List of architects
The following is a list of notable architects – well-known individuals with a large body of published work or notable structures, which point to an article in the English Wikipedia.
Early architects
13th-century architects
14th-century architects
15th-century architects
16th-century architects
- Antonio Abbondi
- Galeazzo Alessi
- Bartolomeo Ammanati
- Michelangelo Buonarroti
- Girolamo Cassar
- Vittorio Cassar
- Guglielmo dei Grigi
- Juan de Herrera
- Francesco Laparelli
- Philibert de l'Orme
- Hans Hendrik van Paesschen
- Andrea Palladio
- Antonio da Sangallo the Elder
- Antonio da Sangallo the Younger
- Michele Sammicheli
- Raffaello Santi (Raphael)
- Vincenzo Scamozzi
- Koca Mimar Sinan Agha
- Pellegrino Tibaldi
- Giorgio Vasari
- Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola
17th-century architects
- Gian Lorenzo Bernini
- Francesco Borromini
- Ustad Ahmad Lahauri
- Jacob van Campen
- Pietro da Cortona
- Tumas Dingli
- Pietro Paolo Floriani
- Lorenzo Gafà
- Guarino Guarini
- Jules Hardouin-Mansart
- Inigo Jones
- Louis Le Vau
- Baldassarre Longhena
- Carlo Maderno
- François Mansart
- Nicodemus Tessin the Younger
- Carlo Rainaldi
- John Webb
- Elizabeth Mytton Wilbraham
- Christopher Wren
18th-century architects
- Robert Adam
- William Adam
- Cosmas Damian Asam
- Egid Quirin Asam
- James Bloodworth
- Étienne-Louis Boullée
- Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart
- William Buckland
- Colen Campbell
- John Carr of York
- Richard Cassels
- William Chambers
- François de Cuvilliés
- Christoph Dientzenhofer
- Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer
- Laurent-Benoît Dewez
- John Douglas (c. 1709–88)
- Nicolai Eigtved
- Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach
- Johann Michael Fischer
- Pierre François Léonard Fontaine
- Ange-Jacques Gabriel
- John Gwynn
- Abraham Hargrave
- Peter Harrison
- Nicholas Hawksmoor
- Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt
- James Hoban
- Thomas Ivory
- Nicolas-Henri Jardin
- Thomas Jefferson
- Richard Jupp
- Filippo Juvarra
- William Kent
- Benjamin Latrobe
- Giacomo Leoni
- Joseph Christian Lillie
- Johann Friedrich Ludwig
- Giorgio Massari
- Josef Munggenast
- Robert Mylne
- Ivan Fyodorovich Michurin
- Balthasar Neumann
- Giovanni Paolo Pannini
- Edward Lovett Pearce
- Charles Percier
- Giuseppe Piermarini
- Jakob Prandtauer
- Joseph-Jacques Ramée
- Bartolomeo Rastrelli
- Charles Ribart
- Antonio Rinaldi
- Thomas Sandby
- Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel (1677–1723)
- Michael Searles
- Jacques-Germain Soufflot
- William Thornton
- Lauritz de Thurah
- Mary Townley (1753–1839)
- Domenico Trezzini
- John Vanbrugh
- Luigi Vanvitelli
- Bernardo Vittone
- John Wood, the Elder
- John Wood, the Younger
- James Wyatt
- Giacomo Quarenghi
- Dominikus Zimmermann
- Johann Baptist Zimmermann
19th-century architects
- Dankmar Adler (1844–1900)
- Frank Shaver Allen (1860–1934)
- Henry Austin (1804–1891)
- Alphonse Balat (1819–1895)
- William Swinden Barber (1832–1908)
- Sir Charles Barry (1795–1860)
- Charles Barry, Jr. (1823–1900)
- Edward Middleton Barry (1830–1880)
- Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi (1834–1904)
- Carlo Bassi (1807–1856)
- Asher Benjamin (1773–1845)
- Hendrik Beyaert (1823–1894)
- Charles Bickel (1852–1921)
- Joseph Blick (1867–1947)
- Edward Blore (1787–1879)
- Camillo Boito (1836–1914)
- Ignatius Bonomi (1787–1870)
- Joseph Bonomi the Elder (1739–1808)
- R. Newton Brezee (1851–1929)
- Gridley James Fox Bryant
- David Bryce
- Charles Bulfinch
- William Burges
- William Burn
- Decimus Burton
- J. Cleaveland Cady
- Cesar Castellani
- Basil Champneys
- Edward Clark
- Adolf Cluss
- S. N. Cooke
- Lewis Cubitt
- Thomas Cubitt
- Pierre Cuypers
- Alexander Jackson Davis
- George Devey
- John Dobson
- Thomas Leverton Donaldson
- Henry Engelbert
- Kolyu Ficheto
- Watson Fothergill
- James Fowler
- Thomas Fuller
- Frank Furness
- Charles Garnier
- Edward William Godwin
- George Enoch Grayson
- Samuel Hannaford
- Philip Hardwick
- Philip Charles Hardwick
- William Alexander Harvey
- Thomas Hastings
- Victor Horta
- William Hosking FSA
- Richard Hunt
- Benno Janssen (1874–1964)
- Giuseppe Jappelli
- William LeBaron Jenney
- Sir Horace Jones
- Abdallah Khan
- Leo von Klenze
- John A. B. Koch (1845–1928), Australia
- Henri Labrouste
- Barthelemy Lafon
- Richard Lane
- Benjamin Henry Latrobe (1764–1820), British-American
- Charles F. Lembke (working life 1871–1923)
- Joseph Christian Lillie
- Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow, Jr. (1854–1934)
- Charles Follen McKim (1847–1924)
- Samuel McIntire
- Enrico Marconi
- Leandro Marconi
- Oskar Marmorek
- Frederick Marrable
- Robert Mills
- Josef Mocker
- Auguste de Montferrand
- William Morris
- Alfred B. Mullett (1834–1890)
- John Nash
- Joseph Maria Olbrich
- Frederick Law Olmsted (1822–1903)
- Frederick J. Osterling (1865–1934)
- Edward Graham Paley (1823–1895)
- Alexander Parris
- Joseph Paxton (1803–1865)
- John Wornham Penfold (1828–1909)
- Sir James Pennethorne
- Albert Pretzinger
- Will Price (1855–1916)
- A. W. N. Pugin
- Joseph-Jacques Ramée
- Charles Reed (1814–1859)
- Charles Reeves (1815–1866)
- James Renwick, Jr.
- Henry Hobson Richardson (1838–1886)
- Antonio Rivas Mercado (1853–1927)
- Robert S. Roeschlaub (1843–1923)
- Isaiah Rogers (1834–1890)
- John Root (1850–1891)
- Carlo Rossi (1775–1849)
- Archimedes Russell (1840–1915)
- Frederick C. Sauer (1860–1942)
- George Gilbert Scott
- George Gilbert Scott, Jr.
- Karl Friedrich Schinkel
- Gottfried Semper
- Edmund Sharpe (1809–1877)
- Joseph Lyman Silsbee (1848–1913)
- Jacob Snyder (1823–1890)
- John Soane
- Vasily P. Stasov
- J. J. Stevenson (1831–1908)
- George Edmund Street
- William Strickland
- Louis Sullivan (1856–1924)
- Sir Henry Tanner (1849–1935)
- Thomas Alexander Tefft (1826–1859)
- Samuel Sanders Teulon
- Constantine Andreyevich Ton
- Clair Tisseur (1827–1896)
- Ithiel Town
- Silvanus Trevail
- William Tubby
- Richard Upjohn
- Calvert Vaux
- Eugene Viollet-le-Duc
- Otto Wagner
- Thomas U. Walter
- Alfred Waterhouse (1830–1905), UK
- George Webster
- Stanford White
- William Wilkins
- Thomas Worthington
- Thomas Henry Wyatt
- Edward Alexander Wyon (1842–1872)
- Ammi B. Young
20th-century architects
- Alvar Aalto (1898–1976), Finland
- Max Abramovitz (1908–2004), USA
- David Adler (1882–1949), USA
- Gerard Pieter Adolfs (1898–1968), Dutch East Indies
- Charles N. Agree (1897–1982), Detroit, Michigan, USA
- Franco Albini, Italy
- Christopher Alexander (born 1936), Austria
- Tadao Ando (born 1941), Japan
- Paul Andreu (born 1938), France
- Walter W. Ahlschlager (died 1965), USA
- Raul de Armas (born 1941), Cuba
- Hisham N. Ashkouri (born 1948), USA
- Charles Herbert Aslin (1893–1959), UK
- Gunnar Asplund (1885–1940), Sweden
- Ian Athfield (born 1940–2015), New Zealand
- Fritz Auer (born 1933), Germany
- Gae Aulenti, Italy
- Rafiq Azam, Bangladesh
- Sixto Durán Ballén (1921–2016), USA
- Edward Larrabee Barnes (1915–2004), USA
- Laurie Baker (1917–2007), UK/India
- Howard R. Barr (1910–2002), USA
- Luis Barragán (1902–1988), Mexico
- Fred Bassetti (1917–2013), USA
- Geoffrey Bawa (1919–2003), Sri Lanka
- Isobel Hogg Kerr Beattie (1900–1970), UK
- Welton Becket (1902–1969), USA
- Adolf Behne (1885–1948), Germany
- Peter Behrens (1868–1940), Germany
- Pietro Belluschi (1899–1994), USA
- Hendrik Petrus Berlage (1856–1934), Netherlands
- Lina Bo Bardi (1914–1992), Italy/Brazil
- Mordechai Benshemesh (1911–1993), Australia
- Antonio Bilbao La Vieja (1892-1980), Argentina
- Titus de Bobula (1878–1961)
- Gottfried Böhm (born 1920), Germany
- Ricardo Bofill (born 1939), Spain
- Oriol Bohigas (born 1925), Spain
- J. Max Bond, Jr. (1935–2009), USA
- Mario Botta (born 1943), Switzerland
- Claude Fayette Bragdon (1866–1946), USA
- Marcel Breuer (1902–1981), Hungary
- Gordon Bunshaft (1909–1990), USA
- John Burgee (born 1933), USA
- Daniel Burnham (1846–1912), USA
- Enamul Karim Nirjhar, Bangladesh
- Santiago Calatrava (born 1951), Spain
- Peter Calthorpe, USA
- Alberto Campo Baeza (born 1946), Spain
- Félix Candela Outeriño (1910–1997), Spain/Mexico
- Sir Hugh Casson (1910–1999), UK
- James Walter Chapman-Taylor (1958–1978), UK/New Zealand
- Ethel Charles (1871–1962), UK
- Jorge Ferreira Chaves (1920–1982), Portugal
- Serge Chermayeff (1900–1996), Chechnya/UK
- David Chipperfield (born 1953), UK
- Wells Coates, UK/Canada
- Josep Antoni Coderch (1913–1984), Spain
- Coleman Coker (born 1951), USA
- Mary Colter (1869–1958), USA
- Peter Cook (born 1936), UK
- Le Corbusier (1887–1965), Switzerland/France
- Ernest Cormier (1885–1980), Canada
- Charles Correa (1930–2015), India
- Lúcio Costa (1902–1998), Brazil
- Ralph Adams Cram (1863–1942), USA
- Charles Howard Crane (1885–1952), USA
- Paul Philippe Cret (1876–1945), France, USA
- Kirtland Cutter (1860–1939), USA
- Justus Dahinden (born 1925), Switzerland
- Raimondo Tommaso D'Aronco (1857–1932), Italy
- Giancarlo De Carlo, Italy
- Frederic Joseph DeLongchamps (1882–1969), USA
- François Deslaugiers (1934–2009), France
- Jack Diamond (born 1932), South Africa/Canada
- Filipe Oliveira Dias (born 1963), Portugal
- Theo van Doesburg (1883–1931), Netherlands
- B. V. Doshi (born 1927), India
- Alden B. Dow (1904–1983), USA
- Jane Drew (1911–1996), UK
- Andrés Duany (born 1949), USA
- Max Dudler (born 1949), Switzerland/Germany
- Michael Middleton Dwyer, USA
- Willem Marinus Dudok (1884–1974), Netherlands
- Arthur Dyson (born 1940), USA
- H. Kempton Dyson (1880–1944), UK
- Charles Eames (1907–1978), USA
- Ray Eames (1912–1988), USA
- John Eberson (1875–1964), Romania/USA
- Peter Eisenman (born 1932), USA
- George Grant Elmslie (1869–1952), USA
- Richard England (born 1937), Malta
- Arthur Erickson (1924–2009), Canada
- Don Erickson (1929–2006), USA
- Raymond Erith (1904–1973), USA
- Aldo van Eyck (1918–1999), Netherlands
- Hassan Fathy (1900–1989), Egypt
- Sverre Fehn (1924–2009), Norway
- Hermann Finsterlin (1887–1973), Germany
- Theodor Fischer (1862–1938), Germany
- Harold H. Fisher (1901–2005), USA
- Kay Fisker (1893–1965), Denmark
- O'Neil Ford (1905–1982), USA
- Norman Foster (born 1935), UK
- Yona Friedman (born 1923), Hungary/France
- Maxwell Fry, UK
- Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983), USA
- Ignazio Gardella (1905–1999), Italy
- Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926), Spain
- Giuli Gegelia (born 1942), Georgia
- Frank Gehry (born 1929), Canada/USA
- Haralamb H. Georgescu (1908–1977), Romania/USA
- Heydar Ghiai (1922–1985), Iran
- Cass Gilbert (1859–1934), USA
- Romaldo Giurgola (born 1920), Italy/USA/Australia
- Hansjörg Göritz, Germany
- Bruce Goff (1904–1982), USA
- Ernő Goldfinger (1902–1987), Hungary/UK
- Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon (born 1926), Mexico
- Bertram Goodhue (1869–1924), USA
- Michael Graves (born 1934), USA
- Charles Sumner Greene (1868–1957), USA
- Henry Mather Greene (1870–1954), USA
- Walter Burley Griffin (1876–1937), USA
- Sir Nicholas Grimshaw (born 1939), UK
- Walter Gropius (1883–1969), Germany
- Victor Gruen (1903–1980), Austria
- Hector Guimard (1867–1942), France
- William John Hale (1862–1929), UK
- Robert Bell Hamilton (1892–1948), Australia
- Halfdan M. Hanson (1884–1952), USA
- Bashirul Haq (born 1938), Bangladesh
- Hugo Häring (1882–1958), Germany
- David M. Harper (born 1953), USA
- Wallace Harrison (1895–1981), USA
- Francis R. Heakes (1858–1930), Canada
- John Hejduk (1929–2000), USA
- Fernando Higueras (1930–2008), Spain
- Harold Frank Hoar (1907–1976), UK
- Charles Holden (1875–1960), UK
- Hans Hollein (born 1934), Austria
- Raymond Hood (1881–1934), USA
- Sir Michael Hopkins (born 1935), UK – 1994 RIBA Gold Medal winner
- Victor Horta (1861–1947), Belgium
- Edith Hughes (1888–1971), UK
- A. R. Hye (1919–2008), Pakistan
- Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928–2000), Austria
- Wilbur R. Ingalls, Jr. (1923–1997), USA
- Muzharul Islam (born 1923), Bangladesh
- Arata Isozaki (born 1931), Japan
- Arne Jacobsen (1902–1971), Denmark
- Hugh Newell Jacobsen (born 1929), USA
- Helmut Jahn (born 1940), Germany/USA
- Benno Janssen (1874–1964), USA
- Pierre Jeanneret (1896–1967), Switzerland
- Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint (1853–1930), Denmark
- Jon Jerde, USA
- Philip Johnson (1906–2005), USA
- Clarence H. Johnston, Sr. (1859–1936), USA
- E. Fay Jones (1921–2004), USA
- Josep Maria Jujol (1879–1949), Spain
- Albert Kahn (1869–1942), USA
- Fazlur Rahman Khan (1929–1982), Bangladesh
- Louis Kahn (1901/1902–1974), USA
- Maxwell M. Kalman (1906–2009), Canada
- Louis Kamper (1861–1953), USA
- Jan Kaplický (1937–2009), Czech/UK
- Oskar Kaufmann (1873–1956), Hungary
- Omid Kamvari (born 1982), Iran/Uk
- Kendrick Bangs Kellogg (born 1934), USA
- Raymond M. Kennedy, USA
- Hugh T. Keyes (1888–1963), USA
- Nader Khalili, USA
- Edward Killingsworth (1917–2004), USA
- Charles Klauder (1872–1938), USA
- George Klenzendorff (1883–?), USA
- Michel de Klerk (1884–1923), Netherlands
- Ralph Knott (1878–1929), UK
- Austin Eldon Knowlton (1909–2003), USA
- Carl Koch (1912–1998), USA
- Hans Kollhoff (born 1946), Germany
- Rem Koolhaas (born 1944), Netherlands
- Károly Kós (1883–1977), Hungary
- Johannes Krahn (1908–1974), Germany
- Piet Kramer (1881–1961), Netherlands
- Léon Krier (born 1946), Luxembourg
- Kisho Kurokawa (1934–2007), Japan
- Edgar-Johan Kuusik (1888–1974), Estonia
- Ivan Sergeyevich Kuznetsov (1867–1942), Russia
- Thomas W. Lamb (1871–1942), USA
- G. Albert Lansburgh (1876–1969), USA
- Henning Larsen (born 1925), Denmark
- Sir Denys Lasdun (1914–2001), UK
- Vilhelm Lauritzen (1894–1984), Denmark
- John Lautner (1911–1994), USA
- Ricardo Legorreta (born 1931), Mexico
- William Lescaze (1896–1969), USA
- Jan Letzel (1880–1925), Czechoslovakia
- Amanda Levete (born 1955), UK
- Sigurd Lewerentz (1885–1975), Sweden
- Liang Sicheng (1901–1972), China
- Adalberto Libera, Italy
- Daniel Libeskind (born 1946), Poland/USA
- Maya Lin (born 1959), USA
- El Lissitzky (1890–1941), Russia
- Gordon W. Lloyd (1832–1905), USA
- Leandro Locsin (1928–1994), Philippines
- Elmar Lohk (1901–1963), Estonia
- Adolf Loos (1870–1933), Austria/Czechoslovakia
- Berthold Lubetkin, UK/USSR
- Bill Lucas (1924–2001), Australia
- Hans Luckhardt (1890–1954), Germany
- Wassili Luckhardt (1889–1972), Germany
- Owen Luder (born 1928), UK
- Edwin Lutyens (1869–1944), UK
- Ivar Lykke (born 1941), Norway
- George Washington Maher (1864–1926), USA
- Fumihiko Maki (born 1928), Japan
- Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868–1928), UK
- Imre Makovecz (1935–2011), Hungary
- Robert Mallet-Stevens (1886–1945), France
- Angelo Mangiarotti (born 1921), Italy
- George R. Mann (1856–1939), USA
- George D. Mason (1856–1948), USA
- Edward Maufe (1883–1974), UK
- Bernard Maybeck (1862–1957), USA
- Wayne McAllister (1907–2000), USA
- Raymond McGrath (1903–1977), UK/Ireland
- Roy Mason (1938–1996), USA
- François Massau, Belgium
- Richard Meier (born 1934), USA
- Konstantin Melnikov (1890–1974), USSR
- Erich Mendelsohn (1887–1953), Germany
- Paulo Mendes da Rocha (born 1928), Brazil
- Henry Mercer (1856–1930), USA
- Johan van der Mey (1878–1949), Netherlands
- Hannes Meyer (1889–1954), Switzerland
- Giovanni Michelucci (1891–1990), Italy
- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969), Germany/USA
- Andrés Mignucci (born 1957), Puerto Rico
- Vlado Milunić (born 1941), Czech Republic
- James Rupert Miller (1869–1946), USA
- Dom Mintoff (1916–2012), Malta
- Hadi Mirmiran (1945–2006), Iran
- Enric Miralles (1955–2000), Spain
- Antonio Miró Montilla (born 1937), Puerto Rico
- Samuel Mockbee (1944–2001)
- Erik Møller (1909–2002)
- Rafael Moneo (born 1937), Spain
- Roger Montgomery (1925–2003), USA
- Adolfo Moran (born 1953), Spain
- Riccardo Morandi, Italy
- Luigi Moretti, Italy
- Arthur Cotton Moore (born 1935), USA
- Charles Willard Moore (1925–1993), USA
- Lester S. Moore (1871–1924), USA
- Julia Morgan (1872–1957), USA
- Raymond Moriyama (born 1929), Canada
- Eric Owen Moss (born 1943), USA
- Michel Mossessian (born 1959), France/UK
- Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg (1887–1980), USA
- Glenn Murcutt (born 1936), Australia
- C. F. Møller (1898–1988), Denmark
- Barton Myers (born 1934), Canada
- Robert Natus
- Richard Neutra
- Ngo Viet Thu (1926–2000), Vietnam
- Oscar Niemeyer (1907–2012)
- Oscar Nitzchke (1900–1991)
- Percy Erskine Nobbs
- Samuel Tilden Norton
- Pier Luigi Nervi, Italy
- Ellice Nosworthy (1897–1972), Australia
- Jean Nouvel
- Martin Nyrop (1849–1921), Denmark
- Gyo Obata
- John J. O'Malley (1915–1970), USA
- Yafes Osman, Bangladesh
- Frei Otto (born 1925)
- J.J.P. Oud
- Paul Paget
- Henry (Harry) Paley (1859–1946)
- Mustapha Khalid Palash, Bangladesh
- F.W.J. Palmer (1864–1947), UK
- John Pawson
- Arthur Peabody
- I.M. Pei
- César Pelli
- Hubert Petschnigg
- Frits Peutz
- Timothy L. Pflueger
- Renzo Piano
- Stjepan Planić
- Jože Plečnik
- Hans Poelzig
- Gino Pollini, Italy
- James Polshek
- Gio Ponti
- John Russell Pope
- John Portman
- Christian de Portzamparc
- George B. Post, USA
- Henry Price
- Alain Provost
- Freeman A. Pretzinger
- William Gray Purcell (1880–1965), USA
- Ralph Rapson
- Rip Rapson
- C. W. Rapp, USA
- George L. Rapp, USA
- Isaac Rapp, USA
- Steen Eiler Rasmussen
- Antonin Raymond, Japan/USA
- Affonso Eduardo Reidy (1909–1964), Brazil
- Sir Charles Herbert Reilly
- Sir Albert Richardson
- Gerrit Rietveld
- Isabel Roberts (1871–1955), USA
- Harry G. Robinson III (born 1942)
- Kevin Roche
- Ernesto Nathan Rogers
- Richard Rogers
- Aldo Rossi (1931–1997), Italy
- Wirt C. Rowland
- Paul Rudolph
- Robert Tor Russell (1888–1972)
- Eero Saarinen (1910–1961), Finland
- Eliel Saarinen (1873–1950), Finland
- Eugen Sacharias
- Moshe Safdie
- Paul Saintenoy
- Rogelio Salmona (1929–2007), Spain-Colombia
- João Santa-Rita
- Carlos A. Santos-Viola
- Louis Sauer
- Carlo Scarpa
- Hans Scharoun
- Rudolf Schindler
- Elisabeth Scott (1898–1972), UK
- Frederic Schwartz
- Paul Schmitthenner
- Alexey Shchusev
- Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky
- Giles Gilbert Scott
- Harry Seidler
- Richard Seifert
- Joseph Lluís Sert
- H. Craig Severance
- Hooshang Seyhoun (born 1920), Iran
- Vladimir Shukhov
- Claudio Silvestrin
- Scott Simons (born 1954), USA
- Alvaro Siza, Portugal
- Howard Dwight Smith
- George Washington Smith
- Alison Smithson
- Peter Smithson
- Charles B. J. Snyder (1860–1945), USA
- Paolo Soleri (1919–2013), Italy
- Alejandro de la Sota
- Eduardo Souto de Moura (born 1952), Portugal
- Albert Speer (1905–1981)
- Basil Spence
- Johann Otto von Spreckelsen
- Sheila Sri Prakash (born 1955), India
- William L. Steele (1875–1949), USA
- Rudolf Steiner
- Joseph Allen Stein (1912–2001), USA, India
- Robert A.M. Stern
- John Calvin Stevens (1855–1940), USA
- Sir James Stirling (1926–1992)
- Edward Durrell Stone
- James Strutt (1924–2008), Canada
- Joseph Sunlight
- Roger Taillibert
- Benedetta Tagliabue, Italy, co-founder of EMBT
- Alexander Tamanyan (1878–1936), Armenia
- Kenzo Tange (1913–2005)
- Bruno Taut (1880–1938)
- Max Taut
- Giuseppe Terragni
- Quinlan Terry
- Benjamin C. Thompson
- Horace Trumbauer
- Bernard Tschumi
- Gilbert Stanley Underwood
- Jørn Utzon (1918–2008), Denmark
- François Valentiny (born 1953), Luxembourg
- William van Alen
- Henry Van de Velde
- Robert Venturi
- Carlos Raúl Villanueva
- Rafael Viñoly
- Roland Wank
- Paul Waterhouse (1861–1924), UK
- Carlo Weber
- W. H. Weeks
- Carl Westman (1866–1936)
- Paul Williams
- Clough Williams-Ellis
- Jan Wils
- George J. Wimberly
- James Wines (born 1932), USA
- Geoffrey Wooding
- Lebbeus Woods (born 1940), USA
- Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959), USA
- Minoru Yamasaki
- F. R. S. Yorke, UK
- Jean-François Zevaco
- Peter Zumthor (born 1943), Switzerland
21st-century architects
- Michel Abboud (born 1977), Lebanon
- Olajumoke Adenowo (born 1968), Nigeria
- Hossein Amanat (born 1942), Iran
- Hidetsugu Aneha (born 1957), Japan
- Ron Arad (born 1951), Israel
- Wiel Arets (born 1955), Netherlands
- Rafiq Azam, Bangladesh
- Shigeru Ban (born 1957), Japan
- Christopher Charles Benninger (born 1942), India
- Stefano Boeri, Italy
- Stephan Braunfels (born 1950), Germany
- Marco Casagrande (born 1971), Finland
- Alexandre Chan
- Kees Christiaanse (born 1953), Netherlands
- Antonio Citterio, Italy
- Terence Conran (born 1939, United Kingdom)
- Sue Courtenay, Belize
- Lise Anne Couture (born 1959), Canada
- Hafeez Contractor (born 1950), India
- Simone de Gale (born 1982), UK
- Thomas Doerr (born 1964), USA
- Roger Duffy
- Michael Middleton Dwyer, USA
- Erick van Egeraat (born 1956), Netherlands
- Sunay Erdem (born 1971, Bulgaria), Turkey
- Günay Erdem (born 1978, Bulgaria), Turkey
- Peter Exley, USA
- Sir Terry Farrell, UK
- Basil Al Bayati (born 1946), UK
- Eric Corey Freed
- Norman Foster, UK
- Tony Fretton (born 1945), UK
- Sou Fujimoto (born 1971), Japan
- Massimiliano Fuksas, Italy
- Dominique Gauzin-Müller (born 1960), France
- Nabil Gholam
- Sean Godsell (born 1960), Australia
- T.J. Gottesdiener
- Keith Griffiths (born 1954), UK
- Zaha Hadid (born 1950), UK
- Ivan Harbour (born 1962), UK
- David M. Harper
- Craig W. Hartman
- Arif Hasan (born 1943), Pakistan
- Gregory Henriquez
- David Randall Hertz (born 1960), USA
- Thomas Herzog
- H. R. Hiegel
- Steven Holl (born 1947), USA
- Hammad Husain (born 1970), Pakistan
- Bjarke Ingels (born 1974), Denmark
- Jun'ya Ishigami (born 1974), Japan
- Toyo Ito (born 1941), Japan
- Kevin Kennon
- Bernard Khoury (born in 1969), Lebanon
- Pouya Khazaeli (born 1975), Iran
- Atsushi Kitagawara (born 1951), Japan
- Rem Koolhaas (born 1944), Netherlands
- Kengo Kuma
- Tom Kundig
- Jimenez Lai
- Daniel Libeskind (born 1946, Poland), USA
- Jing Liu
- Greg Lynn
- Kamel Mahadin (born 1954), Jordan
- Thom Mayne
- William McDonough
- Adolfo Moran
- Florent Nédélec
- Sarah Nettleton
- Enamul Karim Nirjhar
- Neri Oxman
- Satyendra Pakhale (born 1967), India
- Mustapha Khalid Palash
- Eugene Pandala, India
- Bimal Patel (born 1961), India
- Thomas Phifer
- Renzo Piano, Italy
- Dimitris Potiropoulos
- Antoine Predock
- Joshua Prince-Ramus
- Philippe Rahm
- Richard Rogers, UK
- Fernando Romero, Mexico
- Lawrence Scarpa
- Kazuyo Sejima (born 1956), Japan
- Adrian Smith
- Galia Solomonoff
- Sheila Sri Prakash (born 1955), India
- Paul Steelman (born 1955), USA
- Marshall Strabala
- Sergei Tchoban (born 1962), Russian-born architect
- Jack Travis (born 1952), USA
- Marco Visconti (born 1957), Italy
- Ross Wimer
- Wang Shu (born 1963), China
- Wilfried van Winden (born 1955)
- Gert Wingårdh (born 1951), Sweden
- Ken Yeang (born 1948), Malaysia
- Alexander Yusuf, Somalia
Mythological/fictional architects

Several architects occur in worldwide mythology, including Daedalus, builder of the Labyrinth, in Greek myth. In the Bible, Nimrod is considered the creator of the Tower of Babel, and King Solomon built Solomon's Temple with the assistance of the architect Hiram. In Hinduism, the palaces of the gods were built by the architect and artisan Vivasvat. Moreover, Indian epic Mahabharata cites amazing work by architect 'Maya.'
Architects also occur in modern fiction. Examples include Howard Roark, protagonist in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead; Bloody Stupid Johnson, a parody of Capability Brown who appears in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels; and Slartibartfast, designer of planets in Douglas Adams's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Basil Al Bayati's novel The Age of Metaphors on the theme of Metaphoric Architecture is also replete with fictional architects. The main characters of Sa'ad, Shiymaa and Sa'im are all architects, as are a number of others who appear throughout the book.
Many films have included central characters who are architects, including Henry Fonda's character "Juror 8" (Davis) in 12 Angry Men (1957), Tom Hanks's character in Sleepless in Seattle (1993), David Strathairn's character in The River Wild (1994), Michael J. Fox's character in The Frighteners (1996), John Cassavetes's character in Tempest (1982), Michael Keaton's character in White Noise (2005) and Jeremy Irons' character in High-Rise (2015).
In television, Mike Brady, father of The Brady Bunch, is an architect; as is Wilbur Post, owner of Mister Ed; and Ted Mosby, from How I Met Your Mother. The character George Costanza pretends to be an architect named "Art Vandelay" in Seinfeld. Architect Halvard Solness is the protagonist of Henrick Ibsen's 1892 play The Master Builder.
Lists of architects by country
- List of American architects
- List of Armenian architects
- List of Australian architects
- List of Austrian artists and architects
- List of Bahamian architects
- List of Bangladeshi architects
- List of Belgian architects
- List of Brazilian architects
- List of British architects
- List of Bulgarian architects
- List of Canadian architects
- List of Chinese architects (see Category:Chinese architects)
- List of Croatian architects
- List of Cuban architects
- List of Czech architects
- List of Danish architects
- List of Dutch architects
- List of Egyptian architects
- List of Estonian architects
- List of Finnish architects
- List of Filipino architects
- List of French architects
- List of German architects
- List of Hungarian architects
- List of Indian architects
- List of Indonesian architects
- List of Iranian architects
- List of Italian architects
- List of Japanese architects
- List of Korean architects
- List of Latvian architects
- List of Lithuanian architects
- List of Malaysian architects
- List of Mexican architects
- List of New Zealand architects
- List of Norwegian architects
- List of Pakistani architects
- List of Polish architects
- List of Portuguese architects
- List of Romanian architects
- List of Russian architects
- List of Serbian architects
- List of Slovak architects
- List of Slovenian architects
- List of Spanish architects
- List of Sri Lankan architects
- List of Swedish architects
- List of Swiss architects
- List of Turkish architects
- List of Uruguayan architects
See also
- List of architects of supertall buildings
- List of architectural historians
- List of architecture firms
- List of women architects
Further reading
- Steele, James (1997). Architecture Today. Phaidon Press. ISBN 0-7148-3617-6.