Vicenç Navarro

Vicenç Navarro i López (Gironella, Berguedà, Spain 1937) is a sociologist, and political scientist currently holding a chair in Social Sciences at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. He was educated at different universities including the University of Barcelona, London School of Economics, Oxford University, Edinburgh University and Johns Hopkins University, where he received his PhD and where he has taught for 35 years. Besides his academic career, he has been an advisor to several governments including Cuba, Salvador Allende's Chile and the United States of America, as well as other global institutions such as the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. Navarro contributes regularly at the Spanish newspaper Público as well as in He is also the director of the Observatorio Social de España where he coordinates a research project on the welfare state.
- Dangerous to your health. Capitalism in health care, Monthly Review Press, (1993)
- The politics of Health Policy. The US reforms, 1980-1994, Blackwell, (1994)
- Neoliberalismo y Estado del Bienestar. Madrid, Ariel Económica, 3a edició ampliada, (2000)
- Globalización Económica, Poder Político y Estado del Bienestar. Madrid, Ariel Económica, (2000)
- Bienestar Insuficiente, Democracia Incompleta. De lo que no se habla en nuestro país. XXX Premi Anagrama d'Assaig, Barcelona, Anagrama, (2002)
- The Political Economy of Social Inequalities. Consequences for Health and Quality of Life, (2002)
- El estado de Bienestar en España , (2003)
- L'estat del Benestar a Catalunya , (2003)
- Political and Economic Determinants of Population Health and Well-Being, Baywood (amb C. Muntaner), (2004)
- The Political and Social Context of Health, Baywood, (2004)
- El subdesarrollo social de España: causas y consecuencias, Barcelona, Anagrama, (2006)
- 2011 - Hay alternativas - Vicenç Navarro, Juan Torres López i Alberto Garzón. Editorial Sequitur & Attac España. Free download on the Sequitur website.[1]
- ↑ Hay alternativas. Nou llibre de Vicenç Navarro López, Juan Tores y Alberto Garzón, 2011, at Attac España
External links
- Observatorio Social de España (Spanish)
- Blog
- Articles at Rebelió (Spanish)
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra personal website