List of sequenced animal genomes
This list of sequenced animal genomes contains animal species for which complete genome sequences have been assembled, annotated and published. Substantially complete draft genomes are included, but not partial genome sequences or organelle-only sequences.
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
- Amphimedon queenslandica, a sponge (2009[1])
- Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ctenophora), (order Lobata) (2012[2]/2013[3])
- Pleurobrachia bachei (Ctenophora) (2014[4])
- Trichoplax adhaerens, a Placozoan (2008[5])
- Hydra magnipapillata, a model medusozoan (2010[6])
- Nematostella vectensis, a model anemone (starlet sea anemone) (2007[7])
- Aiptasia pallida, a sea anemone (2015[8]
- Acropora digitifera, a coral (2011[9])
- Acanthaster planci, starfish (2014[11])
- Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, a sea urchin and model deuterostome (2006[12])
- Ciona intestinalis, a tunicate (2002[13])
- Ciona savignyi, a tunicate (2007[14])
- Oikopleura dioica, a larvacean (2001[15]).
- Branchiostoma floridae, a lancelet (2008[16])
- Petromyzon marinus, a lamprey (2009,[17] 2013[18])
Cartilaginous fish
- Callorhinchus milii, an elephant shark (2007[19])
Bony fish
- Order Beloniformes
- Oryzias latipes, medaka (2007)[20]
- Order Coelacanthiformes
- Latimeria chalumnae, West Indian Ocean coelacanth and oldest known living lineage of Sarcopterygii (2013[21][22])
- Order Cypriniformes
- Danio rerio, a zebrafish (2007[23])
- Order Cyprinodontiformes
- Xiphophorus maculatus, platyfish (2013[24])
- Nothobranchius furzeri, turquoise killifish (2015[25][26][27])
- Order Esociformes
- Esox lucius, northern pike (2014[28])
- Order Gadiformes
- Gadus morhua, Atlantic cod (2011[29])
- Order Gasterosteiformes
- Gasterosteus aculeatus, three-spined stickleback (2006, 2012[30])
- Order Gymnotiformes
- Order Lepisosteiformes
- Order Salmoniformes
- Oncorhynchus mykiss, rainbow trout (2014[33])
- Order Tetraodontiformes
- Takifugu rubripes, a puffer fish ([34] International Fugu Genome Consortium[35] 2002[36])
- Tetraodon nigroviridis, a puffer fish (2004[37])
good for any report
- Xenopus tropicalis, western clawed frog (2010)[38]
- Nanorana parkeri, High Himalaya frog (2015)[39]
- Order Crocodylia
- Alligator mississippiensis, American alligator (2012)[40]
- Gavialis gangeticus, Indian gharial (2012)[40]
- Crocodylus porosus, salt water crocodile (2012)[40]
- Order Squamata
- Anolis carolinensis JBL SC #1, green anole lizard (2011[41])
- Python molurus bivittatus, Burmese python (2013)[42]
- Ophiophagus hannah, king cobra (2013)[43]
- Ophiosaurus gracilis, Burmese glass lizard, (2015)[44]
- Order Testudines (Chelonii)
- Chelonia mydas, green sea turtle (2013[45])
- Pelodiscus sinensis, soft-shelled turtle (2013[45])
- Chrysemys picta bellii, western painted turtle (2013)[46]
- Order Accipitriformes
- Haliaeetus albicilla, white-tailed eagle (2014[47])
- Haliaeetus leucocephalus, bald eagle (2014[47])
- Aegypius monachus, cinereous vulture (2015)
- Order Anseriformes
- Anas platyrhynchos, mallard duck (or wild duck) (2013[48])
- Order Apodiformes
- Chaetura pelagica, chimney swift (2014[47])
- Order Bucerotiformes
- Buceros rhinoceros silvestris, rhinoceros hornbill (2014[47])
- Order Caprimulgiformes
- Order Cariamiformes
- Order Cathartiformes
- Cathartes aura, turkey vulture (2014[47])
- Order Charadriiformes
- Charadrius vociferus, killdeer (2014[47])
- Order Ciconiiformes
- Nipponia nippon, crested ibis (2014[47])
- Order Coliiformes
- Order Columbiformes
- Columba livia, pigeon (2014[47])
- Order Coraciiformes
- Merops nubicus, carmine bee-eater (2014[47])
- Order Cuculiformes
- Cuculus canorus, common cuckoo (2014[47])
- Tauraco erythrolophus, red-crested turaco (2014[47])
- Order Eurypygiformes
- Eurypyga helias, sunbittern (2014[47])
- Order Falconiformes
- Falco cherrug, saker falcon (2013[49])
- Falco peregrinus, peregrine falcon (2013[49])
- Order Galliformes
- Gallus gallus, chicken (2004[50])
- Meleagris gallopavo, domesticated turkey (2011[51])
- Tetrao tetrix, black grouse (2014[52])
- Order Gaviiformes
- Gavia stellata, red-throated loon (2014[47])
- Order Gruiformes
- Order Leptosomiformes
- Leptosomus discolor, cuckoo-roller (2014[47])
- Order Mesitornithiformes
- Mesitornis unicolor, brown mesite (2014[47])
- Order Opisthocomiformes
- Opisthocomus hoazin, hoatzin (2014[47])
- Order Passeriformes
- Acanthisitta chloris, rifleman (2014[47])
- Corvus brachyrhynchos, American crow (2014[47])
- Ficedula albicollis, collared flycatcher (2012[53])
- Ficedula hypoleuca, pied flycatcher (2012[53])
- Geospiza fortis, medium ground-finch (2014[47])
- Manacus vitellinus, golden-collared manakin (2014[47])
- Taeniopygia guttata, zebra finch (2010[54])
- Order Pelecaniformes
- Egretta garzetta, little egret (2014[47])
- Pelecanus crispus, Dalmatian pelican (2014[47])
- Order Phaethontiformes
- Order Phoenicopteriformes
- Phoenicopterus ruber ruber, American flamingo (2014[47])
- Order Piciformes
- Order Podicipediformes
- Order Procellariiformes
- Order Pteroclidiformes
- Order Psittaciformes
- Melopsittacus undulatus, budgerigar (2014[47])
- Nestor notabilis, kea (2014[47])
- Order Struthioniformes
- Struthio camelus australis, common ostrich (2014[47])
- Order Sphenisciformes
- Aptenodytes forsteri, emperor penguin (2014[47])
- Pygoscelis adeliae, Adélie penguin (2014[47])
- Order Strigiformes
- Order Suliformes
- Phalacrocorax carbo, great cormorant (2014[47])r
- Order Tinamiformes
- Order Trochiliformes
- Calypte anna, Anna's hummingbird (2014[47])
- Order Trogoniformes
- Subclass Prototheria, Order Monotremata, Family Ornithorhynchidae
- Ornithorhynchus anatinus, platypus (2007[55])
- Subclass Theria (marsupials and placental mammals)
- Infraclass Metatheria (marsupials)
- Order Didelphimorphia, Family Didelphidae (opossums)
- Monodelphis domestica, gray short-tailed opossum (2007[56])
- Order Dasyuromorphia, Family Dasyuridae
- Order Diprotodontia
- Family Macropodidae
- Macropus eugenii, tammar wallaby (2011[58])
- Family Phascolarctidae
- Phascolarctos cinereus, koala (2013 draft[59])
- Family Macropodidae
- Order Didelphimorphia, Family Didelphidae (opossums)
- Infraclass Eutheria (placental mammals)
- Order Erinaceomorpha, Family Erinaceidae
- Erinaceus europaeus, Western European hedgehog ([60])
- Order Chiroptera
- Family Megadermatidae
- Family Mormoopidae
- Family Pteropodidae
- Pteropus vampyrus, fruit bat (2012[62])
- Eidolon helvum, Old World fruit bat (2013[61])
- Family Rhinolophidae
- Family Vespertilionidae
- Myotis lucifugus, little brown bat (2010[63])
- Order Primates
- Family Galagidae
- Otolemur garnettii, small-eared galago, or bushbaby ([64])
- Family Cercopithecidae
- Macaca mulatta, rhesus macaque (2007[65])
- Family Hominidae
- Subfamily Ponginae
- Pongo pygmaeus/Pongo abelii, orangutan (Borneo/Sumatra) (2011[66])
- Subfamily Homininae
- Gorilla gorilla, western gorilla (2012[67])
- Homo sapiens, modern human (draft 2001[68][69] complete 2006[70])
- Homo neanderthalensis, Neanderthal (draft 2010[71])
- Pan troglodytes, chimpanzee (2005[72])
- Pan paniscus, bonobo (2012[73])
- Subfamily Ponginae
- Family Callitrichidae
- Callithrix jacchus, marmoset (2010,[74] whole genome 2014[75])
- Family Galagidae
- Order Carnivora
- Family Felidae
- Felis silvestris catus, cat (2007[76])
- Panthera leo, African lion (2013[77])
- Panthera leo krugeri, white lion (2013[77])
- Panthera tigris altaica, Amur tiger (also called Siberian tiger) (2013[77])
- Panthera tigris tigris, Bengal tiger (2013[77]
- Panthera uncia, snow leopard (2013[77])
- Family Canidae
- Canis lupus familiaris, dog (2005[78])
- Family Ursidae
- Family Felidae
- Order Cetacea, Family Delphinidae
- Tursiops truncatus, bottlenosed dolphin (2012[62])
- Balaenoptera acutorostrata, common minke whale (2014[80])
- Balaenoptera physalus, fin whale (2014[80])
- Neophocaena phocaenoides, finless porpoise (2014[80])
- Order Proboscidea, Family Elephantidae
- Elephas maximus, Asian elephant (2015[81])
- Loxodonta africana, African elephant (2009[82])
- Order Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates), Family Equidae
- Equus ferus caballus, horse (2009[83])
- Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
- Family Suidae
- Sus scrofa, pig (2012[84])
- Family Bovidae, Genus Bos
- Bos grunniens, yak 2012 ([85])
- Bos primigenius indicus, zebu or Brahman cattle (2012[86])
- Bos primigenius taurus, cow 2009 ([87])
- Family Suidae
- Order Rodentia
- Family Muridae
- Mus musculus Strain: C57BL/6J, mouse (2002[88])
- Rattus norvegicus, rat (2004[89])
- Family Muridae
- Order Lagomorpha
- Family Leporidae
- Oryctolagus cuniculus, European rabbit (2010[60][90])
- Family Leporidae
- Order Erinaceomorpha, Family Erinaceidae
- Infraclass Metatheria (marsupials)
- Coleoptera
- Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, beetle (mountain pine beetle) (2013[91])
- Tribolium castaneum Strain:GA-2, beetle (red flour beetle) (2008[92])
- Diptera
- Aedes aegypti Strain:LVPib12, mosquito (vector of dengue fever, etc.) (2007[93])
- Aedes albopictus (2015[94])
- Anopheles darlingi
- Anopheles gambiae Strain: PEST, mosquito (vector of malaria) (2002[95])
- Anopheles gambiae Strain: M, mosquito (vector of malaria) (2010[96])
- Anopheles gambiae Strain: S, mosquito (vector of malaria) (2010)[96])
- Anopheles sinensis, mosquito (vector of vivax malaria, lympahtic filariasis and Setaria infections), (2014)[97]
- Anopheles stephensii
- Anopheles arabiensis (2015[98])
- Anopheles quadriannulatus (2015)[98])
- Anopheles merus (2015)[98])
- Anopheles melas (2015)[98])
- Anopheles christyi (2015)[98])
- Anopheles epiroticus (2015)[98])
- Anopheles maculatus (2015)[98])
- Anopheles culicifacies (2015)[98])
- Anopheles minimus (2015)[98])
- Anopheles funestus (2015)[98])
- Anopheles dirus (2015)[98])
- Anopheles farauti (2015)[98])
- Anopheles atroparvus (2015)[98])
- Anopheles sinensis (2015)[98])
- Anopheles albimanus (2015)[98])
- Clogmia albipunctata, moth midge (transcriptome 2013[99])
- Culex quinquefasciatus, mosquito (vector of West Nile virus, filariasis etc.) (2010[100])
- Drosophila albomicans, fruit fly (2012[101])
- Drosophila ananassae, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Drosophila biarmipes, fruit fly (2011[103])
- Drosophila bipectinata, fruit fly (2011[103])
- Drosophila erecta, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Drosophila elegans, fruit fly (2011[103])
- Drosophila eugracilis, fruit fly (2011[103])
- Drosophila ficusphila, fruit fly (2011[103])
- Drosophila grimshawi, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Drosophila kikkawai, fruit fly (2011[103])
- Drosophila melanogaster, fruit fly (model organism) (2000[104])
- Drosophila mojavensis, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Drosophila neotestacea, fruit fly (transcriptome 2014[105])
- Drosophila persimilis, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Drosophila pseudoobscura, fruit fly (2005[106])
- Drosophila rhopaloa, fruit fly (2011[103])
- Drosophila santomea, fruit fly ([107])
- Drosophila sechellia, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Drosophila simulans, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Drosophila takahashi, fruit fly (2011[103])
- Drosophila virilis, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Drosophila willistoni, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Drosophila yakuba, fruit fly (2007[102])
- Episyrphus balteatus, hoverfly (transcriptome 2011[108])
- Megaselia abdita, scuttle fly (transcriptome 2013[99])
- Hemiptera
- Acyrthosiphon pisum, aphid (pea aphid) (2010[109])
- Rhodnius prolixus, kissing-bug (2015[110])
- Hymenoptera
- Acromyrmex echinatior colony Ae372, ant (Panamanian leafcutter) (2011[111])
- Apis mellifera, bee (honey bee), (model for eusocial behavior) (2006[112])
- Atta cephalotes, ant (leaf-cutter ant) (2011[113])
- Camponotus floridanus, ant (2010[114])
- Cerapachys biroi, ant(clonal raider ant)(2014[115])
- Harpegnathos saltator, ant (2010[114])
- Linepithema humile, ant (Argentine ant) (2011[116])
- Nasonia giraulti, wasp (parasitoid wasp) (2010[117])
- Nasonia longicornis, wasp (parasitoid wasp) (2010[117])
- Nasonia vitripennis, wasp (parasitoid wasp; model organism) (2010[117])
- Pogonomyrmex barbatus, ant (red harvester ant) (2011[118])
- Solenopsis invicta, ant (fire ant) (2011[119])
- Lepidoptera
- Bombyx mori Strain:p50T, moth (domestic silk worm) (2004[120])
- Danaus plexippus, butterfly (monarch butterfly) (2011[121])
- Heliconius melpomene, butterfly (2012)
- Plutella xylostella, moth (diamondback moth) (2013[122])
- Phthiraptera
- Pediculus humanus, louse (sucking louse; parasite) (2010[123])
- Daphnia pulex, water flea (2007[124][125][126])
- Neocaridina denticulata, shrimp (2014[127])
- Ixodes scapularis, deer tick (vector of meningitis and Lyme disease) (2008[128])
- Limulus polyphemus, Atlantic horseshoe crab (2014[129]
- Tetranychus urticae, spider mite (2011[130])
- Mesobuthus martensii, Chinese scorpion (2013[131])
- Stegodyphus mimosarum, African social velvet spider (2014[132])
- Acanthoscurria geniculata, Brazilian whiteknee tarantula (2014[132])
- "Hypsibius dujardini" Water bear (2015 [134][135])
- Crassostrea gigas, Pacific oyster (2012[136])
- Lottia gigantea, owl limpet (2013[137])
- Octopus bimaculoides, California two-spot octopus (2015[138])
- Clonorchis sinensis, liver fluke (human pathogen) (draft 2011[139])
- Echinococcus granulosus, tapeworm (dog pathogen) (2013,[140] 2013[141])
- Echinococcus multilocularis, tapeworm (2013[140])
- Hymenolepis microstoma, tapeworm (2013[140])
- Schistosoma haematobium, schistosome (human pathogen) (2012[142])
- Schistosoma japonicum, schistosome (human pathogen) (2009[143])
- Schistosoma mansoni, schistosome (human pathogen) (2009,[144] 2012[145])
- Schmidtea mediterranea, planarian (model organism) (2006[146][147])
- Taenia solium, tapeworm (2013[140])
- Ancylostoma ceylanicum, zoonotic hookworm infecting both humans and other mammals (2015[148])
- Ascaris suum, pig-infecting giant roundworm, closely related to human-infecting giant roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides (2011[149])
- Brugia malayi (Strain:TRS), human-infecting filarial parasite (2007[150])
- Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, infects pine trees (2011[151])
- Caenorhabditis angaria (Strain:PS1010) (2010[152])
- Caenorhabditis brenneri, a gonochoristic (male-female obligate) species more closely related to C. briggsae than C. elegans[153][154]
- Caenorhabditis briggsae (2003[155])
- Caenorhabditis elegans (Strain:Bristol N2), model organism (1998[156])
- Caenorhabditis remanei, a gonochoristic (male-female obligate) species more closely related to C. briggsae than C. elegans[157][158]
- Dirofilaria immitis, dog-infecting filarial parasite (2012[159])
- Globodera pallida, plant pathogen (2014[160])
- Haemonchus contortus, blood-feeding parasite infecting sheep and goats (2013[161])
- Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, (2013[162])
- Loa loa, human-infecting filarial parasite (2013[163])
- Meloidogyne hapla, northern root-knot nematode (plant pathogen) (2008[164])
- Meloidogyne incognita, southern root-knot nematode (plant pathogen) (2008[165])
- Necator americanus, human-infecting hookworm (2014 [166])
- Onchocerca volvulus, human-infecting filarial parasite[167]
- Pristionchus pacificus, model invertebrate (2008[168])
- Romanomermis culicivorax, entomopathogenic nematode that invades larvae of various mosquito species (2013[169])
- Trichuris suis, pig-infecting whipworm (2014[170])
- Trichuris muris, mouse-infecting whipworm (2014[171])
- Trichuris trichiura, human-infecting whipworm (2014[171])
- Wuchereria bancrofti, human-infecting filarial parasite[167]
- Capitella teleta, polychaete (2007,[172] 2013[137])
- Helobdella robusta, leech (2007,[173] 2013[137])
- Eisenia fetida, earthworm (2015,[174] 2016[175])
- Lingula anatina, brachiopod (2015,[176])
See also
- List of sequenced bacterial genomes
- List of sequenced archaeal genomes
- List of sequenced eukaryotic genomes
- List of sequenced fungi genomes
- List of sequenced plant genomes
- List of sequenced protist genomes
- ↑ Mansi Srivastava; Oleg Simakov; Jarrod Chapman; Bryony Fahey; Marie E. A. Gauthier; Therese Mitros; Gemma S. Richards; Cecilia Conaco; Michael Dacre; Hellsten, Uffe; et al. (5 August 2010). "The Amphimedon queenslandica genome and the evolution of animal complexity". Nature. 466 (7306): 720–726. Bibcode:2010Natur.466..720S. doi:10.1038/nature09201. PMC 3130542
. PMID 20686567.
- ↑ National Human Genome Research Institute (2012). "NHGRI Mnemiopsis Genome Project". Retrieved 2013-02-05.
- ↑ Ryan JF.; et al. (2013). "The Genome of the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi and Its Implications for Cell Type Evolution". Science. 342 (6164): 1242592. doi:10.1126/science.1242592. PMC 3920664
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- ↑ Moroz L.; et al. (2014). "The ctenophore genome and the evolutionary origins of neural systems". Nature. 510: 109–114. doi:10.1038/nature13400. PMC 4337882
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- ↑ Srivastava M, Begovic E, Chapman J, et al. (August 2008). "The Trichoplax genome and the nature of placozoans". Nature. 454 (7207): 955–960. Bibcode:2008Natur.454..955S. doi:10.1038/nature07191. PMID 18719581.
- ↑ Chapman JA, Kirkness EF, Simakov O, et al. (March 25, 2010). "The dynamic genome of Hydra". Nature. 464 (7288): 592–596. Bibcode:2010Natur.464..592C. doi:10.1038/nature08830. PMID 20228792.
- ↑ Putnam NH, Srivastava M, Hellsten U, et al. (July 2007). "Sea anemone genome reveals ancestral eumetazoan gene repertoire and genomic organization". Science. 317 (5834): 86–94. Bibcode:2007Sci...317...86P. doi:10.1126/science.1139158. PMID 17615350.
- ↑ Sebastian Baumgarten, Oleg Simakov, Lisl Y. Esherick, Yi Jin Liew, Erik M. Lehnert, Craig T. Michell, Yong Li, Elizabeth A. Hambleton, Annika Guse, Matt E. Oates, Julian Gough, Virginia M. Weis, Manuel Aranda, John R. Pringle & Christian R. Voolstra (August 2015). "The genome of Aiptasia, a sea anemone model for coral symbiosis". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 11893–8. doi:10.1073/pnas.1513318112. PMID 26324906.
- ↑ Shinzato, Chuya; Shoguchi, Eiichi; Kawashima, Takeshi; Hamada, Mayuko; Hisata, Kanako; Tanaka, Makiko; Fujie, Manabu; Fujiwara, Mayuki; Koyanagi, Ryo; Ikuta, Tetsuro; Fujiyama, Asao; Miller, David J.; Satoh, Nori (24 July 2011). "Using the Acropora digitifera genome to understand coral responses to environmental change". Nature. 476 (7360): 320–323. doi:10.1038/nature10249.
- 1 2 Simakov, Oleg; Kawashima, Takeshi; Marlétaz, Ferdinand; Jenkins, Jerry; Koyanagi, Ryo; Mitros, Therese; Hisata, Kanako; Bredeson, Jessen; Shoguchi, Eiichi (2015-11-18). "Hemichordate genomes and deuterostome origins". Nature. advance online publication: 459–465. doi:10.1038/nature16150. ISSN 1476-4687.
- ↑ Kenneth W. Baughman, Carmel McDougall, Scott F. Cummins, Mike Hall, Bernard M. Degnan, Nori Satoh & Eiichi Shoguchi (December 2014). "Genomic organization of Hox and ParaHox clusters in the echinoderm, Acanthaster planci". Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 52 (12): 952–958. doi:10.1002/dvg.22840. PMID 25394327.
- ↑ Sodergren E, Weinstock GM, Davidson EH, et al. (November 2006). "The Genome of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus". Science. 314 (5801): 941–52. Bibcode:2006Sci...314..941S. doi:10.1126/science.1133609. PMC 3159423
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- ↑ Dehal P, Satou Y, Campbell RK, et al. (December 2002). "The draft genome of Ciona intestinalis: insights into chordate and vertebrate origins". Science. 298 (5601): 2157–67. Bibcode:2002Sci...298.2157D. doi:10.1126/science.1080049. PMID 12481130.
- ↑ Small KS, Brudno M, Hill MM, Sidow A (2007). "A haplome alignment and reference sequence of the highly polymorphic Ciona savignyi genome". Genome Biology. 8 (3): R41. doi:10.1186/gb-2007-8-3-r41. PMC 1868934
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- ↑ H. C. Seo, M. Kube, R. B. Edvardsen, M. F. Jensen, A. Beck, E. Spriet, G. Gorsky, E. M. Thompson, H. Lehrach, R. Reinhardt & D. Chourrout (December 2001). "Miniature genome in the marine chordate Oikopleura dioica". Science. 294 (5551): 2506. doi:10.1126/science.294.5551.2506. PMID 11752568.
- ↑ Putnam NH, Butts T, Ferrier DE, et al. (June 2008). "The amphioxus genome and the evolution of the chordate karyotype". Nature. 453 (7198): 1064–71. Bibcode:2008Natur.453.1064P. doi:10.1038/nature06967. PMID 18563158.
- ↑ "The sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus genome reveals the early origin of several chemosensory receptor families in the vertebrate lineage". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 9: 180. 2009. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-9-180.
- ↑ Smith JJ; Kuraku S; Holt C; et al. (2013). "Sequencing of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) genome provides insights into vertebrate evolution". Nature Genetics. 45 (4): 415–21, 421e1–2. doi:10.1038/ng.2568. PMC 3709584
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- ↑ Venkatesh B, Kirkness EF, Loh YH, et al. (April 2007). "Survey Sequencing and Comparative Analysis of the Elephant Shark (Callorhinchus milii) Genome". PLOS Biology. 5 (4): e101. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050101. PMC 1845163
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