History of Pune
Pune is the 9th most populous city in India and the second largest in the state of Maharashtra after the state capital Mumbai. The history of the city is closely related to the rise of the Maratha empire of the 17th and 18th centuries. In the 18th century, Pune became the political centre of the Indian subcontinent, as the seat of the Peshwas who were the prime ministers of the Maratha Empire.[1] After the fall of Peshwa rule in 1818, the new British rulers made the city one of their major military bases. In the 19th and early 20th century, Pune was considered by the British as the center of political unrest against their rule. The city population and area grew rapidly after the Indian independence in 1947. The floods of 1961 resulted in loss of housing on the river bank and the subsequent housing of the homeless into new suburbs. The post-independence era saw Pune area emerging as a major manufacturing center. The city has also seen further growth in the higher education sector during this period.
Early and medieval
Copper plates dated to 758 and 768 show that, by the 8th century, an agricultural settlement known as 'Punnaka' existed where Pune is today. The plates indicate that this region was ruled by the Rashtrakutas. The Pataleshwar rock-cut temple complex was built during this era. Pune was first mentioned in a copper plate issued by Shilahar king, Aparajit in 993 AD. The plate refers to Pune region as Punaka vishaya and included surrounding areas such Theur, Uruli, Chorachi Alandi, Bhosari etc.[2] In later centuries it was referred to as Punekavadi, Punevadi, and Kasabe Pune respectively.
Pune was a part of Yadava Empire of Deogiri from the 9th century to 1327. It was later ruled by the Bahamani sultanates and its successors, the various Deccan sultanates rulers between 1400 and early 1600s.Under Islamic rule, Pune was a garrison town with the Muslim soldiers and few non-military Muslims living within the town walls. The Brahmins, traders and cultivators lived outside the fortified mud walls. The wall was built by Barya Arab, a commander of the Khiljis in the early 1300s. It is also believed that temples of Punyeshwar and Narayaneshwar were turned into Sufi shrines of Younger Sallah and Elder Sallah respectively,.[3][4] Saint Namdev (1270-1350) is believed to have visited the Kedareshwar temple. The Bengali saint Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited the place during the Nizamshahi rule.[5]
Maratha rule
Pune first came under Maratha control in early 1600s. However, control shifted between the Bhosale family, the Adilshahi and the Mughals for most of the century. In the early 1700s, the place came in the possession of Maratha Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath and remained in his family until his great grandson Bajirao II was defeated by the British East India Company in 1818.
Seventeenth century under the Bhosale family

In 1595 or 1599, Maloji Bhosle, the grandfather of Chhatrapati Shivaji, was given the title of raja by Bahadur Nizam Shah II, the ruler of the Ahmednagar Sultanate.[6] On the recommendation of Nizam's Vazir, Malik Ambar, Maloji was granted the jagir of Pune and Supe parganas, along with the control of the Shivneri and Chakan forts.
In 1630-31, Murar Jagdeo Pandit, a general of Adil Shahi of Bijapur attacked Pune and literally raised it to the ground by using ass-driven ploughs as symbol of total destruction.[7] Soon afterwards, Shahaji, the son of Maloji joined the service of Adil shahi and got his family's jagir of Pune back in 1637. He appointed Dadoji Konddeo as administrator of the place. Dadaji slowly rebuilt the place and got back the prominent families who had left the town during the destruction by Murar Jaggdeo[8] Shahaji also selected Pune for the residence of his wife, Jijabai and son, Shivaji, the future founder of the Maratha empire. The construction of a palace called Lal Mahal for Jijabai and Shivaji was completed in 1640. Jijabai is said to have commissioned the building of the Kasba Ganapati temple herself. The Ganesh idol consecrated at this temple is regarded as the presiding deity (gramadevata) of the city.[9] The town changed hands between the Mughals and the Marathas many times during the rest of the century. Shivaji was (crowned Chhatrapati (King) in 1674 of Maratha swaraj) at his mountain capital of Raigad. The town remained in his possession, however, for most part of his active career, he operated from mountain forts like Rajgad and later Raigad. Recognizing the military potential of the place, the Mughal general Shaista Khan and later the emperor Aurangzeb further developed areas around the town[10]
Peshwa rule
In 1714, Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Shahu appointed, Balaji Vishwanath,a chitpavan Brahmin, as his Peshwa (Prime Minister). Around the same period, Balaji was gifted the area around Pune by the grateful mother of one of Shahu's ministers, the Pantsachiv, for saving the latter's life[11] In 1720, Baji Rao I, was appointed Peshwa, as a successor to his father by Chhatrapati Shahu.[12] Bajirao moved his administration from Saswad to Pune in 1728 and, in the process, laid the foundation for turning what was a Kasbah into a large city.,.[13][14] Before Bajirao I made Pune his headquarters, the town already had six Peth or wards namely, : Kasba, Shaniwar Raviwar, Somwar, Mangalwar and Budhwar.[15] Bajirao also started construction of a palace called Shaniwar Wada on the right bank of the Mutha River The construction was completed in 1730, ushering in the era of Peshwa control of the city. The city grew in size and influence as the Maratha rule extended in the subsequent decades. The city further gained influence under the rule of Bajirao I 's son, Balaji Bajirao or Nanasaheb. After the disastrous Battle of Panipat in 1761, Maratha influence was reduced. At that time the Nizam of Hyderabad looted the city. The city and the empire recovered during the brief reign of Peshwa Madhavrao. The rest of the Peshwa era was full of family intrigue and political machinations. The leading role in this was played by the ambitious Raghunathrao, the younger brother of Nanasaheb who wanted power at the expense of his nephews, Peshwa Madhavrao I and Narayanrao. Following the murder of Peshwa Narayanrao on the orders of Raghunathrao's wife, in 1775, power was exercised in the name of the son of Narayan rao, Madhavrao II by a regency council led by Nana Fadnavis for almost the rest of the century.[16] For most part, the Peshwa rule saw the city elites coming from the Chitpavan Brahmin community. They were the military commanders, the bureaucrats and the bankers and had ties to each other through marriage alliances[17]
Nanasaheb Peshwa constructed a lake at Katraj on the outskirts of the city and an underground aqueduct to bring water from the lake to Shaniwar Wada.[18] The aqueduct is still operational. The city got an underground sewage system in 1782 that ultimately discharged into the river,[8][19] Pune prospered as a city during the reign of Nanasaheb Peshwa. He developed Saras Baug, Heera Baug, Parvati Hill and new commercial, trading, and residential localities. Sadashiv Peth, Narayan Peth, Rasta Peth and Nana Peth were developed in this era. The city in the 1790s had a population of 600,000.
In 1781, after a city census, household tax called Gharpatti was levied on the more affluent which was one fifth to one sixth of the property value[20]
In Peshwa Pune, law and order was exercised by the office of the Kotwal. The Kotwal was both the Police chief, magistrate as well as the Municipal commissioner. His duties included investigating, levying and collecting of fines for various offences. The Kotwal was assisted by police officers who manned the Chavdi or the police station, the clerks who collected the fines and the paid informants who provided the necessary intelligence for charging people with misdemeanor. The crimes included illicit affairs, violence and even murder. Sometimes even in case of murder, only a fine was imposed. Intercaste or inter-religious affairs were also settled with fines.[21] The salary of the Kotwal was as high as 9000 rupees a month but that included the expense of employing officers mainly from the Ramoshi caste [22] The most famous Kotwal of Pune during Peshwa rule was Ghashiram Kotwal
The patronage of the Brahmin Peshwas resulted in great expansion of Pune with the construction of around 250 temples and bridges in the city, including the Lakdi Pul and the temples on Parvati Hill.[23] Many of the Maruti, Vithoba, Vishnu, Mahadeo, Rama, Krishna and Ganesh temples were built during this era. The city also conducted many public festivals. the main festivals were Holi, the Deccan New year or Gudi padwa, Ganeshotsav, Dasara and Dakshina. Holi festival at the Peshwa court used to be celebrated over a five day period. The Dakshina festival where millions of rupees were distributed to Brahmins attracted Brahmins from all over the country to Pune for the festival The festivals, the building of temples and the rituals conducted at temples, led to religion being responsible for about 15% of the city's economy during this period.[24][25][26]
The Peshwa rulers and the knights residing in the city also had their own hobbies and interests. For example, the Peshwa Madhavrao II had a private collection of exotic animals such as lions and Rhinoceros close to where the later Peshwe park zoo was situated,.[27] The last Peshwa Bajirao Ii was a physical strength and wrestling enthusiast. The sport of pole gymnastics or Malkhamb was developed in Pune under his patronage by Balambhat Deodhar.[28] Many Peshwas and the courtiers were patrons of Lavani, the maharashtrian dance. A number of composers of lavani such as Ram Joshi , Anant Phandi, Prabhakar and Honaji Bala come from this period. The dancers used to come from the castes such as Mang and Mahar,.[29][30] Lavani used to be essential part of Holi celebrations in the Peshwa Courts of Pune.[31]
The Peshwa's influence in India declined after the defeat of Maratha forces in the Battle of Panipat but Pune remained the seat of power. The city's fortunes declined rapidly after the accession of Bajirao II to power in 1795. In 1802, Pune was captured by Yashwantrao Holkar in the Battle of Pune, directly precipitating the Second Anglo-Maratha War of 1803–1805. The Peshwa rule ended with the defeat of Peshwa Bajirao II by the British East India Company under the leadership of Mountstuart Elphinstone in 1818.
British rule (1818-1947)

British rule over more than a century saw huge changes that were seen in all spheres, social, economic and others as well. The British built a large military cantonment to the east of the city. Building cantonments was a peculiar British phenomenon in the Indian Subcontinent. Whenever the British occupied new territory, they built new garrison towns near the old cities and called them cantonments.[34] The settlement of the regiments of the 17 Poona Horse cavalry, the Lancashire Fusiliers, the Maratha Light Infantry and the others, led to an increase in the population. Due to its milder weather the city became the ‘Monsoon capital’ of the ‘Governor of Bombay’ thus, making Poona, one of the most important cities of the Bombay Presidency. For many decades, Pune was the center of Social reform and at the turn of the century, the center of Indian Nationalism.
The population of the city declined with the declining fortunes of the Peshwa rule. The population at the beginning of British rule was estimated at around 100,000 and declined further as the city lost its stature as the seat of a major power. At the 1851 census the population of the old city (excluding cantonment) was down to 70,000. It increased following the introduction of railways to 80,000 in 1864, 90,000 in 1872 and 100,000 in 1881. The population of greater Poona (including Cantonment, Khadki and surrounding villages like Ghorpadi) in 1881 was 144,000. By 1931 it had increased to 250,000. In the 1890s there was loss of population due to bubonic plague. The loss was due to mortality as well as people leaving the city. The population bounced back in the following decades due to introduction and acceptance of vaccination by the Indian population of the city. During the British era, the vast majority of the old city was Marathi speaking Hindus. Other significant minorities were Muslims, parsis, Jews, Gujaratis and Marwadis[4][35]
Local Government
The Poona Municipality was established in 1858. The cantonment area had its own separate administration from the beginning and is governed separately even today. Unlike Bombay Municipal council, the Poona Municipality had two third members elected. In case of Bombay it was only half the members. Due to the colonial government of the Presidency setting up property and educational qualifications to hold office, the majority of seats on the corporation were held by Maharashtrian Brahmins who accounted for 20% of the city's population in the late 1800s. A significant number of seats were also held by non-Maharashtrian Hindus (Gujarati, south Indian etc.) and Parsis.[36] Social reformer Jyotirao Phule was appointed to the council in the 1870s. .[37] The District Collector position was created by the East India company early during its rule and has been retained after independence. Pune and the Pune district also had a collector who had broad administrative power of revenue collection and judicial duties. When Pune and the Peshwa territories came under the company rule, Governor of Bombay Presidency, Mountstewart Elphinstone wanted to retain many practices of the old order including justice.[38] He continued the practice of Panchayat (a jury of local elders) to adjudicate in civil cases, however, the litigants preferred the parallel courts modelled on English justice system.[39][40] Trial by jury was introduced in Pune in 1867[41]
For most part of the British era, Pune remained a poor cousin of Mumbai when it came to industrialization. There were, however, a few industrial concerns active at the turn of 20th century such as a metal forge works, and a cotton mill. Printing had been a big part of the city's economy due to large number of education establishments in the city. To a major extent, manufacturing was a small scale business. Cotton and silk weaving were major industries that grew in the 19th century. The same was true of brass and copper ware.. The latter actually developed after the advent of railways made importation of sheet metal easier.[4][42] Other small industries included Jewelry, bidi making, leather works and food processing. Towards the end of the British era, movie making had become a significant business with eminent studios like the Prabhat Film Company located in the city.[43]
Transport and Communication
During the first and second Anglo-Maratha wars, it used to take 4–5 weeks to move materials from Mumbai to Pune. A military road constructed in 1804 reduced the journey to 4–5 days. The British built a macademized road between the two cities in 1830 that allowed mail cart service to begin between the two cities[44]
Railway line from Bombay and run by the Great Indian Peninsula Railway (GIPR) reached the city in 1858.[45][46] In the following decades the line was extended places further east and south of the city. In the east, GIPR extended its line to Raichur in 1871 where it met the line of Madras Railway and thereby connected Poona to Madras.[47] The Pune - Miraj line was completed in 1886. The completion of the Metre gauge Miraj line turned the city into an important railway junction. The Bombay-Poona line was electrified in the 1920s. This cut the travel time between the cities to 3 hours and made it possible to make day trips between the cities for business or leisure such as Bombay rich coming down to see the Poona races.[48]
Given the importance of Pune as a major Military base, the British were quick to install the instant communication system of Telegraph to the city in 1858.[49] The Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency: Poona (2 pts) from 1885 reports that in 1885, the city had its own telegraph office in addition to the GIPR Railway company's telegraph service. In 1928 a beam relay station was installed in Khadki to beam radio telegraph signals for Imperial Wireless Chain system. The town in 1885 was a post distribution hub for the district. There were two post offices in the city that in addition to mailing services offered money order and savings bank services
Although railways came to Pune in the middle of the 19th century, public bus service took nearly ninety years to follow suit. Unlike Mumbai, Pune never had a tram service. The first bus service was introduced in Pune in 1941 by the Silver bus company. This caused huge uproar amongst the Tanga carriers (horse-drawn carriage) who went on strike in protest.[50] Tangas were the common mode of public transport well into 1950s. Bicycles were choice of vehicle for private use in the 1930s[51]
Water supply and Utilities
Areas east of Pune receives much less rainfall than the areas in the west of city adjacent to the Sahyadri mountains. To minimize risk of drought in the area, a masonry dam was built on the Mutha river at Khadakwasla in 1878. At that time the dam was considered one of the largest in the world. Two canals were dug on each bank of the river for irrigating lands to the east of the city. The canals also supplied drinking water to the city and the cantonment.[52] In 1890 Poona Municipality spent Rs. 200,000 to install water filtration works[53]
Electricity was first introduced to the city in 1920[54] In the early part of the 20th century, hydroelectric plants were installed in the western ghats between Pune and Mumbai. The Poona electric supply company, a Tata concern received power from Khopoli on the Mumbai side of the ghats and Bhivpuri plants near the Mulshi dam.[55] The power was used for the electric trains running between Mumbai and Pune, for industry and home use.
To cater for the religious and educational needs of the Christian British soldiers and officers, the early colonial period saw the building of many Protestant churches and schools associated with them such as The Bishop's School (Pune), Hutchings High School, and St. Mary's School, Pune. St. Vincent's High School was another school founded in the 1800s to cater for the catholic community.[56]
In the 1820s, the company government set up a Hindoo college to impart education in Sanskrit. In the 1840s, the college started offering a more contemporary curriculum. The college was then renamed Poona College and later Deccan College.[57] The 1800s also witnessed tremendous activity in setting up schools and colleges by early nationalists. For example, Tilak was one of the founder of the Deccan Education Society.[58] The society set up the New English school as well as the renowned Fergusson College. Another nationalist Vasudev Balwant Phadke was co-founder of the Maharashtra education society. Both the Deccan and Maharashtra education society still run numerous schools and colleges in Pune and in other cities such as Abasaheb Garware College. The Shikshan Prasarak Mandali society was responsible for setting up The Nutan Marathi Vidyalaya school for boys in 1883 the SP College for higher education in 1916 respectively. The colonial era also saw the opening of schools for girls and the Untouchable castes. The pioneers in this task were the husband and wife due of Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule who set up the first girl's school in Pune in 1848.[59] Later in the century in 1885, justice Mahadev Govind Ranade and Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar founded the first and renowned Girl's high school in Pune called Huzurpaga.[60] SNDT Women's University, the first University for women in India, was founded in Pune by Dhondo Keshav Karve in 1916[61]
Early during British rule in the 1830s, the "Poona Engineering Class and Mechanical School" was established to train subordinate officers for carrying out public works like buildings, dams, canals, railways and bridges.[62][63][64][65][66][67] Later on, in the year 1864, the school became the "Poona Civil Engineering College". The number of courses were increased to include forestry and agricultural subjects, which led to its name being changed to Poona College of Science. All non-engineering courses were stopped by 1911 and the name was changed to the Government College of Engineering, Poona.
Western Medical education started in Pune with the establishment of the BJ Medical school in 1871. The Sassoon Hospital was also started around the same time with the help of the philanthropist Sassoon family in 1868.[68] A regional mental asylum at Yerwada was established in the late 1800s[69]
Poona was a very important military base with a large cantonment during this era. The cantonment had a significant European population of soldiers, officers, other officers and their families. A number public health initiatives were undertaken during this period ostensibly to protect the Indian population but mainly to keep Europeans safe from the periodic epidemics of diseases like Cholera, bubonic plague , small pox etc. The action took form in vaccinating the population and better sanitary arrangements. Given the vast cultural differences, and at times the arrogance of colonial officers, the measures led to great public anger. The most famous case of the public anger was in 1897 during the bubonic plague epidemic in the city. By the end of February 1897, the epidemic was raging with a mortality rate twice the norm and half the city's population had fled. A Special Plague Committee was formed under the chairmanship of W.C. Rand, an Indian Civil Services officer. He brought European troops to deal with the emergency. The heavy handed measures he employed included forcibly entering peoples' homes and removing infected people and digging up floors where it was believed in those days that the plague bacilus bacteria resided.[70] These measures were deeply unpopular. Tilak fulminated against the measures in his papers and 22 June 1897, Rand and his military escort were shot dead by the Chapekar brothers. A memorial to the Chapekar brothers exists at the spot on Ganesh khind Road. The assassination led to a rethink of public health policies.[71] This led even Tilak to support vaccination efforts later in 1906.
Center of Social reform and Nationalism
The city was an important centre in the social and religious reform movements as well as the nationalist movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Notable Civil society bodies founded or active in the city during 19th century include the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha, the Prarthana samaj, the Arya Mahila Samaj and the Satya Shodhak Samaj. The Sarvajanik sabha took active part in relief efforts during the famine of 1875-76 was considered a forerunner of the Indian National Congress established in 1885.[72][73] The most prominent personalities of Indian Nationalism in the early 20th century, Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Bal Gangadhar Tilak on opposite side of political spectrum both called Pune their home. The city was also a centre for social reform led by Mahatma Jyotirao Phule, feminist Tarabai Shinde, Dhondo Keshav Karve, Vitthal Ramji Shinde, and Pandita Ramabai.[74] Most of the early Social reform and Nationalist leaders of stature in Pune were from the Brahmin caste who belonged to the Congress party or affiliated groups. The non-brahmins in the city started organizing in early 1920s under the leadership of Keshavrao Jedhe and Baburao javalkar. Both belonged to the Non-brahmin party. Capturing the Ganpati and Shivaji festivals from brahmin domination were their early goals. They combined nationalism with anti-casteism as the party's aims. Later on in 1930s, Jedhe merged the non-brahmin party with the Congress party and changed it from an upper-caste dominated party to a more broadly based but also Maratha-dominated party in Pune and other parts of Maharashtra.[75]
Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned at Yerwada Central Jail several times. The historic Poona Pact between Dr B.R. Ambedkar and Gandhi on reserved seats for the Untouchable castes was signed in 1932.[76][77][78] Gandhi was placed under house arrest at the Aga Khan Palace in 1942–44, where both his wife and aide Mahadev Desai died.
Culture and Recreation
The social reformers and nationalist leaders in the city were greatly aided by the availability of printing presses. Notable printing press based in Pune in the 19th century were the Chitrashala press and the Aryabhushan press of Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar.[79] The first Marathi newspapers published from the city were Mitrodaya in 1844 and Dnyanprakash in 1849 respectively. Christian missionaries based in Mumbai and Pune started a journal called Dnyanodaya 1840s to criticize Hindu social customs as well to impart knowledge on secular subjects such as science and medicine. In reply to the missionary criticism, Krishna Shastri Chiplunkar and Vishnu Bhikaji Gokhale started Vicharlahari and Vartaman Dipika in 1852 respectively. Later in the 19th century Tilak and Agarkar started the english newspaper Mahratta and the Marathi paper, Kesari respectively. These papers were printed at the Aryabhushan press[80] After ideological differences with Tilak, Agarkar left Kesari and started his own reformist paper, Sudharak. Most of the above papers were either run by brahmins or catered to the upper castes. The Mumbai journals, Deenabandhu and Vitalwidhvansak established in 1877 and 1886 respectively, catered for non-brahmin castes and especially propagated the anti-caste philosophy of Mahatma Phule. In early 20th century , a number newspapers were established or had Pune edition. The Prabhat in 1940s was the first 1 ana newspaper that catered for low income classes. The Sakal started by N.B. Parulekar in 1931 is the most popular Marathi daily in the city to this day [81]
The public Ganeshotsav festival popular in many parts of India in modern times was started in Pune in 1892 by a group of militant young Hindus named Ana Khasgivale, Balasaheb Balasaheb Natu, Dagdusheth Halwai and Bhausaheb Javale ( also known as Bhau Rangari)[82] In 1893, Tilak praised the celebration of sarvajanik Ganesh utsav in his newspaper, Kesari, and the following year he installed a Ganesha idol in the Kesari office; his efforts transformed the annual domestic festival into a large, well-organised public event.[83] Tilak recognized Ganesha's appeal as "the god for everybody",[84][85] popularising Ganesha Chaturthi as a national festival to "bridge the gap between Brahmins and 'non-Brahmins' and find a context in which to build a new grassroots unity between them", generating nationalistic fervour in the Maharashtrian people to oppose British colonial rule.,[86][87][88] Encouraged by Tilak, Ganesh Chaturthi facilitated community participation and involvement in the forms of intellectual discourse, poetry recitals, plays, concerts, and folk dances. It was a meeting ground for people from all castes and communities at a time when the British discouraged social and political gatherings to control unrest by the Indian population.[89]
During the long period of British rule, many different forms of entertainment became popular and faded in Pune. In 1840s plays based on stories from the Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharat were made popular by the traveling troupes of Vishnudas Bhave. For the next forty years plays by the traveling troupes, and performed in tents or even private dwellings, were extremely popular among the Marathi speaking population of the city.[90] The Marathi musical theater of the later period was built on the foundation of the traveling theater.
The British rulers of India loved the outdoors and sports and built facilities for their past times[91] British rule in Pune saw both the introduction of British sports such as Cricket, and the development of the new game of Badminton.[92] The building of a low dam at Bund gardens also allowed boating on the Mula-mutha river for recreation. The cantonment area of the city had a race course which still hosts horse racing. The British also built a Golf course which is still operational as Poona Golf club in a, now, sub-urban setting. For the game of Cricket, by the end of the 19th century there were exclusively white clubs such as Poona Europeans and clubs based on religion such as Poona Parsees and Poona Hindu Gymkhana playing cricket. The latter club was dominated by the educated brahmin caste of the city. However, two lower caste brothers from the city became stars of Indian cricket in the early part of the century. They were Palwankar Baloo and his brother, Vithal Palwankar. Vithal was appointed the captain of the Hindus in a quadrilateral cricket tournament between the Hindus, Parsees, Muslims and Europeans,.[93][94] British rule also saw a parallel development of indigenous sports at the the traditional akhara or talim. However, the 1897 assassination of Rand by the Chapekar brothers who ran a talim in Pune called Gophan,led to these venues being viewed with suspicion by the colonial authorities for being potential centers of extremist views.[95] The committee to set rules for Kho-kho was established in the city in 1914.[96] The Maharashtra Mandal club formed in the early part of the twentieth century took the lead in promoting physical culture and education. The club took a pragmatic view by promoting both indigenous as well as western sports [97]
After Indian independence in 1947
The period between 1947 to present day saw Pune turning from a mid-size city to a large metropolis. This period saw a huge influx of people to the city due to opportunities offered by the boom in manufacturing industry and lately in the software field. The influx has been from other areas of Maharashtra as well as from outside the state.
The post-independence period saw the establishment of the National Defence Academy at Khadakwasla, and National Chemical Laboratory at Pashan. Pune was also made the headquarters of the Southern Command of the Indian Army.[98] The city until the 1970s was referred to as "Pensioners' Paradise" since many government officers, civil engineers and Army personnel preferred to settle down in Pune after their retirement.
Industrial developments started in 1950s in the otlining areas of the city such as Hadapsar, Bhosari, Pimpri, and later around Parvati.[99] The area around Bhosri was set aside for industrial development by the newly created MIDC in early 1960s. MIDc provided the necessary infrastructure for new businesses to set up operations. Telco (now Tata Motors) started operations in 1961, which gave a huge boost to the automobile sector. After 1970, Pune emerged as the leading engineering city of the country with Telco, Bajaj, Kinetic, Bharat Forge, Alfa Laval, Atlas Copco, Sandvik and Thermax expanding their infrastructure. This allowed the city to vie with Chennai for the title of "Detroit of India" at that time[100] The growth in the Pimpri Chinchwad and Bhosri areas allowed these areas to incorporate as the separate city of Pimpri-Chinchwad.
In 1989, Dehu Road-Katraj bypass (Western bypass) was completed, reducing traffic congestion in the inner city. After the 991 economic liberalization, Pune began to attract foreign capital, particularly in the information technology and engineering industries; new businesses like floriculture and food processing begin to take root in and around the city. In 1998, work on the six-lane Mumbai-Pune expressway began; a huge accomplishment for the country, the expressway was completed in 2001. In the three years before 2000 Pune saw huge development in the Information Technology sector, and IT Parks formed in Aundh, Hinjewadi and Nagar road[101] By 2005 Pune overtook both Mumbai and Chennai to have more than 200,000 IT professionals.
The city also acquired in the post 1947 period, the reputation of being the 'Oxford of the East' due to a large number of educational institutes.
In 2006, PMC started BRT (Bus Rapid Transit System) project first among all Indian cities but due to narrow roads of the city it has not worked properly. However, PMC is working on glitches in this project and planning skywalks near BRT and other changes. The year 2008 saw huge development near the Chakan and Talegaon region as Multinational Corporations (MNCs) like General Motors, Volkswagen and Fiat have set up facilities near Pune. Additionally, in 2008 the Commonwealth Youth Games took place in Pune, which encouraged additional development in the north-west region of the city and added a few Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses on Pune's road.

The Flood of 1961
The Panshet Dam, near Pune, was under construction when the dam had failed. It was zoned at a height of 51 m and having an impervious central core outlet gates located in a trench of the left abutment and hoists were not fully installed when floods occurred at the site of construction. The reservoir had a capacity of 2.70 million m3. Between 18 June and 12 July 1961, the recorded rainfall was 1778 mm. The rain caused such a rapid rise of the reservoir water level that the new embankment could not adjust to the new loading condition. The peak flow was estimated at 4870 m3/s . Water rose at the rate of 9 m per day initially, which rose up to 24 m in 12 days. Due to incomplete rough outlet surface the flow through was unsteady which caused pressure surges. Cracks were formed along the edges of the right angles to the axis of the dam causing a subsidence of 9 m wide. An estimated 1.4 m of subsidence had occurred in 2.5 hours, leaving the crest of the dam 0.6 m above the reservoir level. Failure of the dam was attributed to inadequate provision of the outlet facility during emergency. This caused collapse of the structure above the outlets The Khadkawasla Dam was constructed in 1879 as a masonry gravity dam, founded on hard rocks. The dam had a flood capacity of 2,775 m3/s and a reservoir of 2.78 * 103m3. The failure of the dam occurred because of the breach that developed in Panshet Dam, upstream of the Khadakwasla reservoir. The upstream dam released a tremendous volume of water into the downstream reservoir at a time when the Khadkawasla reservoir was already full, with the gates discharging at near full capacity. This caused overtopping of the dam because inflow was much above the design flood. Vibration of the structure was reported, as the incoming flood was battering the dam. Failure occurred within four hours of the visiting flood waters.[102]
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