
Ynglism (Russian: Инглиизм; which full institutional name is Ancient Russian Ynglist Church of the Orthodox Old Believers – Ynglings, Russian: Древнерусская Инглиистическая Церковь Православных Староверов-Инглингов) is a neo-pagan religion headquartered in Omsk, in Russia, variously classified as a branch of Rodnoveriye, but often not recognised as such by mainstream Rodnover groups.[1][2] The religion was organised into a church body in 1992 and was officially registered in Omsk in 1998; its leader is Aleksandr Hinevich (Александр Хиневич)[2] (also known as Alexander, AY Khinevich, Pater Dii (Патер Дий), and Pater Dii Aleksandr Hinevich (Патер Дий Александр Хиневич//Хиневича)), a student of Ynglist, Alexey Vasilevich Trehlebov (Алексей Васильевич Трехлебов/Трехлебов) aka A.V. Trehlebov (А.В. Трехлебов), and Vedagor (Ведагора/Ведагор).[3][4]
Ynglists teach that "Yngly" (Инглия) is the primordial fiery force from which the universe is arisen. They consider the Ynglings as the noble patriarchs of the Slavs and all other Indo-European (Aryan) peoples and civilisations, the first ones to get awareness of the Yngly. They also worship Rod similarly to other Rodnovers, but consider it the archetypal god of embodied men and the god of the begotten (manifested) world.
Their sacred texts are the Slavic-Aryan Vedas (Славяно-Арийская-Веды) and the Book of Veles. Although centered in the Omsk region, in recent years the church has extended its influence throughout Russia with local communities and a massive selling of books and other media.[2]
Ynglists claim that their beliefs are an old uninterrupted tradition.[5] Aleksandr Hinevich became the high priest of the religion in 1985, inheriting the title from the preceding high priest after his death. Hinevich worked to formalise the religion as an organisation and spread its teachings, establishing it as the Ynglist Church in 1992.[5] In 1998 it was officially recognised by the Omsk government.
In 2004 the church lost its official status, and in 2009 Aleksandr Hinevich and all the Ynglist groups were prosecuted at the Omsk court on charge of religious extremism (in particular, the use of the label "Slavic Aryan" and of the gammadion symbol Kolovrat) and the religion was temporarily banned.[6] In 2011 the judges decided the dismissal of the charges.[7]
The headquarters of the church is the Temple of Vedic Perun (Капище Веды Перуна), its main temple, located in Omsk city. The temple was allegedly built in 1802 and kept many old scriptures.[5] The original wooden building was destroyed by arson in the late 2000s, and a masonry-made new temple is currently being built. An even older Temple of Svarog (Капище Сварога), already in ruins in the late 20th century, now disappeared, also existed in Omsk Oblast.
The Ynglist religion is mostly based on the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, scriptures which Ynglists claim to be thousands of years old.[8][9][10][11] The teachings written within the books cover many fields of knowledge, from the creation of the universe and the origins of mankind, to theology and eschatology. The doctrines show clear similarities with Platonism and Western esotericism.

According to the doctrines of the church, the Aryan peoples and the civilisations they founded, stem from an ancient race who inhabited the now sunken land of Hyperborea, located at the North Pole, and ultimately came on Earth from the Ursa Major constellation. After the fall of Hyperborea they moved to Belovodye, between the Irtysh and the Obi rivers, where they formed a prosperous civilization. The Ynglings, founding dynasties of the countries of Scandinavia and Rus', understood their ancestors and handed their teachings down through generations, the Ynglist spiritual teachings ultimately coming from ancient Hyperborean knowledge.
Slavic-Aryan Vedas
Sacred texts of ingliizm issued adherents of the movement for transfers from different ancient languages, are collected in the so-called Slavic-Aryan Vedas, four parts of which were legally published in the early 2000s and survived three reprints until 2008[12] Parts 1-4.[13] According to the commission-religious examination from 14.04.2008, the cabinet contains a number of judgments that can be recognized as containing signs of extremism[14]
Santee. Each Santa consists of 16 couplets each sloka contains nine rows, each row under a single feature, called heaven, inscribed 16 runes on each plate 4 slokas, two on each side. Nine Santa on 36 plate is One Circle, and these plates containing 144 slokas, stitched 3 rings, which symbolize the three worlds: Jav (human world), Nav (world of spirits and the souls of ancestors), the right (bright world Slavonic-Aryan Gods) . Nine Circles Santa comprising 1296 slokas or 11664 rows or 186624 vzaimoupravlyayuschih h'Ariyskih Runes make sense of imagery collection.
First book
- "Santee Vedas Perun - First Circle" written in the form of a dialogue with the people of Perun. Described in the first round of the commandments left Perun peoples "Great Race" and "descendent of heaven", as well as upcoming events in the next 40,176 years. Quite remarkable comments to Santee, in which the word "land" is interpreted as a planet, celestial chariot - like a spaceship, "fire mushrooms" - as thermonuclear explosions. The preface states that Santee were first translated in 1944 to revive again Slavic communities, and that the community preserves ancient noble metal plate covered with runes more than 40 thousand years ago. These runes - not letters and characters, and the "secret images that convey a huge amount of Ancient Knowledge", written under a common feature.
- "Saga Ynglinga" - Norse Saga Ynglinga of the whole earth in an academic translation M. Steblin-Kamensky,[15] whose name in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas-1, however, is not mentioned. Said only that given in the wording of the translation. Alexander (AY Khinevich). Feedback kind Ynglings explained in the text that are the ancestors of Yngling.
- Appendix 1. "Ingliizm." Provides general information about the teaching of the church, description of the pantheon, the texts of hymns and commandments. However, even here there are direct loans without specifying authors.
- Appendix 2. "Daariysky krugolet Chisloboga." Contains information about the calendar Ynglings.
- Appendix 3. "Communities and Organizations of Ancient Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church Ingliisticheskoy-Ynglings."
Second book
- "The Book of Light" (Light Harati 1-4) - mystical work written according to Yu Khinevich ancient runes on parchment sheets and translated into modern Russian language about 250 years ago. Harati 1-4 published along with the original source of rune in the second volume of the Vedas.
- "Word of Wisdom Velimudra Magus." Part 1. - The statements attributed to the ancient sage of ingliistami Belovodye Velimudru.
Third book
- "Ingliizm" - Creed Ynglings.
- "Word of Wisdom Velimudra Magus." Part 2.
Fourth book
- "Source of Life" - a collection of ancient stories and legends.
- "White Way" - the path of the Slavic peoples.
Yngly, maybe comparable to the Germanic god Yngvi, is the fire force substantiating the world, begotten by the highest transcendent god Ramhy (Рамхи). The god Rod is the immanent or present god of the manifested world, and all the gods of the Slavic pantheon are aspects of him. The many gods are described as "Vyshna gods" (Вышние боги) in the Slavo-Aryan Vedas, and they are the informations-laws of the ordained world (cosmos).
Each of the planets of the Solar system are informed (generated) by a god of which they are the embodiments: Hors — Mercury, Mertsana — Venus, Perun — Jupiter, Oray — Mars, Stribog — Saturn, Viy — Pluto, Niy — Neptune, Varuna — Uranus, Indra — Chiron.
The Ancient Russian Ynglist Church of the Orthodox Old Believers – Ynglings has nothing to do with the Christian Old Believers or the Russian Orthodox Church; it has chosen this name because it claims to represent in contemporary times the teachings of the Ynglings who professed the "old belief of the great race" and "honoured the Right" (slavyat Prav, "ortho-dox", piety to the Rta, order, right, rule).[16]
Although in many ways — and according to Aleksandr Hinevich who describes it as "Russian tradition" and uses traditional Slavic garments — Ynglism can be encompassed within Rodnovery, influential Rodnover groups such as the Union of Slavic Rodnover Communities and the Circle of the Pagan Tradition have declared that Ynglism is «defamatory for the resurgent Slavic movement».[17]
Very unflattering opinions about Aleksandr Hinevich and the Ynglist Church have been published by writers close to the Rodnovers, for example the famous satirist Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov has defined the Ynglist narrative about the origins of man as a "jumble of nonsense with Hollywood fantasies wishing to present a Slavic new Bible".[18]
See also
- Slavic Neopaganism (Rodnovery)
- Vedism
- ↑ Milan Petrović. Qualification of Slavic Rodnovery in Scientific Literature — Neopaganism or Native Religion. 2013. p. 8
- 1 2 3 Kaarina Aitamurto. Russian Rodnoverie: Negotiating Individual Traditionalism. Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, 2007. Cit.: «Although many Rodnovers are highly suspicious about all kinds of religious authorities and organizational hierarchies, there are fractions in the movement which tolerate less deviance from the religious doctrines and have more authoritative leaders. Most notable of such organizations is the Ancient Russian Ingliistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ingliists (ARICOOBI). The church was founded by a charismatic leader Aleksandr Hinevich (Pater Dii (Патер Дий)) in Omsk, but in recent few years, it has considerably increased its influence throughout Russia. Other Rodnover organizations do not, however, have very warm relations with the ARICOOBI, and the main reason for this refutation is the “sectarian” nature of the church. Although in 2004 it lost the official status of registered religious community, it has communities throughout Russia and professes massive selling of books and video material. The teachings of the church base on Vedas, texts that are claimed to be ancient Aryan holy scriptures, the oldest part dating from the 40 000 BP. Besides the Vedas, Ingliists teach their adherents for example “h’Arriiskaya arifmetika” and ancient Slavic grammar. Special emphasis is laid on “healthy way of life”, which includes such very common features as eating natural and pure food, living responsible and sober life, but also ideas basing on theories of human biology and genetics which are very far from the academic perceptions.»
- ↑ http://pravdu.ru/en/lessons/trehlebov/index.htm
- ↑ http://pravdu.ru/en/VEDI.htm
- 1 2 3 Наследие Асгарда. slavianin.ru
- ↑ Приговор по делу А. Ю. Хиневича (2009 год).
- ↑ Снятие судимости с Отца Александра! 11.03.11 г.
- ↑ http://vedy.sk/en/vedas.php
- ↑ http://midgard-svaor.com/my-deti-galaktiki-nash-rod-nezemnoj/
- ↑ http://www.peshera.org/khrono/khrono-16.html
- ↑ Khinevich A., Ivanov NI Slavic-Aryan Vedas. (http://rus-vedy.narod.ru/kniga.htm)
- ↑ / Old Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church Ingliistskaya-Ynglings. Omsk (Asgard Erie). 2nd ed. 2005, 3rd ed. 2007
- ↑ The sentencing magistrate VA Matytsi Central District of Omsk in the case № 1-18-93/09 against AY Khinevich on June 11, 2009. http://ru.wikisource.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%BF%D0%BE_%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%83_%D0%90._%D0%AE._%D0%A5%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B0_(2009_%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4)
- ↑ Snorri Sturluson. circle Earth. - Moscow: Nauka, 1980. Translation by M. Steblin-Kamensky
- ↑ Славяно-Арийские Веды. Книга Первая. — издание для общего пользования исправленное и дополненное. — Омск: Асгард, 2001. — 256 с. — ISBN 5-89115-028-X (далее — САВ-1). С. 144.
- ↑ Vladimir Pribilov. Ideological Centers of Russian Polytheists. 2004.
- ↑ М.Н. Задорнов. Стрижак "Правильное образование".
External links
- Articles
- Yashin V. B. Orthodox Old Believers Church - Ynglings // Neopaganism in Eurasia. М., 2001
- Websites
- Slavo-Aryan Vedas
- Hinevich A., Ivanov. Славяно-Арийские Веды ("Slavo-Aryan Vedas"). Parts 1-4. / Ancient Russian Ynglist Church of the Orthodox Old Believers - Ynglings. Omsk. 2nd ed. 2005, 3rd ed. 2007