant Probe droid attacked them. It severely wounded Akobi. While medtechs were fighting to save Akobi's life, 622 tried to track any leads. He did not find anything that could help. At this time, the Millennium Falcon was brought on board, eventually escaping with Princess Leia. Akobi died, but not before telling 622 about what really happened on Ralltiir. TK-622 went to the tech's station, where he was attacked by the Technician. They begin to fight, as the Battle of Yavin rages. A nearby surface impact caused debris to fall on the Technician, killing him. Before his death though, the traitor confessed to the attacks on Akobi from the power generator bomb on Ralltiir, to the Probe droid's attack. The Technician was from Ralltiir, and was a Rebel agent. TK-622 watched as Luke Skywalker's X-wing starfighter fired into the Thermal Exhaust Port. He knew the station was about to explode, and in his last seconds, he reflected on his life.
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Smuggler's Blues | Day After the Death Star |
Dramatis Personae
- Akobi; commander, Imperial Army (human male)
- Chewbacca; co-pilot, "Millennium Falcon" (Wookiee male) (Background)
- Garven Dreis; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; leader, Red Squadron (human male) (Voice only)
- Han Solo; smuggler; captain, "Millennium Falcon" (human male) (Background)
- Luke Skywalker (human male) (Background)
- TK-622; stormtrooper; sergeant, Imperial Army (human male clone)
- TK-717; stormtrooper (human male clone)
Star Wars Empire 14: The Savage Heart
Star Wars Empire 14: The Savage Heart is the 14th issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. It was originally published on 10 December 2003, and later collected in the Star Wars Empire: The Imperial Perspective trade paperback.
Escaping from the Battle of Yavin in his TIE/Advanced fighter, Darth Vader crash lands on the planet Vaal. The only Imperial presence on the planet is a small Imperial communications outpost, led by the lazy Sergeant Reybn and two other men. They prefer to relax and have fun, rather than doing actual work, reasoning that they're on one of the Empire's most distant outposts. Meanwhile, Vader encounters a pack of canine creatures, who attempt to kill him. After slaying the pack leader, Vader is regarded as the new leader by the hounds. He helps them kill a large, horned mammal, then walks to the Imperial outpost, with the pack following him. The outpost crew is shocked over seeing Vader suddenly arrive, and are petrified as they watch him enter their Lambda-class shuttle. As Vader blasts off, the hounds kill Reybn and the two other men. Later, Vader arrives on Coruscant, and informs a commander that the communications outpost on Vaal will need a new crew.
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire 7: Sacrifice | Star Wars Empire: To the Last Man |
Dramatis Personae
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Privitt; officer, Imperial Army (human male)
- Reybn; sergeant, Imperial Army
Star Wars Empire: To the Last Man
Star Wars Empire: To the Last Man is a three-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Welles Hartley. The first issue was published on 28 January 2004 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy during the same time period as the events in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Star Wars Empire 16: To the Last Man, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 17: To the Last Man, Part 2
- Star Wars Empire 18: To the Last Man, Part 3
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire 14: The Savage Heart | New Planets, New Perils |
Dramatis personae
- Dix; officer, Imperial Army (human male)
- Frickett; commander, Imperial Army (human male)
- Gage; captain, Imperial Army (human male)
- Janek Sunber; lieutenant, Imperial Army (human male)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Ziering; general, Imperial Army (human male)
Star Wars Empire 19: Target: Vader
Star Wars Empire 19: Target: Vader is the 19th issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. It was originally published on May 12, 2004, and later collected in the Star Wars Empire: The Imperial Perspective trade paperback. The events in this story take place approximately five months after the events in Episode IV: A New Hope.
Darth Vader arrives on Void Station, an asteroid city, seeking the Bothan information broker Jib Kopatha. Vader complains that Kopatha has not provided the Empire with any information other than speculations for several months. To re-establish the Empire's faith in him, Vader says, Kopatha must provide him with information regarding the Rebel Alliance. Kopatha complies, and tries to persuade Vader to stay in the city for a few days, offering him various delicate foods and women, but is turned down. As Vader walks back to the hangar to leave, A Falleen female named Xora approaches him, promising him information about the Rebels. Vader follows her into a seemingly empty room, where he is attacked by several Falleen, seeking revenge for his massacre of an entire city on the planet Falleen. He kills them, and leaves.
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Death Star Pirates | Star Wars Empire: A Little Piece of Home |
Dramatis Personae
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male)
- Jib Kopatha; information broker (Bothan male)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Xora (Falleen female)
- Zuur (Falleen male)
Star Wars Empire: A Little Piece of Home
Star Wars Empire: A Little Piece of Home is a two-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Ron Marz. The first issue was published on 26 May 2004 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy less than one year before the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Star Wars Empire 20: A Little Piece of Home, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 21: A Little Piece of Home, Part 2
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire 19: Target: Vader | Wars Empire 22: Alone Together |
Dramatis personae
- C-3PO; protocol droid (masculine programming)
- Chewbacca; co-pilot, Millennium Falcon (Wookiee male)
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Han Solo; smuggler; captain, Millennium Falcon (human male)
- Heeth Panteer (human male)
- Leia Organa; princess, Alderaan; Rebel Alliance; senator, Imperial Senate (human female)
- Luke Skywalker; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military (human male)
- Nallen; servant to the Panteer family (human male)
- Raal Panteer (human male)
Star Wars Empire 22: Alone Together
Star Wars Empire 22: Alone Together is the 22nd issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. It was originally published on 14 July 2004, and later collected in the Star Wars Empire: Allies and Adversaries trade paperback. The events in this story take place approximately six months after the events in Episode IV: A New Hope.
Dramatis Personae
- C3PO; protocol droid (masculine programming)
- Chewbacca; co-pilot, "Millennium Falcon" (Wookiee male)
- Deena Shan; private, supply officer, Alliance Military (human female)
- Han Solo; smuggler; captain, "Millennium Falcon" (human male)
- Leia Organa; princess, Alderaan; Rebel Alliance (human female)
- Luke Skywalker; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Five, Red Squadron (human male)
- Prentiss
- Yenley; prime minister, Aguarl III
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire: A Little Piece of Home | Star Wars Empire 23: The Bravery of Being Out of Range |
Star Wars Empire 23: The Bravery of Being Out of Range
Star Wars Empire 23: The Bravery of Being Out of Range is the 23rd issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. It was originally published on 18 August 2004, and later collected in the Star Wars Empire: Allies and Adversaries trade paperback. The events in this story take place approximately six months after the events in Episode IV: A New Hope.
Dramatis Personae
- BoShek; smuggler; outlaw tech; captain, "Infinity" (human male)
- Garm Bel Iblis; general, Alliance Military; co-founder, Rebel Alliance (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Karn; Rebel Alliance (human male)
- Lhira; Rebel Alliance (Twi'lek female)
- Rasha Bex; spy, Galactic Empire (human female)
- Tam (human male)
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Wars Empire 22: Alone Together | Star Wars Empire: Idiot's Array |
Star Wars Empire: Idiot's Array
Star Wars Empire: Idiot's Array is a story-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Ron Marz. The first issue was published on 8 September 2004 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy approximately six months after the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Star Wars Empire 24: Idiot's Array, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 25: Idiot's Array, Part 2
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire 23: The Bravery of Being Out of Range | Star Wars Empire: "General" Skywalker |
Dramatis personae
- Chewbacca; co-pilot, Millennium Falcon (Wookiee male)
- Choba; torturer (Dug male)
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male)
- Han Solo; smuggler; captain, Millennium Falcon (human male)
- Jan Dodonna; general, Alliance Military (human male)
- Jib Kopatha; information broker (Bothan male)
- Leia Organa; princess, Alderaan; Rebel Alliance (human female)
- Mon Mothma; co-founder, Rebel Alliance (human female)
- Sheel Odala; smuggler (human female)
Star Wars Empire: "General" Skywalker
Star Wars Empire: "General" Skywalker is a two-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Ron Marz. The first issue was published on 10 November 2004 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy approximately seven months after the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Star Wars Empire 26: "General" Skywalker, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 27: "General" Skywalker, Part 2
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire: Idiot's Array | Star Wars Empire 28: Wreckage |
Dramatis personae
- A-1707 ("Able"); clone trooper (human male clone)
- Aayla Secura; Jedi Knight (Twi'lek female) (Memory)
- An’ya Kuro ("Dark Woman"); Jedi Master (human female) (Memory)
- Anakin Skywalker; Padawan (human male) (Memory)
- Bennington Narra; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Leader, Red Squadron (human male)
- C-3PO; protocol droid (masculine programming) (Memory)
- Camax; lieutenant, Alliance Military (human male)
- Chewbacca; co-pilot, Millennium Falcon (Wookiee male) (Memory)
- Darth Sidious; Sith Lord (human male) (Memory)
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male) (Memory)
- Grievous; general, Confederacy of Independent Systems (Kaleesh male cyborg) (Memory)
- Han Solo; smuggler; captain, Millennium Falcon (human male) (Memory)
- Kit Fisto; Jedi Master (Nautolan male) (Memory)
- Leia Organa; princess, Alderaan (human female)
- Luke Skywalker; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Five, Red Squadron (human male)
- Mace Windu; Jedi Master (human male) (Memory)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi; Jedi Master (human male) (Memory)
- Padmé Amidala; queen, Naboo (human female) (Memory)
- Palpatine; Supreme Chancellor, Galactic Republic; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Memory)
- R2-D2; astromech droid
- Saesee Tiin; Jedi Master (Iktotchi male) (Memory)
- Shaak Ti; Jedi Master (Togruta female) (Memory/Mentioned)
- Wedge Antilles; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Two, Red Squadron (human male)
- Wilhuff Tarkin; Grand Moff, Galactic Empire (human male) (Memory)
- Yoda; Jedi Master (Memory)
- Zev Senesca; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military (human male)
Star Wars Empire 28: Wreckage
Star Wars Empire 28: Wreckage is the 28th issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. It was originally published on 29 December 2004 The events in this story take place approximately seven months after the events in Episode IV: A New Hope.
Dramatis Personae
- Aron Harcourt; captain, Imperial Navy; captain, Star Destroyer "Anya Harcourt" (human male)
- Boba Fett; bounty hunter (human male clone)
- Jak; TIE pilot; Imperial Navy (human male)
- Janelle Harcourt; wife of Aron Harcourt (human female) Holorecording
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire: "General" Skywalker | Star Wars Empire: In the Shadows of Their Fathers |
Star Wars Empire: In the Shadows of Their Fathers
Star Wars Empire: In the Shadows of Their Fathers is a two-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Thomas Andrews. The first issue was published on 23 February 2005 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy approximately eight months after the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Star Wars Empire 29: In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 30: In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 2
- Star Wars Empire 32: In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 3
- Star Wars Empire 33: In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 4
- Star Wars Empire 34: In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 5
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire 28: Wreckage | Star Wars Empire 31: The Price of Power |
Dramatis personae
- Anakin Skywalker; Padawan (human male) (Flashback)
- Beru Whitesun Lars; wife of Owen Lars; aunt of Luke Skywalker (human female) (Referenced)
- C-3PO; protocol droid (masculine programming)
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male)
- Demmings; commander, Imperial Navy; captain, Star Destroyer Reprisal (human male)
- Derek "Hobbie" Klivian; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Four, Red Squadron (human male)
- Dunaub; Jabiimi Loyalists (human male)
- Jorin Sol; mathematician, Rebel Alliance (human male)
- Leia Organa; princess, Alderaan; Rebel Alliance (human female)
- Luke Skywalker; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Five, Red Squadron (human male)
- Luscen; Jabiimi resistance (human male)
- Nera Dantels; smuggler (human female)
- Nolan Gillmunn; leader, Jabiimi Loyalists (human male)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi; Jedi Master (human male) (Flashback)
- Orliss Gillmunn; captain, Jabiimi Loyalists (human male) (Flashback)
- Owen Lars; moisture farmer; uncle of Luke Skywalker (human male) (Referenced)
- R2-D2; astromech droid
- Sirrus; Jedi Master (human male) (Flashback)
- Soames; lieutenant, Jabiimi Loyalists (human male)
- Tal Hesz; co-leader, Jabiimi Loyalists (human male)
- Thorne Kraym; Jabiimi Nationalists (human male)
- Trigg; Jabiimi resistance (human male)
- Wedge Antilles; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Two, Red Squadron (human male)
Star Wars Empire 31: The Price of Power
Star Wars Empire 31: The Price of Power is the 31st issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. It was originally published on 18 May 2005, and in October 2006, it will be collected in the Star Wars Empire: In the Footsteps of Their Fathers trade paperback. The events in this story take place approximately eight months after the events in Episode IV: A New Hope.
Dramatis Personae
- Antha-Kres; Mayor, Tiss'sharl League (Tiss'sharl male) (Mentioned only/Deceased)
- Astre-De-Kay; vice president, Tiss'sharl League (Tiss'sharl male) (Mentioned only/Deceased)
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male)
- Demmings; commander, Imperial Navy; captain, Star Destroyer "Reprisal" (human male)
- Geor-Dan-Thi; vice president, Tiss'sharl League (Tiss'sharl male)
- Lai-O-Sid; secretary, Tiss'sharl League (Tiss'sharl male) (Mentioned only/Deceased)
- Leia Organa; princess, Alderaan; Rebel Alliance (human female) (Referenced)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Si-Di-Ri; president, Tiss'sharl League (Tiss'sharl male)
- Timi Rotramel; former senator, Imperial Senate; Rebel Alliance (Mon Calamari male)
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire: In the Shadows of Their Fathers | Star Wars Empire 35: A Model Officer |
Star Wars Empire 35: A Model Officer
Star Wars Empire 35: A Model Officer is the 35th issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series. It was originally published on 21 September 2005, and in January 2007, it will be collected in the Star Wars Empire: The Wrong Side of the War trade paperback. The events in this story take place approximately eight months after the events in Episode IV: A New Hope.
Dramatis Personae
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male)
- Demmings; commander, Imperial Navy; captain, Star Destroyer "Reprisal" (human male)
- Garil Dox; lieutenant, Imperial Navy; gunner, Star Destroyer "Reprisal" (human male)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Sankaran; captain, Imperial Navy (human male)
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire 31: The Price of Power | Star Wars Empire: The Wrong Side of the War |
Star Wars Empire: The Wrong Side of the War
Star Wars Empire: The Wrong Side of the War is a five-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Welles Hartley. The first issue was published on 12 October 2005 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy approximately eight months after the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
A squad of Rebel soldiers, led by Luke Skywalker, infiltrate an Empire-run fueling depot in an attempt to steal much-needed fuel and rescue a valuable prisoner.
The Rebels are accepted as Imperial officers and allowed to on base under restrictions. The mission is also complicated by the revelation of prisoners from a planet, Jabiim, that the Rebels had lost to the Imperials very recently.
The focus of previous stories, Lt. Sunber, had been on Jabim just recently. The loss of many of his men against the Rebels and the disheatening way the prisoners are treated make him question his role in the Imperial army.
There is also the problem that Sunber is a close childhood friend of Luke Skywalker...
- Star Wars Empire 36: The Wrong Side of the War, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 37: The Wrong Side of the War, Part 2
- Star Wars Empire 38: The Wrong Side of the War, Part 3
- Star Wars Empire 39: The Wrong Side of the War, Part 4
- Star Wars Empire 40: The Wrong Side of the War, Part 5
Preceded By: | Followed By: |
Star Wars Empire 35: A Model Officer | Boba Fett: Overkill |
Dramatis personae
- A-1707 ("Able"); clone trooper; Alliance Intelligence Corps (human male clone)
- Basso; sergeant, Alliance Intelligence Corps (human male)
- Biggs Darklighter; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Three, Red Squadron (human male) (Mentioned only/Deceased)
- Clynn; lieutenant, Imperial Army (human male)
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Deena Shan; Alliance Intelligence Corps (human female)
- Goran; slave (human male)
- Harran; captain, Alliance Intelligence Corps (human male)
- IT-O; interrogation droid
- Janek "Tank" Sunber; lieutenant, Imperial Army (human male)
- Jodeen; captain, Imperial Army (human male) (Mentioned only)
- Jorin Sol; mathematician, Rebel Alliance (human male)
- Jundland; lieutenant, Imperial Navy; alias used by Luke Skywalker (human male)
- Kale Roshuir; captain, Imperial Army (human male)
- Luke Skywalker; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Five, Red Squadron (human male)
- Mouse; Alliance Intelligence Corps (Neimoidian male)
- Noils; general, Imperial Army; base commander, Kalist VI garrison (human male)
- Palpatine; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Mentioned only)
- R2-D2; astromech droid
- Wedge Antilles; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Two, Red Squadron (human male)
- Zuud; lieutenant, Imperial Intelligence (human female)
Trade paperback collections
- Star Wars: Empire Vol 1: Betrayal (#1-4)
- Star Wars: Empire Vol 2: Darklighter (#8-12, 15)
- Star Wars: Empire Vol 3: The Imperial Perspective (#13-19)
- Star Wars: Empire Vol 4: The Heart of the Rebellion (#5-6, 20-22; A Valentine Story one-shot)
- Star Wars: Empire Vol 5: Allies and Adversaries (#23-27)
- Star Wars: Empire Vol 6: In the Shadows of Their Fathers (#29-34)
- Star Wars: Empire Vol 7: The Wrong Side of the War (#35-40)
- Star Wars Omnibus: Boba Fett (includes #7, 28)
- Star Wars Omnibus: At War with the Empire Vol. 1 (#1-6, 10-11, 13-14, 19-22, 24-25, 31)
- Star Wars Omnibus: At War with the Empire Vol. 2 (includes #26-27, 29-30, 32-35; A Valentine Story one-shot)
- Star Wars Omnibus: The Other Sons of Tatooine (includes #8-9, 12, 15-18, 23, 36-40)