
Location of Palmópolis within Minas Gerais
Palmópolis is a municipality in the northeast of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Its population in 2007 was 7,041 inhabitants in a total area of 436 km².
Palmópolis belongs to the Almenara statistical microregion. The elevation of the municipal seat is 600 meters. It became a municipality in 1993. This municipality is located on the Braço River, 10 km. west of the state boundary with Espírito Santo.
The main economic activities are cattle raising, and subsistence farming. The GDP was R$20,127,000 (2005). There was 01 banking agency in 2006. There were 95 automobiles in 2007. The main crop was coffee. In the health sector there were 03 health clinics. The score on the Municipal Human Development Index was 0.615 (medium). This ranked Palmópolis 811 out of 853 municipalities in the state, with Poços de Caldas in first place with 0.841 and Setubinha in last place with 0.568. See Frigoletto for the complete list.
- Degree of urbanization: 50.30% (2000-the national average was 81.75%
- Illiteracy rate: 31.00% (2000—the national average was 13.63)
- Infant mortality rate: 33.33% (2000—the national average was 18.91)
- Life expectancy: 65.4 (average of male and female) (2000)
- Percentage of urban area with sewer connections: 20.70% (2000—the national average was 69.52%)
See also
Mesoregion Campo das Vertentes |
| Barbacena | |
| Lavras | |
| São João del Rei | |
| |
Mesoregion Central Mineira |
| Bom Despacho | |
| Curvelo | |
| Três Marias | |
Mesoregion Jequitinhonha |
| Almenara | |
| Araçuaí | |
| Capelinha | |
| Diamantina | |
| Pedra Azul | |
Mesoregion Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte |
| Belo Horizonte | |
| Conceição do Mato Dentro | |
| Conselheiro Lafaiete | |
| Itabira | |
| Itaguara | |
| Ouro Preto | |
| Pará de Minas | |
| Sete Lagoas | |
Mesoregion Noroeste de Minas |
| |
Mesoregion Norte de Minas |
| Bocaiúva | |
| Grão Mogol | |
| Janaúba | |
| Januária | |
| Montes Claros | |
| Pirapora | |
| Salinas | |
Mesoregion Oeste de Minas |
| Campo Belo | |
| Divinópolis | |
| Formiga | |
| Oliveira | |
| Piui | |
Mesoregion Sudoeste de Minas |
| Alfenas | |
| Andrelândia | |
| Itajubá | |
| Passos | |
| Poços de Caldas | |
| Pouso Alegre | |
| Santa Rita do Sapucaí | |
| São Lourenco | |
| São Sebastiao do Paraíso | |
| Varginha | |
Mesoregion Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaiba |
| Araxá | |
| Frutal | |
| Ituiutaba | |
| Patos de Minas | |
| Patrocínio | |
| Uberaba | |
| Uberlândia | |
Mesoregion Vale do Mucuri |
| |
Mesoregion Zona da Mata |
| Cataguases | |
| Juiz de Fora | |
| Manhuaçu | |
| Muriaé | |
| Ponte Nova | |
| Ubá | |
| Viçosa | |
Mesoregion Vale do Rio Doce |
| Aimorés | |
| Caratinga | |
| Governador Valadares | |
| Guanhães | |
| Ipatinga | |
| Mantena | |
| Peçanha | |
Coordinates: 16°45′S 40°25′W / 16.750°S 40.417°W / -16.750; -40.417