Senador Amaral
Senador Amaral is the second highest city in Brazil (1,505 m (4,938 ft)),[1] reaching near 1,620 m (5,310 ft) in some parts in the northern areas, nearly the Ponte Segura district, the highest point is an unnamed mount in Bom Repouso border at approximately 1660m above sea level. It is located in the Mantiqueira Mountains, south of Minas Gerais state. It is a small city, with a population of 5071 inhabitants and approximately 2980 people living in the urban area. Has not asphalt and mobile phone signal in the municipality before 2007. Only Cambuí access, MG-295 is asphalted.
Senador Amaral has status of Estância Climática because your cold climate, has an average annual temperature of 18.2 °C (64.8 °F), and in winter's nights temperatures of around 0 to 6 °C (32 to 43 °F) and with a record low of −5 °C (23 °F).
Some distances from surrounding and major cities:
See also
External links
Mesoregion Campo das Vertentes |
| Barbacena | |
| Lavras | |
| São João del Rei | |
| |
Mesoregion Central Mineira |
| Bom Despacho | |
| Curvelo | |
| Três Marias | |
Mesoregion Jequitinhonha |
| Almenara | |
| Araçuaí | |
| Capelinha | |
| Diamantina | |
| Pedra Azul | |
Mesoregion Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte |
| Belo Horizonte | |
| Conceição do Mato Dentro | |
| Conselheiro Lafaiete | |
| Itabira | |
| Itaguara | |
| Ouro Preto | |
| Pará de Minas | |
| Sete Lagoas | |
Mesoregion Noroeste de Minas |
| |
Mesoregion Norte de Minas |
| Bocaiúva | |
| Grão Mogol | |
| Janaúba | |
| Januária | |
| Montes Claros | |
| Pirapora | |
| Salinas | |
Mesoregion Oeste de Minas |
| Campo Belo | |
| Divinópolis | |
| Formiga | |
| Oliveira | |
| Piui | |
Mesoregion Sudoeste de Minas |
| Alfenas | |
| Andrelândia | |
| Itajubá | |
| Passos | |
| Poços de Caldas | |
| Pouso Alegre | |
| Santa Rita do Sapucaí | |
| São Lourenco | |
| São Sebastiao do Paraíso | |
| Varginha | |
Mesoregion Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaiba |
| Araxá | |
| Frutal | |
| Ituiutaba | |
| Patos de Minas | |
| Patrocínio | |
| Uberaba | |
| Uberlândia | |
Mesoregion Vale do Mucuri |
| |
Mesoregion Zona da Mata |
| Cataguases | |
| Juiz de Fora | |
| Manhuaçu | |
| Muriaé | |
| Ponte Nova | |
| Ubá | |
| Viçosa | |
Mesoregion Vale do Rio Doce |
| Aimorés | |
| Caratinga | |
| Governador Valadares | |
| Guanhães | |
| Ipatinga | |
| Mantena | |
| Peçanha | |