Anthem of the Republic of Buryatia
English: Song about the native land | |
Buryád Ulasai türîn dúal Pesńa o rodnoj zemle | |
The Coat of Arms of Buryatia | |
National anthem of Republic of Buryatia | |
Lyrics |
Damba Zhalsarayev (Russian translation by Oleg Dmitrijev) |
Music | Anatoliy Andreyev |
Adopted | 20 April 1995 |
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Music sample | |
National Anthem of Buryatia ![]() |
The Anthem of the Republic of Buryatia (Russian: Гимн Республики Бурятия, Gimn Respubliki Burjatija; Buryat: Буряад Уласай түрын дуулал, Buryád Ulasai türîn dúlal, IPA: [burjaːt ulasaĭ tyrʉːŋ duːlal]) is one of the state symbols of the Republic of Buryatia together with the Flag of Buryatia and the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Buryatia.
The anthem was written by Damba Zhalsarayev, and translated to Russian by Oleg Dmitriyev. The anthem's music was composed by Buryat composer and music teacher Anatoliy Andreyev.
The Anthem was adopted on 20 April 1995 with the Law N121-I "On the State Anthem of the Republic of Buryatia".
Please note that the last two lines in every stanza are repeated twice for the rhythmic composition.
Buryat (Cyrillic) | Latin script (old orthography) | Transliteration | Russian (Cyrillic) | Transliteration |
First verse | ||||
Yнгын дайдаар, хангай тайгаар нэмжыгшэ |
Yngьn dajdaar, xangaj tajgaar nemƶьgșe |
Üngîn daidár, hangai taigár nemjîgşe |
Таёжная, озёрная, степная, |
Tajožnaja, oźornaja, stepnaja, |
Second verse | ||||
Эрхим хангал санзай шэнги агаарташ |
Erxim xangal sanzaj șengi agaartaș |
Erhim hangal sanzai şengi agártaş |
Брусничный дух, черёмухи дыханье, |
Brusničný duch, čerjomuchi dychańje, |
Third verse | ||||
Холын замда эхын ёһоор юрөөжэ, |
Xolьn zamda exьn johoor jurөөƶe, |
Holîn zamda ehîn yoħór yurője, |
Прими, земля, сыновнее спасибо, |
Primi, zemlja, synovneje spasibo, |
Fourth verse | ||||
Шэрүүн сагай ерээшье һаа дэлхэйдэ, |
Șeryyn sagaj jereeșjje haa delxejde, |
Şerűn sagai yeréşĭye ħá delheide, |
С тобой, земля, мы слиты воедино, |
S toboj, zemlja, my slity vojedino, |
Approximate English translation (of the Russian lyrics)
English translation | |
First verse | |
Land of the taiga, the lakes, and prairies, | |
Second verse | |
A spirit of cranberry, a breath of cherry, | |
Third verse | |
My country, accept the gratitude of your sons, | |
Fourth verse | |
We are united with you, our land, |
External links
- Official video of the Buryat National Anthem on YouTube, via the YouTube channel of the Ministry of Culture of Buryatia
- Music