List of Roman Catholic dioceses (structured view)
The Roman Catholic Church in its entirety contains 2,988 ecclesiastical jurisdictions, including over 640 archdioceses and 2,206 dioceses, as well as apostolic vicariates, apostolic exarchates, apostolic administrations, apostolic prefectures, military ordinariates, personal ordinariates, personal prelatures, territorial prelatures, territorial abbacies and missions sui juris around the world.
In addition to these jurisdictions, there are 2,091 titular sees (bishoprics, archbishoprics and metropolitanates).
This is a structural list to show the relationships of each diocese to one another, grouped by ecclesiastical province, within each episcopal conference, within each continent or other geographical area.
The list needs regular updating and is incomplete, but as articles are written up, more will be added, and various aspects need to be regularly updated.
- For an alphabetical list, see: List of Catholic dioceses (alphabetical)

Types of Catholic Dioceses
This refers to Catholic dioceses in the world, of all (Latin or Eastern) Churches, as of 26 November 2015.
Type | Total | Filled | Vacant |
Holy See : St.Peter's Chair in Rome (papacy) | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Patriarchal Sees (Patriarchates) | 9 | 9 | 0 |
Titular Patriarchal Sees | 4 | 3 | 1 |
Metropolitan Sees (Archdioceses & Eastern Archeparchies) | 548 | 528 | 20 |
Archiepiscopal Sees (Archdioceses & Eastern Eparchies) | 77 | 68 | 9 |
Episcopal Sees (Dioceses & Eastern Eparchies) | 2,212 | 2,053 | 159 |
Titular Metropolitan Sees including Archeparchies | 96 | 10 | 86 |
Titular Archiepiscopal Sees including Archeparchies | 88 | 8 | 80 |
Titular Episcopal Sees including Eparchies | 1,904 | 1,058 | 846 |
Territorial Prelatures | 42 | 39 | 3 |
Territorial Abbacies (Benedictine; often Exempt) | 11 | 9 | 2 |
Military Ordinariates (all Exempt) | 36 | 32 | 4 |
Personal Prelature (exempt) | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Apostolic Vicariates (generally Exempt, mission) | 88 | 83 | 5 |
Apostolic Prefectures (generally Exempt, mission) | 39 | 17 | 22 |
Apostolic Administrations | 8 | 8 | 0 |
Independent Missions (Missions sui iuris) | 8 | 8 | 0 |
Additional types, exclusively for the Eastern Churches, Anglican and extraordinary form
Type | Total | Filled | Vacant |
Major Archdioceses (Eastern, Sui Juris) | 4 | 4 | 0 |
Metropolitan Sees (Eastern Archdioceses) Sui Juris | 5 | 5 | 0 |
Apostolic Exarchates (Exempt, Eastern mission) | 17 | 14 | 3 |
Ordinariates for the Faithful of the Eastern Churches (Exempt) | 8 | 6 | 2 |
Personal Ordinariates (Ex-Anglicans, Ordinariate Use; all Exempt) | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Patriarchal Exarchates (Eastern, mission) | 10 | 7 | 3 |
Archiepiscopal Exarchates (Eastern) | 5 | 4 | 1 |
Territories Dependent on the Patriarch (Eastern) | 5 | 5 | 0 |
Personal Apostolic Administration (Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite; exempt) | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Exempt Catholic Dioceses (directly subject to the Holy See)
These (arch)dioceses are 'exempt' from belonging to any ecclesiastical province, hence only the Vatican can exert the authority and coordinating functions normally falling to the Metropolitan Archbishop. We group them here geographically.
- Nevertheless, most belong to an episcopal conference, in which case the more relevant mention is in its geographical region, as exempt dioceses as such don't have specific ties with each other
- Military Ordinariates are in pastoral charge of the troops of a state, but may be vested in a Metropolitan Archbishop, typically in the national capital
- Also generally exempt are the Apostolic prefectures and Apostolic vicariates, which tend to be temporary missionary dioceses, expected to become part of an ecclesiastical province when promoted to regular (arch- or suffragan) bishopric.
- The Personal Ordinariates for former Anglicans (who turned away from Canterbury's primacy to Rome's) are allowed to use the Ordinariate Use, which is counted as a variant of the Roman Rite (unlike the Eastern churches' four distinct rites)
- Eastern Ordinariates are in pastoral charge of all Eastern Churches, of only those of Byzantine Rite or even just of the Armenian Rite, in one or more states of various Catholic churches without any proper diocese there, but are usually vested in a Roman Catholic Metropolitan Archbishop, often in the capital;
- Disregarded are many (archi)episcopal prelates in the Roman Curia, as their dicasteries don't constitute dioceses, although many posts there require by law or custom a(n arch)bishop (usually titular), just as the Vatican's diplomatic posts in nearly every national capital
Universal or transcontinental exempt dioceses (not counting minor dependencies)
- the personal prelature (a unique status) of Opus Dei, with a cathedral see (Santa Maria della Pace ai Parioli) in Rome, ranking as bishopric
- the transcontinental Apostolic Administration of the Caucasus covering both Georgia (including breakaway self-declared states Abchasia, Adjara and South Ossetia) and Armenia, with cathedral see at Tbilisi (Georgia)
- the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (for former Anglicans in Australia and Japan).
European exempt dioceses
- in Italy :
- All seven suburbicarian sees and some other (arch)bishoprics under the papal Metropolitan see at Rome, including
- Military Ordinariate of Italy, cumulated with varying sees
- Archdiocese of Lucca
- Territorial Abbey of Montecassino, whose cathedral see is a minor basilica
- Territorial Abbacy of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, with cathedral see in Siena, seat of the abbot-general of the Olivetans (a Benedictine congregation)
- Territorial Abbey of San Paolo fuori le Mura
- Territorial Abbacy of Subiaco, whose cathedral see and co-cathedral are minor basilicas
- Italo-Albanese Territorial Abbacy of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata, only non-Latin Church territorial abbey: Italo-Albanese Catholic rite
- Italo-Albanese Diocese of Piana degli Albanesi, with cathedral see at Palermo, on Sicily
- Italo-Albanese Diocese of Lungro, with cathedral see at Lungro, near Cosenza in Calabria
- in Austria :
- Ordinariate for Byzantine-rite Catholics in Austria, vested in the Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Vienna
- Military Ordinariate of Austria, not vested in any see
- in Belgium : Military Ordinariate of Belgium, vested in the primatial Metropolitan Archbishop of Mechlin-Brussels
- in Bosnia and Herzegovina : Military Ordinariate of Bosnia and Herzegovina, not vested in any see
- in Bulgaria :
- in Croatia :
- Archdiocese of Zadar
- Military Ordinariate of Croatia, not vested in any see
- in the Czech Republic :
- in and for all Denmark : Diocese of Copenhagen, including its overseas territories Greenland and the Far Oer
- in and for all Estonia : Apostolic Administration of Estonia (at Tallinn),
- Finland, including and the autonomous Aland Islands : Diocese of Helsinki
- in France :
- Military Ordinariate of France
- Archdiocese of Strasbourg
- Diocese of Metz
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in France, vested in the Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Paris, for remaining Eastern Churches
- in Germany
- Military Ordinariate of Germany, cumulated with varying sees
- Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia for the Ukrainians, with cathedral see in Munich (Bavaria) also for Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
- in and for all Gibraltar : Diocese of Gibraltar
- in Greece :
- Archdiocese of Athens
- Archdiocese of Rhodos
- Archdiocese of Corfu, Zakynthos and Cephalonia, on the Ionian Islands
- Apostolic Vicariate of Thessaloniki
- Ordinariate for Armenian Catholics in Greece
- Greek Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Greece, with cathedral see in Athens, for the Greek Catholic particular Eastern church
- in Hungary :
- Military Ordinariate of Hungary, not vested in any see
- Territorial Abbacy of Pannonhalma, whose abbatial cathedral see is a minor basilica
- in and for all Iceland : Diocese of Reykjavík
- in Kosovo :
- Apostolic Administration of Prizren, for all Kosovo[a]
- cfr. Serbia for the Catholics of Byzantine Rite
- in and for all the principality of Liechtenstein : Archdiocese of Vaduz
- in Lithuania : Military Ordinariate of Lithuania
- in and for all the principality of Monaco : Archdiocese of Monaco
- in Macedonia : Macedonian Apostolic Exarchate of Macedonia
- in Montenegro : Archdiocese of Bar
- in Luxemburg : Archdiocese of Luxembourg, for all the Grand duchy
- in and for all Moldova (Moldavia) : Diocese of Chişinău
- in the Netherlands : Military Ordinariate of the Netherlands, cumulated with varying sees
- in Norway :
- Diocese of Oslo for most of Norway plus its Arctic territories Svalbard and Jan Mayen and unhabited Bouvet Island
- Territorial Prelature of Trondheim
- Territorial Prelature of Tromsø
- in Poland :
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in Poland, for all Eastern Churches, vested in the Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Warszaw
- Military Ordinariate of Poland
- in Portugal : Military Ordinariate of Portugal, not vested in any see
- in Romania :
- Archdiocese of Alba Iulia
- Ordinariate for Armenian Catholics in Romania
- in Russia (cfr. infra Eastern Europe & Asia) :
- Russian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Russia, vacant since 1951
- in Sweden : Diocese of Stockholm
- in Serbia : Byzantine Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Serbia, for Catholics of Byzantine Rite in Serbia
- Military Ordinariate of Slovakia, not vested in any see
- Military Ordinariate of Spain, ranking as archbishop, cumulated with varying sees
- in Switzerland, all diocesan sees (joined in a national episcopal conference, without province) :
- in the UK :
- Military Ordinariate of Great-Britain for UK-based troops, being joint for both UK provinces England & Wales and Scotland
- Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham (for former Anglicans in England and Wales and in Scotland)
- Ordinariate for Armenian Catholics in Eastern Europe, actually only for Armenia, Georgia (country), Russia and Ukraine
Asian exempt dioceses
- Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, for all of the Holy Land (Palestine & Israel), Jordan and transcontinental Cyprus
- Apostolic Vicariate of Aleppo, for all of Syria
- Apostolic Vicariate of Beirut, for all of Lebanon
- Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia, in Kuwait City, for all of Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Qatar
- Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia, in Abu Dhabi (UAE), for all of Oman, United Arab Emirates and Yemen
- Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baghdad, covering Iraq
- Apostolic Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam, covering Brunei
- all dioceses in Cambodia (joined in a common episcopal conference with Laos):
- in China :
- Diocese of Macau
- Apostolic Prefecture of Baoqing (Paoking/ Shaoyang)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Guilin (Kweilin)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Hainan
- Apostolic Prefecture of Haizhou (Donghai/ Haichow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Jiamusi (Kiamusze)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Jian’ou (Jianning/ Kienning/ Kienow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Lindong (Lintung)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Linqing (Lintsing)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Lixian(Lizhou/ Lichow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Qiqihar (Tsitsikar)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Shaowu
- Apostolic Prefecture of Shashi (Shasi)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Shiqian (Shihtsien)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Suixian (Suihsien)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Tongzhou (Tungchow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Tunxi (Tunki)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Weihai (Weihaiwei)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xiangtan (Siangtan)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xing’anfu (Ankang/ Hinganfu)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xining (Sining)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xinjiang (Jiangzhou/ Kiangchow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xinjiang-Urumqi (Urumqi/ Sinkiang/ Xinjiang)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xinxiang (Sinsiang)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yangzhou (Yangchow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yiduxian (Iduhsien)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yixian (Yihsien)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yongzhou (Lingling/ Yungchow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yueyang (Yuezhou/ Yochow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Zhaotong (Chaotung)
- Russian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Harbin, with former cathedral see in Harbin
- in East Timor (Timor Leste) : all dioceses, joint in a national episcopal conference :
- in India :
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Eparchy of Faridabad, see near Delhi, also serves Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and parts of Uttar Pradesh
- Syro-Malankara Apostolic Exarchate of Saint Ephrem of Khadki, with see near Pune, in western India's Maharashtra state, but also serving Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and parts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of Gurgaon, see located near Delhi, serving 22 states of India
- in Indonesia : Military Ordinariate of Indonesia
- in and for all Iran (Persia) : Archdiocese of Ispahan
- Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (for former Anglicans in Australia and Japan).
- in Korea (North and South) :
- Military Ordinariate of South Korea
- Territorial Abbacy of Tŏkwon, alias Tŏkugen abbey, with a cathedral see, in North Korea
- all dioceses in Laos (joined in a common episcopal conference with Cambodia) :
- in the Philippines :
- in Pakistan : Apostolic Vicariate of Quetta
- in Russia (cfr. Europe) : Apostolic Prefecture of Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, on Sakhalin island off eastern Siberia
- in and for all Singapore : Archdiocese of Singapore
- in Turkey :
- Greek Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Istanbul, with see in Istabul, for all Turkey
New World exempt dioceses
- Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, with see in Houston, Texas (for former Anglicans in the United States and in Canada)
- in Argentina :
- Military Ordinariate of Argentina
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in Argentina, for all Eastern Churches, vested in the Latin Church Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Buenos Aires
- in Australia :
- Military Ordinariate of Australia
- Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn
- Archdiocese of Hobart
- Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (for Anglicans in Australia and Japan, with cathedral see in Melbourne, Australia).
- in Bolivia :
- in Brazil :
- Military Ordinariate of Brazil
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in Brazil, for all Eastern Churches, cumulated with varying Latin Church Metropolitan sees
- Personal Apostolic Administration of São João Maria Vianney (unique status, Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite)
- in Canada :
- in Chile :
- in Colombia :
- Military Ordinariate of Colombia
- Apostolic Vicariate of Guapi
- Apostolic Vicariate of Inírida
- Apostolic Vicariate of Leticia
- Apostolic Vicariate of Mitú
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Carreño
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Leguízamo–Solano
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Carreño
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Andrés y Providencia
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Vicente del Caguán
- Apostolic Vicariate of Tierradentro
- Apostolic Vicariate of Trinidad
- in Dominican Republic : Military Ordinariate of Dominican Republic
- in Ecuador :
- Military Ordinariate of Ecuador
- Apostolic Vicariate of Aguarico
- Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas
- Apostolic Vicariate of Galápagos
- Apostolic Vicariate of Méndez
- Apostolic Vicariate of Napo
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puyo
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Miguel de Sucumbíos
- Apostolic Vicariate of Zamora in Ecuador
- in El Salvador : Military Ordinariate of El Salvador
- Apostolic Prefecture of Falkland Islands, for the Southern Atlantic UK overseas territories Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
- in New Zealand : Military Ordinariate of New Zealand
- in Nicaragua : Apostolic Vicariate of Bluefields
- in Paraguay :
- in Peru :
- Military Ordinariate of Peru
- Apostolic Vicariate of Iquitos
- Apostolic Vicariate of Jaén in Peru
- Apostolic Vicariate of Pucallpa
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Maldonado
- Apostolic Vicariate of Requena
- Apostolic Vicariate of San José de Amazonas
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Ramón
- Apostolic Vicariate of Yurimaguas
- on and for Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (French overseas collectivity) : Apostolic Vicariate of Iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
- in Tonga : Diocese of Tonga
- in the United States :
- US Military Ordinariate: Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
- Romanian Catholic Eparchy of St George's in Canton, bishopric for the diaspora in North America (also Canada), with cathedral see in Canton, Ohio (USA)
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of St. Mary, Queen of Peace, of the United States of America and Canada, with cathedral see at Elmont, New York
- in Venezuela :
- Military Ordinariate of Venezuela
- Apostolic Vicariate of Caroní
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Ayacucho
- Apostolic Vicariate of Tucupita
- Melkite Greek Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Venezuela (Byzantine Rite), with cathedral see in Caracas
- Syrian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Venezuela (Antiochian Rite), with cathedral see at Maracay, Aragua
African exempt dioceses
- in Algeria : Diocese of Laghouat
- in Chad : Apostolic Vicariate of Mongo
- in Cape Verde :
- in and for all the Comoros, also for Mayotte : Apostolic Vicariate of Comoros Archipelago
- in and for all Djibouti : Diocese of Djibouti
- in Ethiopia, where all Latin circonscriptions are missionary :
- in Gabon : Apostolic Vicariate of Makokou
- in and for all The Gambia : Diocese of Banjul
- in Guinea-Bissau :
- in Kenya :
- in Libya :
- in and for all Mauritania : Diocese of Nouakchott
- on and for all Mauritius : Diocese of Port-Louis
- in Morocco :
- on and for all the French territory Réunion : Diocese of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion
- in Nigeria :
- Apostolic Vicariate of Bomadi
- Apostolic Vicariate of Kontagora
- Maronite Apostolic Exarchate of Western and Central Africa, with cathedral see Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation, in Ibadan, Oyo state
- in and for all São Tomé and Príncipe :Diocese of São Tomé and Príncipe
- on and for all the Seychelles : Diocese of Port Victoria o Seychelles
- in and for all Somalia : Diocese of Mogadiscio
- in South Africa :
- in and for all Tunisia : Archdiocese of Tunis
- in Uganda : Military Ordinariate of Uganda
- in and for all Western Sahara : Apostolic Prefecture of Western Sahara
Europe (Latin and Eastern Churches)
For transcontinental Cyprus, Turkey and Azerbaijan, see Asia
There are also 'meetings of episcopal conferences' for the (arch)bishops from countries belonging to:
Western European countries
Countries formerly at the Western side of the Iron Curtain, and with a Catholic or Protestant majority tradition.
Two Metropolitan archdioceses also use a now strictly local Latin liturgical rite besides the general Roman Rite: Ambrosian rite (Italian language) in Milan, Mozarabic rite (Latin language) in Toledo
Exempt dioceses in Western European countries without ecclesiastical province or national conference
- Exempt (arch)dioceses, directly subject to the Holy See, each for a whole small country
- Diocese of Gibraltar, for Gibraltar (British crown colony)
- Archdiocese of Vaduz, for Liechtenstein
- Archdiocese of Luxembourg, for Luxembourg
- Archdiocese of Monaco, for Monaco
Episcopal Conference of Austria
- Exempt dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Austria, not vested in any see
- Territorial Abbacy of Wettingen-Mehrerau
- Ordinariate for Byzantine-rite Catholics in Austria, vested in the (Latin Church) Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Vienna, for Byzantine Rite Eastern Catholic churches
- Ecclesiastical Province of Salzburg
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Salzburg, primatial see of Austria, a former prince-bishopric
- Ecclesiastical Province of Vienna
Episcopal Conference of Belgium
- Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Belgium, ranking as bishopric, vested in the primatial Metropolitan see of Mechlin-Brussels
- for the Ukrainian Catholics, see France
- Ecclesiastical Province of Mechelen-Brussels, covering Belgium
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels, primatial see of Belgium
Episcopal Conference of England and Wales (parts of the UK)
- also comprises - without separate dioceses - three European insular crown dependencies Man, Jersey and Guernsey
- Exempt dioceses
- the Military Ordinariate for Great-Britain (for UK-based troops, joint with Scotland)
- Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham (for former Anglicans in England and Wales and in Scotland)
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London (Ukrainian Catholic Diocese in Great Britain, with cathedral see in London, for the whole UK, including Scotland)
- Ecclesiastical province of Birmingham
- Ecclesiastical province of Cardiff, for Wales
- Ecclesiastical province of Liverpool
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Liverpool, also covers the isle of Man crown dependency
- Ecclesiastical province of Southwark
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Southwark
- Diocese of Arundel and Brighton
- Diocese of Plymouth
- Diocese of Portsmouth, also covers both Anglo-Norman Channel Islands crown dependencies: Jersey and Guernsey
- Ecclesiastical province of Westminster
Episcopal Conference of France
(The ecclesiastical provinces' corresponding administrative regions are mentioned in parenthesis)
- For overseas French dioceses, see under their continents and Episcopal conferences of Antilles (Central America) and Pacific (Oceania)
- Exempt Latin dioceses, directly subject to the Holy See
- Eastern Church dioceses, directly subject to the Holy See (exempt) or to their particular church's Patriarch or Major Archbishop
- Armenian Catholic Diocese of Sainte-Croix-de-Paris, Eparchy with cathedral see in Paris, in and for France, immediately subject to the Patriarch of Cilicia, but not part of his province
- Maronite Eparchy of Notre-Dame du Liban de Paris, with cathedral see Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Liban, Paris, immediately subject to the Patriarch of Cilicia, but not part of his province; also Apostolic Visitor in Western and Northern Europe of the Maronites
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saint Vladimir the Great of Paris (Ukrainian Catholic Byzantine Rite Eparchy in France), with cathedral see in Paris, directky subject to the Major Archbishop, for France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in France, exempt, vested in the Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Paris, for Eastern Rites without proper ordinary
- Ecclesiastical Province of Besançon (Franche-Comté and part of Lorraine)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bordeaux (Aquitaine)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Clermont (Auvergne)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Dijon (Burgundy)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lille (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lyon (Rhône-Alpes)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Lyon, primatial see
- Ecclesiastical Province of Marseille (Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur and Corsica)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Montpellier (Languedoc-Roussillon)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Paris (capital region Ile-de-France)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Poitiers (Poitou-Charentes and Limousin)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Reims (Champagne-Ardenne and Picardy)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Reims, primatial see
- Ecclesiastical Province of Rennes (Brittany and Pays-de-la-Loire)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Rouen (Upper - and Lower Normandy)
- Eccleasiastical Province of Toulouse (Midi-Pyrénées)
- Eccleasiastical Province of Tours (Centre region)
Episcopal Conference of Germany
- Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical province of Bamberg
- Ecclesiastical province of Berlin (in the former GDR)
- [Lower] Rhenish ecclesiastical province (aka Ecclesiastical province of Cologne)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Cologne, formerly a prince-episcopal electorate
- Diocese of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle)
- Diocese of Essen
- Diocese of Limburg
- Diocese of Münster
- Diocese of Trier, formerly a Metropolitan Archdiocese and prince-episcopal electorate
- Upper Rhenish ecclesiastical province (aka Ecclesiastical province of Freiburg im Breisgau)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Freiburg
- Diocese of Mainz, formerly a Metropolitan archdiocese and prince-episcopal electorate
- Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart
- Northern German ecclesiastical province (aka Ecclesiastical province of Hamburg)
- Ecclesiastical province of Munich and Freising, in Bavaria
- Central German ecclesiastical province (aka Ecclesiastical province of Paderborn)
Episcopal Conference of Ireland, i.e. the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
- Ecclesiastical province of Armagh, including and mostly in Northern Ireland (part of the UK)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Armagh, Primatial see of All Ireland
- Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise
- Diocese of Clogher
- Diocese of Derry
- Diocese of Down and Connor
- Diocese of Dromore
- Diocese of Kilmore
- Diocese of Meath (Irish Republic)
- Diocese of Raphoe (Irish Republic)
- Ecclesiastical province of Cashel and Emly (Republic of Ireland)
- Ecclesiastical province of Dublin (Republic of Ireland)
- Ecclesiastical province of Tuam (Republic of Ireland)
Episcopal Conference of Italy, including San Marino and Vatican City State

- Ecclesiastical Province of Rome
- Metropolitan Diocese of Rome (includes Vatican City State), whose suffragans are the seven suburbicarian sees, held by the six cardinal-bishops
- other exempt Italian (arch)dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See but not part of the province of Rome
- Military Ordinariate of Italy
- Archdiocese of Gaeta (never Metropolitan)
- Archdiocese of Lucca (never Metropolitan)
- Archdiocese of Spoleto-Norcia (never Metropolitan)
- Diocese of Anagni-Alatri
- Diocese of Civita Castellana
- Diocese of Civitavecchia-Tarquinia
- Diocese of Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino
- Diocese of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno
- Diocese of Orvieto-Todi
- Diocese of Rieti, united with the titular Territorial Abbacy of San Salvatore Maggiore
- Diocese of Sora-Cassino-Aquino-Pontecorvo
- Diocese of Terni
- Diocese of Tivoli
- Diocese of Viterbo, united with the titular Territorial Abbacy of San Martino al Monte Cimino
- Italo-Albanese Territorial Abbacy of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata, only non-Latin Church territorial abbey: Italo-Albanese Catholic rite
- Italo-Albanese Diocese of Piana degli Albanesi, with cathedral see at Palermo, on Sicily
- Italo-Albanese Diocese of Lungro, with cathedral see at Lungro, near Cosenza in Calabria
- Territorial Abbey of Montecassino
- Territorial Abbey of San Paolo fuori le Mura
- Territorial Abbey of Subiaco
- Ecclesiastical Province of Venice
- Patriarchate of Venice, as Metropolitan Archdiocese
- Ecclesiastical Province of Agrigento, on Sicily
- Ecclesiastical Province of Ancona-Osimo
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bari-Bitonto
- Ecclesiastical Province of Benevento
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bologna
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bologna
- Archdiocese of Ferrara-Comacchio (no longer Metropolitan; united with the now titular Territorial Abbacy of Pomposa)
- Diocese of Faenza-Modigliana
- Diocese of Imola
- Ecclesiastical Province of Cagliari, on Sardinia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Campobasso-Boiano
- Ecclesiastical Province of Catania, on Sicily
- Ecclesiastical Province of Catanzaro-Squillace
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Catanzaro-Squillace
- Archdiocese of Crotone-Santa Severina (never Metropolitan)
- Diocese of Lamezia Terme
- Ecclesiastical Province of Chieti-Vasto
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Chieti-Vasto
- Archdiocese of Lanciano-Ortona (no longer Metropolitan)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Cosenza-Bisignano
- Ecclesiastical Province of Fermo
- Ecclesiastical Province of Florence
- Ecclesiastical Province of Foggia-Bovino
- Ecclesiastical Province of Genoa
- Ecclesiastical Province of Gorizia
- Ecclesiastical Province of L'Aquila
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lecce
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Lecce
- Archdiocese of Brindisi-Ostuni (no longer Metropolitan)
- Archdiocese of Otranto (no longer Metropolitan)
- Diocese of Nardò-Gallipoli
- Diocese of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca
- Ecclesiastical Province of Messina-Lipari-Santa Lucia del Mela, on Sicily
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Messina-Lipari-Santa Lucia del Mela, united with the titular Territorial Abbacy of Santissimo Salvatore
- Ecclesiastical Province of Milan
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Milan - This archdiocese also uses the now strictly local, Latin Ambrosian rite (Italian language) rite besides the general Roman Rite
- Ecclesiastical Province of Modena-Nonantola
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Modena-Nonantola
- Diocese of Carpi
- Diocese of Fidenza
- Diocese of Parma, united with the titular Territorial Abbacy of Fontevivo
- Diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio, united with the titular Territorial Abbacy of San Colombano
- Diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla
- Ecclesiastical Province of Naples
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Naples
- Archdiocese of Capua (no longer Metropolitan)
- Archdiocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia (no longer Metropolitan)
- Diocese of Acerra
- Diocese of Alife-Caiazzo
- Diocese of Aversa
- Diocese of Caserta
- Diocese of Ischia
- Diocese of Nola
- Diocese of Pozzuoli
- Diocese of Sessa Aurunca
- Diocese of Teano-Calvi
- Territorial Prelature of Pompei o Beatissima Vergine Maria del Rosario (Pompei aka Blessed Virgin of the Most Sacred Rosary)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Oristano
- Ecclesiastical Province of Palermo, on Sicily
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Palermo
- Archdiocese of Monreale (no longer Metropolitan; originally a territorial abbacy)
- Diocese of Cefalu
- Diocese of Mazara del Vallo
- Diocese of Trapani
- Ecclesiastical Province of Perugia-Città della Pieve
- Ecclesiastical Province of Pesaro
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pesaro
- Archdiocese of Urbino-Urbania-Sant'Angelo in Vado (no longer Metropolitan)
- Diocese of Fano-Fossombrone-Cagli-Pergola
- Ecclesiastical Province of Pescara-Penne
- Ecclesiastical Province of Pisa
- Ecclesiastical Province of Potenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Potenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo
- Archdiocese of Acerenza (no longer Metropolitan)
- Archdiocese of Matera-Irsina (no longer Metropolitan), united with the titular Territorial Abbacy of San Michele Arcangelo di Montescaglioso
- Diocese of Melfi-Rapolla-Venosa
- Diocese of Tricarico
- Diocese of Tursi-Lagonegro
- Ecclesiastical Province of Ravenna-Cervia
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ravenna-Cervia
- Diocese of Cesena-Sarsina
- Diocese of Forli-Bertinoro
- Diocese of Rimini
- Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro (includes the independent republic of San Marino but has its see in Pennabilli, in Italy's Pesaro e Urbino province
- Ecclesiastical Province of Reggio Calabria-Bova
- Ecclesiastical Province of Salerno-Campagna-Acerno
- Ecclesiastical Province of Sassari, on Sardinia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino
- Ecclesiastical Province of Siracusa, on Sicily
- Ecclesiastical Province of Taranto
- Ecclesiastical Province of Turin
- Ecclesiastical Province of Trento
- Ecclesiastical Province of Udine
- Archdiocese of Udine (nominal Metropolitan, no suffragan)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Vercelli
Episcopal Conference of Malta
- Ecclesiastical Province of Malta
Episcopal Conference of the Netherlands
- Exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of the Netherlands
- for the Ukrainian Catholics, see France
- Ecclesiastical Province of Utrecht, covering the Netherlands proper
Episcopal Conference of Portugal, incl. Azores and Madeira
- Exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Portugal (the 'Army Bishopric')
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lisboa (Lisbon)
- Patriarchate of Lisboa, the province's Metropolitan Archdiocese at Lisbon
- Diocese of Guarda
- Diocese of Leiria-Fátima
- Diocese of Portalegre-Castelo Branco
- Diocese of Santarém
- Diocese of Setúbal
- Diocese of Angra, on the Azores
- Diocese of Funchal, on and also known as Diocese of Madeira
- Ecclesiastical Province of Braga
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Braga, primatial see of Portugal
- Ecclesiastical Province of Évora
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Évora
- Diocese of Beja
- Diocese of Faro, also known as Diocese of the Algarve
Episcopal Conference of Scandinavia
Scandinavian Bishops Conference
- All exempt, each directly subject to the Holy See, no province or national conferences
- Diocese of Stockholm, for all Sweden
- Diocese of Copenhagen, for all Denmark and its overseas territories Greenland and the Far Oer
- Diocese of Oslo, for most of Norway plus its Arctic territories Svalbard and Jan Mayen and unhabited Bouvet Island
- Territorial Prelature of Trondheim in Norway
- Territorial Prelature of Tromsø in Norway
- (and two more Nordic countries, not geographically part of Scandinavia proper, also both exempt)
- Diocese of Helsinki, for all Finland and the autonomous Aland Islands
- Diocese of Reykjavík, for all Iceland
Episcopal Conference of Scotland (part of UK)

- the Military Ordinariate for Great-Britain for UK-based troops, being joint with England & Wales, is exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical province of Glasgow
- Ecclesiastical province of St Andrews and Edinburgh

Episcopal Conference of Spain (incl. African territories) and Andorra
- Titular Patriarchate of the West Indies, indefinitely vacant
- Exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Spain (the 'Army Bishopric')
- Ecclesiastical province of Barcelona, in Catalonia
- Ecclesiastical province of Burgos
- Ecclesiastical province of Granada
- Ecclesiastical province of Madrid
- Ecclesiastical province of Mérida-Badajoz
- Ecclesiastical province of Oviedo
- Ecclesiastical province of Pamplona
- Ecclesiastical province of Santiago de Compostela
- Ecclesiastical province of Seville, mainly comprising Andalusia
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Seville
- Diocese of Cádiz and Ceuta, including the North African territory Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in Morocco
- Diocese of the Canaries (at Las Palmas, on Gran Canaria), geographically African
- Diocese of Córdoba
- Diocese of Huelva
- Diocese of Jerez de la Frontera
- Diocese of San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Ecclesiastical province of Tarragona
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tarragona
- Diocese of Girona
- Diocese of Lleida
- Diocese of Solsona
- Diocese of Tortosa
- Diocese of (Seo de) Urgell, including Andorra, where the bishop still shares the joint sovereign status of 'co-prince' with the French head of state, making him the last true prince-bishop besides the pope
- Diocese of Vic
- Ecclesiastical province of Toledo
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Toledo, primatial see of Spain - This archdiocese is the only one using a now strictly local Latin liturgical rite besides the general Roman Rite - Mozarabic rite (Latin language)
- Ecclesiastical province of Valencia, including the Balearic Isles
- Ecclesiastical province of Valladolid
- Ecclesiastical province of Zaragoza
Episcopal Conference of Switzerland
- only exempt dioceses, each immediately subject to the Holy See
- Diocese of Basel
- Diocese of Chur
- Diocese of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg
- Diocese of Lugano
- Diocese of Sankt Gallen
- Diocese of Sion (Sitten)
- Territorial Abbacy of Maria Einsiedeln
- Territorial Abbacy of Saint-Maurice d’Agaune
- part of the French diocese of Annecy (in the ecclesiastical province of Lyon) is also on Swiss territory
Eastern European countries
Countries formerly at the eastern side of the Iron Courtain, and/or with an Orthodox/Muslim majority tradition
Exempt dioceses in Eastern European countries without ecclesiastical province or national conference
- Exempt dioceses, directly subject to the Holy See, each for a whole country
- Apostolic Administration of Estonia (at Tallinn), for all Estonia
- Diocese of Chişinău, for all Moldova (Moldavia)
- Apostolic Administration of Prizren, for all Kosovo[a]
- transcontinental Georgia and Armenia are both comprised in a single, exempt Roman Catholic Apostolic Administration of the Caucasus, which has its see in the Georgian capital Tbilisi (Tiflis)
Episcopal Conference of Albania
- Ecclesiastical Province of Shkodër-Pult (Latin Church)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Shkodër-Pult (Scutari-Pulati)
- Diocese of Lezhë (formerly Alessio)
- Diocese of Sapë
- Ecclesiastical Province of Tiranë-Durrës (mixed Churches)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tiranë-Durrës
- Diocese of Rrëshen
- Apostolic Administration of Southern Albania, the Byzantine Rite Albanese Catholic Church's only proper diocese
Episcopal Conference of the Balkans - for Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia
- The Republic of Macedonia has
- the Latin Diocese of Skopje, a suffragan in the province of the Bosnian Metropolitan Archbishop of Vrhbosna
- the Eastern Catholic (Byzantine Rite) Macedonian Catholic Church, comprising only the exempt Macedonian Apostolic Exarchate of Macedonia, vested in the above Latin Church bishop of Skopje
- Montenegro has no national level, but two Latin dioceses
- the exempt senior see: Archdiocese of Bar, directly subject to the Holy See
- Diocese of Kotor, suffragan in the ecclesiastical province of the Croatian Metropolitan of Split–Makarska
- Ecclesiastical Province of Beograd (Belgrado), Latin, covering Serbia
- Byzantine Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Serbia, for Catholics of Byzantine Rite in Serbia
Episcopal Conference of Belarus
- The Belarussian Catholic Church (Byzantine Rite) has no proper diocese presently, only an apostolic visitor for Belarus and another for abroad, neither vested in any see
- (Latin) Ecclesiastical Province of Miensk-Mahiloǔ
Episcopal Conference of Bosnia and Hercegovina

- Exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Bosnia and Herzegovina, not vested in any see
- Ecclesiastical Province of Sarajevo, covering all Bosnia and Hercegovina and ...
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Vrhbosna
- the province also comprises the Diocese of Skopje, which covers the Republic of Macedonia and belongs to the episcopal conference for the Balkans (Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia)
- Croatian Catholic Eparchy of Križevci, the Croatian proper diocese of the Byzantine rite Eastern Croatian Catholic Church, suffragan of the Metropolitan of Zagreb, also covers Catholics of Byzantine Rite in all of Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Episcopal Conference of Bulgaria
- Bulgaria has no ecclesiastical province, only exempt Ordinariates, immediately subject to the Holy See, of two Churches
- Latin Church:
- Apostolic Bulgarian Catholic Exarchate of Sofia, the only proper ordinariate of the Byzantine Rite particular Bulgarian Catholic Church
Episcopal Conference of Croatia
- Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Croatia, not vested in any see
- Archdiocese of Zadar (lost Metropolitan status)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Đakovo-Osijek, also known as Simium (Sirmio)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Rijeka
- Ecclesiastical Province of Split-Makarska
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Split-Makarska
- the province also comprises the Diocese of Kotor, which is in and covers Montenegro and hence belongs to the episcopal conference of the Balkans (Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Zagreb (Latin and Eastern Church dioceses)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Zagreb (Roman Catholic)
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Bjelovar-Križevci
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Sisak
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Varaždin
- Croatian Catholic Eparchy of Križevci, the only proper diocese of the Byzantine rite Eastern Croatian Catholic Church, covering all of Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Episcopal Conference of the Czech Republic
- Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
- Ruthenian Apostolic Exarchate of Czech Republic (Byzantine rite)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bohemia or Prague (after its Metropolitan see)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Moravia or Olomouc (after its Metropolitan see)
Episcopal Conference of Greece
- Exempt Latin (arch)dioceses, immediately depending from the Holy See
- Archdiocese of Corfu, Zakynthos and Cephalonia (on the Ionian islands; nominally Metropolitan, but no suffragan)
- Archdiocese of Athens
- Archdiocese of Rhodos
- Apostolic Vicariate of Thessaloniki
- Exempt Eastern Catholic
- Armenian Catholic Ordinariate of Greece
- Greek Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Greece, with cathedral see in Athens, for the Greek Catholic particular Eastern church
- Ecclesiastical Province of Naxos, Andros, Tinos and Mykonos (for various Aegean islands)
Episcopal Conference of Hungary (Latin and Eastern dioceses)
- Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Hungary, not vested in any see
- Territorial Abbacy of Pannonhalma , whose cathedral see is a minor basilica
- Ecclesiastical Province of Eger
- Ecclesiastical Province of Esztergom-Budapest
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kalocsa-Kecskemét
- Ecclesiastical Province of Veszprém
- Hungarian Catholic church Metropolitanate sui iuris
Episcopal Conference of Latvia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Riga, covering Latvia
Episcopal Conference of Lithuania
- Ecclesiastical Province of Vilnius
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kaunas
Episcopal Conference of Poland
- Ecclesiastical province of Białystok
- Ecclesiastical province of Częstochowa
- Ecclesiastical province of Gdańsk
- Ecclesiastical province of Gniezno
- Ecclesiastical province of Katowice
- Ecclesiastical province of Kraków
- Ecclesiastical province of Łódź
- Ecclesiastical province of Lublin
- Ecclesiastical province of Poznań
- Ecclesiastical province of Przemyśl
- Ecclesiastical province of Szczecin-Kamień
- Ecclesiastical province of Warmia
- Ecclesiastical province of Warszawa
- Ecclesiastical province of Wrocław
Episcopal Conference of Romania
- Exempt (immediately subject to Rome, no ecclesiastical province)
- Latin: Archdiocese of Alba Iulia/Gyulafehérvár
- Eastern Catholic: Armenian Catholic Ordinariate of Romania
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bucharest (Latin)
- Eastern Catholic (Byzantine Rite) Major Archiepiscopal Romanian (Greek) Catholic Church's ecclesiastical (sole) province sui juris, covering Romania
- Romanian Catholic Archeparchy (Metropolitan Archdicose) of Fagaraș and Alba Iulia, the Major Archbishopric, with cathedral see at Blaj, Alba Julia
Episcopal Conference of the Russian Federation
- Ecclesiastical Province of Moscow (partly in Asia- eastern Siberia)
- Archdiocese of Mother of God at Moscow, in Moscow
- Diocese of Saint Clement at Saratov, at Saratov
- Diocese of Transfiguration at Novosibirsk, in Novosibirsk (in western Siberia)
- and an Asian diocese: Diocese of Saint Joseph at Irkutsk, at Irkutsk (in eastern Siberian Far East)
- also includes, in Asia, one exempt diocese, immediately subject to the Holy See:
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, on Sakhalin island off eastern Siberia
Episcopal Conference of Slovakia
- Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Slovakia, not vested in any see
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bratislava (Latin)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bratislava
- Archdiocese of Trnava (not Metropolitan)
- Diocese of Banská Bystrica
- Diocese of Nitra
- Diocese of Žilina
- Ecclesiastical Province of Košice (Latin)
- Slovak Catholic Metropolitanate sui juris of Prešov (Eastern Catholic, Byzantine rite)
- Slovak Catholic Archeparchy of Prešov, the Metropolitan head of the particular church and its sole province's Metropolitan Archeparch (Archbishop), with suffragan Eparchies (bishoprics)
Episcopal Conference of Slovenia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Ljubljana
- Ecclesiastical Province of Maribor
- Croatian Catholic Eparchy of Križevci, the Croatian proper diocese of the Byzantine rite Eastern Croatian Catholic Church, suffragan of the Metropolitan of Zagreb, also covers Catholics of Byzantine Rite in all of Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Episcopal Conference of the Ukraine
- Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical province of Lviv, covering the Latin church in all Ukraine, including the Russian-annexed Crimea (Krym)
- Armenian Catholic (Armenian rite)
- Armenian Catholic Archeparchy of Lviv, directly dependent on the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate of Cilicia
- Ruthenian Catholic (Byzantine rite)
- Ruthenian Catholic Eparchy of Mukacheve, directly dependent to the Metropolitan in chief of the Ruthenian Catholic Church
- Ukrainian Catholic (Byzantine rite) Metropolitanates
- Ukrainian Catholic Major Archeparchy of Kyiv–Halych, the Major Archeparchy and head of the particular church
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Kyiv, the proper Metropolitan Archeparchy, at Kiev (Kyiv)
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Crimea (Krym), on the Russian-annexed Crimea, with cathedral see at Simferopol
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Donetsk
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Kharkiv
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Lutsk
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Odessa
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Lviv (Metropolitan Archeparchy)
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Ternopil – Zboriv (Metropolitan Archeparchy)
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk (Metropolitan Archeparchy)
North America (Latin and Eastern rites)
- Exempt, without ecclesiastical conference
- Apostolic Vicariate of Iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, on and for the French overseas collectivity Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
Episcopal Conference of Canada
- Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical province of Edmonton, comprising most of the province of Alberta.
- Ecclesiastical province of Gatineau, comprising the western and northern parts of the province of Quebec.
- Ecclesiastical province of Grouard–McLennan, comprising the northernmost parts of the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, as well as the Yukon and Northwest Territory.
- Ecclesiastical province of Halifax, comprising the provinces of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
- Ecclesiastical province of Keewatin-Le Pas, comprising the northern parts of the provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, and the territory of Nunavut.
- Ecclesiastical province of Kingston, comprising the central portions of the Canadian province of Ontario.
- Ecclesiastical province of Moncton, comprising the province of New Brunswick.
- Ecclesiastical province of Montréal, in Quebec, comprising the island of Montreal and surrounding areas to the north and south.
- Ecclesiastical province of Ottawa, comprising the northeastern part of the province of Ontario and a small portion of Quebec.
- Ecclesiastical province of Québec, comprising only the central part of the province of Quebec, centering on the civil provincial capital Quebec City.
- Ecclesiastical province of Regina, comprising the southern part of the province of Saskatchewan.
- Ecclesiastical province of Rimouski, comprising the Gaspé Peninsula and the areas across the St. Lawrence River to the north, in the province of Quebec.
- Ecclesiastical province of Saint Boniface, comprising the southwest part of the province of Manitoba.
- Archdiocese of Saint Boniface (no suffragan)
- Ecclesiastical province of St. John's, Newfoundland, comprising the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Ecclesiastical province of Sherbrooke, comprising the part of the province of Quebec to the southeast of Montreal.
- Ecclesiastical province of Toronto, comprising the southwest part of the province of Ontario, with the non-contiguous Diocese of Thunder Bay in western Ontario.
- Ecclesiastical province of Vancouver, comprising most of the province of British Columbia.
- Ukrainian Catholic province of Winnipeg
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg, Metropolitan Archdiocese of a Byzantine rite province in Canada
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster
- Other Eastern church dioceses in Canada, immediately subject to their particular churches
- Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Mar Addai of Toronto, subject to the Patriarch of Babylon
- Maronite Diocese of Saint-Maron of Montréal, subject to the Patriarch of Antioch
- Slovak Catholic Eparchy of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto, with cathedral see in Toronto, Ontario; subject to the Slovak Catholic Metropolitanate sui juris of Prešov
- See also USA for joint Armenian Catholic and Romanian Catholic dioceses and Anglican use personal ordinariate
Episcopal Conference of Mexico
- Ecclesiastical province of Acapulco
- Ecclesiastical province of Tijuana (Baja California)
- Ecclesiastical province of Léon (Bajío)
- Ecclesiastical province of Tuxtla Gutierrez (Chiapas)
- Ecclesiastical province of Chihuahua
- Ecclesiastical province of Durango
- Ecclesiastical province of Guadalajara
- Ecclesiastical province of Hermosillo
- Ecclesiastical province of Tulancingo (Hidalgo)
- Ecclesiastical province of Jalapa (Xalapa)
- Ecclesiastical province of México
- Ecclesiastical province of Monterrey
- Ecclesiastical province of Morelia
- Ecclesiastical province of (Antequera (de)) Oaxaca (Oaxaca)
- Ecclesiastical province of Puebla (de los Angeles)
- Ecclesiastical province of San Luis Potosí
- Ecclesiastical province of Tlalnepantla
- Ecclesiastical province of Yucatán
Episcopal Conference of the United States of America
- Exempt, immediately subject to the holy See

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) divides the non-exempt dioceses of the United States (including Hawaii state, in Oceania; and a few overseas islands) into fourteen geographical regions, termed "Bishops' Regions" for the Latin Church provinces, and a fifteenth 'region' that consists of the Eastern rites Catholic eparchies and exarchate. These regions are not the canonical "ecclesiastical regions" described in canon 433 and 434, but are operated by an elected regional chairman.[1]
Bishops' Region I
- Ecclesiastical province of Boston, comprising the states of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont.
- Ecclesiastical province of Hartford, comprising the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island, as well as Fishers Island in the state of New York.
Bishops' Region II
- Ecclesiastical province of New York, comprising the state of New York except for Fishers Island.
Bishops' Region III
- Ecclesiastical province of Newark, comprising the state of New Jersey.
- Ecclesiastical province of Philadelphia, comprising the state of Pennsylvania.
Bishops' Region IV
- Ecclesiastical province of Baltimore, comprising most of the state of Maryland as well as the states of Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia.
- Ecclesiastical province of Washington, comprising the District of Columbia, 5 counties in southern Maryland and (as Central-American sole suffragan) the Antillean United States Virgin Islands.
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Washington
- Diocese of Saint Thomas, with see in Charlotte Amalie, on and for the American Virgin Islands, which is a member of the Episcopal Conference of the Antilles
Bishops' Region V
- Ecclesiastical province of Mobile, comprising the states of Alabama and Mississippi.
- Ecclesiastical province of New Orleans, comprising the state of Louisiana.
Bishops' Region VI
- Ecclesiastical province of Cincinnati, comprising the state of Ohio.
- Ecclesiastical province of Detroit, comprising the state of Michigan.
Bishops' Region VII
- Ecclesiastical province of Chicago, comprising the state of Illinois.
- Ecclesiastical province of Indianapolis, comprising the state of Indiana.
- Ecclesiastical province of Milwaukee, comprising the state of Wisconsin.
Bishops' Region VIII
- Ecclesiastical province of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, comprising the states of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.
Bishops' Region IX
- Ecclesiastical province of Dubuque, comprising the state of Iowa.
- Ecclesiastical province of Kansas City, comprising the state of Kansas.
- Ecclesiastical province of Omaha, comprising the state of Nebraska.
- Ecclesiastical province of Saint Louis, comprising the state of Missouri.
Bishops' Region X
- Ecclesiastical province of Galveston-Houston, comprising the east and southeast parts of the state of Texas.
- Ecclesiastical province of San Antonio, comprising the west and north of the state of Texas.
Bishops' Region XI
- Ecclesiastical province of Los Angeles, comprising the southern part of the state of California.
- Ecclesiastical province of San Francisco, comprising the northern part of the state of California and the states of Hawaii (in Oceania), Nevada and Utah.
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of San Francisco
- Diocese of Las Vegas, in Nevada
- Diocese of Oakland
- Diocese of Reno, in Nevada
- Diocese of Sacramento
- Diocese of San Jose in California
- Diocese of Santa Rosa in California
- Diocese of Stockton
- also Diocese of Honolulu, in Polynesia, i.e. in Oceania
- (not fellow suffragan Diocese of Salt Lake City in Utah - Bishops' Region XIII)
Bishops' Region XII
- Ecclesiastical province of Anchorage, comprising the state of Alaska.
- Ecclesiastical province of Portland in Oregon, comprising the states of Idaho, Montana and Oregon, except for the parts of Yellowstone National Park in the states of Idaho and Montana.
- Ecclesiastical province of Seattle, comprising the state of Washington
Bishops' Region XIII
(Also includes Diocese of Salt Lake City found in the Ecclesiastical province of San Francisco[2])
- Ecclesiastical province of Denver, comprising the states of Colorado and Wyoming, as well as the parts of Yellowstone National Park in the states of Idaho and Montana.
- Ecclesiastical province of Santa Fe, comprising the states of Arizona and New Mexico.
Bishops' Region XIV
- Ecclesiastical province of Miami, comprising the state of Florida.
- Ecclesiastical province of Atlanta, comprising the states of Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Bishops' Region XV
This is not a geographical region, nor groups ecclesiastical provinces, but consists exclusively of US branches of various, generally Europe- or Asia- based, particular Eastern Catholic churches - see below Eastern Catholic Churches section for their particular hierarchies
Antiochian rites
- Eparchy of Brooklyn (NYC, New York)
- Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon (St. Louis, Missouri)
Armenian rite
Byzantine (Constantinian) rites
Ecclesiastical province of the Ruthenian Catholic Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh
- Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the only one whose chief passed to America
Ecclesiastical Province of Philadelphia
Syro-Oriental Rites
South and Central America (Latin and Eastern dioceses)
- Exempt diocese, directly subject to the Holy See
- Apostolic Prefecture of Falkland Islands (Malvinas), for Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (southern Atlantic UK overseas territories)
Mainland Central America (Latin Church)
- see below for Belize, whose only dioces belong to the Episcopal conference for the Antilles
Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica
- Ecclesiastical province of San José de Costa Rica
Episcopal Conference of El Salvador
- Exempt military ordinariate, immediately subject to the Holy See,
- Ecclesiastical province of San Salvador, covering El Salvador
Episcopal Conference of Guatemala
- Exempt dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Apostolic Vicariate of El Petén
- Apostolic Vicariate of Izabal
- Territorial Prelature of Santo Cristo de Esquipulas
- Ecclesiastical province of Guatemala
- Ecclesiastical province of Los Altos Quetzaltenango-Totonicapán
Episcopal Conference of Honduras
- Ecclesiastical province of Tegucigalpa, covering Honduras
Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua
- Exempt diocese, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical province of Managua, covering Nicaragua
Episcopal Conference of Panama
- Exempt diocese, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical province of Panamá, covering Panama
Insular Central America (and Belize and Guyanas; Latin dioceses)
Also included are a few mainland (South/Central) American Caribbean dioceses which are suffragans of Antillean Metropolitans
Episcopal Conference of the (Lesser) Antilles (and Belize and Guyanas)
- the Diocese of Saint-Thomas, with see in Charlotte Amalie, on St. Thomas, on and for the U.S. Virgin Islands, is a suffragan of the mainland-North American Metropolitan Archdiocese of Washington (D.C.)
- Ecclesiastical province of Castries - comprising several current and former British colonies in the Lesser Antilles.
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Castries, with see at Castries on Saint Lucia
- Diocese of Roseau, with see at Roseau on Dominica
- Diocese of Saint George's in Grenada, with see on Grenada
- Diocese of Saint John's - Basseterre, with see at Saint John on Antigua and Barbuda, also for Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat and Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Ecclesiastical province of Fort-de-France - comprising the French territories in the Caribbean.
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Fort-de-France, on and for Martinique
- Diocese of Basse-Terre(-Pointe-à-Pitre), on Guadeloupe, also for Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin
- Diocese of Cayenne (Cajenna), in and for French Guiana (in South America)
- Ecclesiastical province of Kingston in (and covering) Jamaica, also comprising several other former and current British colonies in the Western Caribbean.
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kingston in Jamaica, on Jamaica
- Diocese of Mandeville, also on Jamaica
- Diocese of Montego Bay, also on Jamaica
- Mission Sui Iuris of Cayman Islands, on and for the Cayman Islands
- Diocese of Belize City-Belmopan, in and for Belize (in South America, formerly British Honduras)
- Ecclesiastical province of Nassau - comprising several current and former British territories to the north of the Caribbean.
- Ecclesiastical province of Port of Spain - comprising several former British or Dutch colonies in the southeastern Caribbean and northern South America.
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Port of Spain, on and for Trinidad and Tobago
- Diocese of Bridgetown, on and for Barbados
- Diocese of Willemstad, on Curaçao in the Netherlands Antilles, also for Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius and Sint Maarten
- Diocese of Kingstown, on and for Saint Vincent and Grenadines
- Diocese of Georgetown, in Guyana (in South America, formerly British)
- Diocese of Paramaribo, in Suriname (in South America, formerly Dutch Guyana)
Episcopal Conference of Cuba
- Ecclesiastical province of (San Cristóbal de) la Habana
- Ecclesiastical province of Camagüey
- Ecclesiastical province of Santiago de Cuba
Episcopal Conference of the Dominican Republic
- exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See, but often held by the capital's archbishop
- Ecclesiastical province of Santo Domingo
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Santo Domingo, primatial see of America
- Ecclesiastical province of Santiago de los Caballeros
Episcopal Conference of Haiti
- Ecclesiastical province of Cap-Haïtien
- Ecclesiastical province of Port-au-Prince
Episcopal Conference of Puerto Rico (US)
- Ecclesiastical province of San Juan de Puerto Rico, covering the US Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Hispanic South America and Brazil (Latin and Eastern dioceses)
Episcopal Conference of Argentina
(Latin and Eastern church dioceses)
- exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Argentina
- Archdiocese of Mercedes-Luján
- Melkite Apostolic Exarchate of Argentina, a Byzantine rite, with cathedral see San Jorge in Cordoba
- Armenian Catholic Eparchy of San Gregorio de Narek in Buenos Aires, with cathedral see in Buenos Aires, Armenian Rite; presently vested in the Armenian Apostolic Exarchate of Latin America and Mexico
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in Argentina, for all other Eastern particular churches (Byzantine and other rites), vested in the Latin Church Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Buenos Aires
- Ecclesiastical province of Bahía Blanca
- Ecclesiastical province of Buenos Aires
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Buenos Aires
- Diocese of Avellaneda-Lanús
- Diocese of Gregorio de Laferrère
- Diocese of Lomas de Zamora
- Diocese of Merlo-Moreno
- Diocese of Morón
- Diocese of San Isidro
- Diocese of San Justo
- Diocese of San Martín
- Diocese of San Miguel
- Maronite Catholic Eparchy of San Charbel in Buenos Aires, an Antiochene Rite eparchy (diocese)
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Santa María del Patrocinio in Buenos Aires, Ukrainian Catholic eparchy for the Byzantine Rite Ukrainian Catholic Church in all Argentina, with cathedral see in Buenos Aires
- Ecclesiastical province of Córdoba
- Ecclesiastical province of Corrientes
- Ecclesiastical province of La Plata
- Ecclesiastical province of Mendoza
- Ecclesiastical province of Paraná
- Ecclesiastical province of Resistencia
- Ecclesiastical province of Rosario
- Ecclesiastical province of Salta
- Ecclesiastical province of San Juan
- Ecclesiastical province of Santa Fe
- Ecclesiastical province of Tucumán
Episcopal Conference of Bolivia
- exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Bolivia
- Apostolic Vicariate of Camiri
- Apostolic Vicariate of El Beni
- Apostolic Vicariate of Ñuflo de Chávez
- Apostolic Vicariate of Pando
- Apostolic Vicariate of Reyes
- Ecclesiastical province of Cochabamba
- Ecclesiastical province of La Paz
- Ecclesiastical province of Santa Cruz de la Sierra
- Ecclesiastical province of Sucre
Episcopal Conference of Brazil

- Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Brazil
- a unique case, for the Latin Tridentine Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite: Personal Apostolic Administration of São João Maria Vianney, with cathedral see 'Igreja Principal do Imaculado Coração de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima', in Rio de Janeiro
- Armenian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Latin America and Mexico, with cathedral see in São Pãolo; also covering Mexico and Uruguay (with co-cathedral in Montevideo)
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in Brazil, for Eastern particular churches without proper dioceses, without proper see, of all other Rites; cumulated with varying Latin Church Metropolitan sees
- Ecclesiastical province of Aparecida
- Ecclesiastical province of Aracaju
- Ecclesiastical province of Belém do Pará
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Belém do Pará
- Diocese of Abaetetuba
- Diocese of Bragança do Pará
- Diocese of Cametá
- Diocese of Castanhal
- Diocese of Macapá
- Diocese of Marabá
- Diocese of Óbidos
- Diocese of Ponta de Pedras
- Diocese of Santarém
- Diocese of (Santíssima) Conceição do Araguaia
- Territorial Prelature of Itaituba
- Territorial Prelature of Marajó
- Territorial Prelature of Xingu
- Ecclesiastical province of Belo Horizonte
- Ecclesiastical province of Botucatu
- Ecclesiastical province of Brasília
- Ecclesiastical province of Campinas
- Ecclesiastical province of Campo Grande
- Ecclesiastical province of Cascavel
- Ecclesiastical province of Cuiabá
- Ecclesiastical province of Curitiba
- Ecclesiastical province of Diamantina
- Ecclesiastical province of Feira de Santana
- Ecclesiastical province of Florianópolis
- Ecclesiastical province of Fortaleza
- Ecclesiastical province of Goiânia
- Ecclesiastical province of Juiz de Fora
- Ecclesiastical province of Londrina
- Ecclesiastical province of Maceió
- Ecclesiastical province of Manaus
- Ecclesiastical province of Mariana
- Ecclesiastical province of Maringá
- Ecclesiastical province of Montes Claros
- Ecclesiastical province of Natal
- Ecclesiastical province of Niterói
- Ecclesiastical province of Olinda e Recife
- Ecclesiastical province of Palmas
- Ecclesiastical province of Paraíba
- Ecclesiastical province of Passo Fundo
- Ecclesiastical province of Pelotas
- Ecclesiastical province of Porto Alegre
- Ecclesiastical province of Porto Velho
- Ecclesiastical province of Pouso Alegre
- Ecclesiastical province of Ribeirão Preto
- Ecclesiastical province of Santa Maria
- Ecclesiastical province of São João Batista em Curitiba (Ukrainian Catholic, a Byzantine Rite)
- Ecclesiastical province of São Luís do Maranhão
- Ecclesiastical province of São Paulo (Roman and Byzantine rites)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of São Paulo
- Diocese of Campo Limpo
- Diocese of Caraguatatuba
- Diocese of Guarulhos
- Diocese of Mogi das Cruzes
- Diocese of Osasco
- Diocese of Santo Amaro
- Diocese of Santo André
- Diocese of Santos
- Diocese of São Miguel Paulista
- Maronite Diocese of Nossa Senhora do Líbano em São Paulo
- Melkite Diocese of Nossa Senhora do Paraíso em São Paulo
- Ecclesiastical province of São Salvador da Bahia
- Ecclesiastical province of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro
- Ecclesiastical province of Sorocaba
- Ecclesiastical province of Teresina
- Ecclesiastical province of Uberaba
- Ecclesiastical province of Vitória
- Ecclesiastical province of Vitória da Conquista
Episcopal Conference of Chile
- exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical province of Antofagasta
- Ecclesiastical province of Concepción
- Ecclesiastical province of La Serena
- Ecclesiastical province of Puerto Montt
- Ecclesiastical province of Santiago de Chile
Episcopal Conference of Colombia
- exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Colombia
- Apostolic Vicariate of Guapi
- Apostolic Vicariate of Inírida
- Apostolic Vicariate of Leticia
- Apostolic Vicariate of Mitú
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Carreño
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Leguízamo-Solano
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Carreño
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Andrés y Providencia
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Vicente del Caguán
- Apostolic Vicariate of Tierradentro
- Apostolic Vicariate of Trinidad
- Ecclesiastical province of Barranquilla
- Ecclesiastical province of Bogotá
- Ecclesiastical province of Bucaramanga
- Ecclesiastical province of Cali
- Ecclesiastical province of Cartagena
- Ecclesiastical province of Ibagué
- Ecclesiastical province of Manizales
- Ecclesiastical province of Medellín
- Ecclesiastical province of Nueva Pamplona
- Ecclesiastical province of Popayán
- Ecclesiastical province of Santa Fe de Antioquia
- Ecclesiastical province of Tunja
- Ecclesiastical province of Villavicencio
Episcopal Conference of Ecuador
- exempt missionary circonscriptions, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Ecuador
- Apostolic Vicariate of Aguarico
- Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas
- Apostolic Vicariate of Galápagos
- Apostolic Vicariate of Méndez
- Apostolic Vicariate of Napo
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puyo
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Miguel de Sucumbíos
- Apostolic Vicariate of Zamora en Ecuador
- Ecclesiastical province of Cuenca
- Ecclesiastical province of Guayaquil
- Ecclesiastical province of Portoviejo
- Ecclesiastical province of Quito
Episcopal Conference of Paraguay
- exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Paraguay
- Apostolic Vicariate of Chaco Paraguayo
- Apostolic Vicariate of Pilcomayo
- Ecclesiastical province of Asunción
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Asunción
- Diocese of Benjamín Aceval
- Diocese of Caacupé
- Diocese of Carapeguá
- Diocese of Ciudad del Este
- Diocese of Concepción en Paraguay
- Diocese of Coronel Oviedo
- Diocese of Encarnación
- Diocese of San Juan Bautista de las Misiones
- Diocese of San Lorenzo
- Diocese of San Pedro
- Diocese of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo
Episcopal Conference of Peru
- exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Peru
- Apostolic Vicariate of Iquitos
- Apostolic Vicariate of Jaén en Perú
- Apostolic Vicariate of Pucallpa
- Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Maldonado
- Apostolic Vicariate of Requena
- Apostolic Vicariate of San José de Amazonas
- Apostolic Vicariate of San Ramón
- Apostolic Vicariate of Yurimaguas
- Ecclesiastical province of Arequipa
- Ecclesiastical province of Ayacucho
- Ecclesiastical province of Cuzco
- Ecclesiastical province of Huancayo
- Ecclesiastical province of Lima
- Ecclesiastical province of Piura
- Ecclesiastical province of Trujillo
Episcopal Conference of Uruguay
- Ecclesiastical province of Montevideo
Episcopal Conference of Venezuela
- Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of Venezuela
- Roman Catholic missionary circonscriptions:
- Eastern dioceses:
- Melkite Greek Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Venezuela (Byzantine Rite), with cathedral see in Caracas
- Syrian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Venezuela (Antiochian Rite), with cathedral see at Maracay, Aragua
- Ecclesiastical province of Barquisimeto
- Ecclesiastical province of Calabozo
- Ecclesiastical province of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela
- Ecclesiastical province of Ciudad Bolívar
- Ecclesiastical province of Coro
- Ecclesiastical province of Cumaná
- Ecclesiastical province of Maracaibo
- Ecclesiastical province of Mérida (in Venezuela)
- Ecclesiastical province of Valencia en Venezuela
Asia (Latin and Eastern dioceses)
For transcontinental Armenia, Georgia, Cyprus and the Russian Federation, see Europe
Western and Central Asia (Near and Middle East)
Exempt dioceses or mission sui juris in Asian countries without episcopal conferences or ecclesiastical provinces
- exempt, nation-covering diocesan circonscriptions, often not called after the see, each immediately subject to the Holy See
- Apostolic Prefecture of Baku, in and for all Azerbaijan
- Apostolic Administration of Kyrgyzstan, in Bishkek, for all Kyrgyzstan
- Apostolic Vicariate of Nepal, in Kathmandu, for all Nepal
- Apostolic Administration of Uzbekistan, in Tashkent, for all Uzbekistan
- Missions sui juris (not requiring a prelate; just an ecclesiastical superior), immediately subject to the Holy See
- Mission sui juris of Afghanistan, in Kabul, for all Afghanistan
- Mission sui juris of Tajikistan, for all Tajikistan
- Mission sui juris of Turkmenistan, in Asgabat, for all Turkmenistan
Episcopal conference of the Arab region Latin bishops (includes parts of North and Eastern Africa)
- all Latin dioceses are exempt, i.e. no ecclesiastical province, but each immediately subject to the Holy See. They alone constitute the Episcopal conference proper, not the numerous Eastern Catholic Ordinaries, who are grouped in specific 'national' Assemblies below
- in Asian Middle East:
- Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, no suffragan, for all of the Holy Land (Palestine & Israel), Jordan and Cyprus
- Archdiocese of Baghdad, no suffragan, for all of Iraq
- Apostolic Vicariate of Aleppo, for all of Syria
- Apostolic Vicariate of Beirut, for all of Lebanon
- Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia, in Kuwait City, for all of Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Qatar
- Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia, in Abu Dhabi (UAE), for all of Oman, United Arab Emirates and Yemen
- in Africa: see there (for Egypt, Djibouti and Somalia)
Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of Egypt
see Africa
Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land (Palestine/Israel & Jordan)
- Syrian Patriarchal Exarchate of Jerusalem, with cathedral see in Jerusalem, for the Holy Land (Palestine and Israel) and Jordan
Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of Iraq
- Syrian Catholic Archeparchy of Baghdad, Archeparchy for central Irak
- Syrian Patriarchal Exarchate of Basra and the Gulf, for southern Iraq and Kuwait
- Syrian Catholic Archeparchy of Mosul, Archeparchy for northern Irak
Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of Lebanon
- Syrian Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch, with a cathedral see in Beirut, for Lebanon
- Syrian Catholic Eparchy of Beirut
Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries in Syria
- Syrian Catholic Archeparchy of Aleppo, Archeparchy for part of Syria (cfr. infra)
- Syrian Metropolitan Archeparchy of Damascus
- Syrian Catholic Archeparchy of Hassaké–Nisibi, Archeparchy for part of Syria (cfr. infra)
- Syrian Metropolitan Archeparchy of Homs
Episcopal Conference of Iran
No ecclesiastical province, the Latin Church has only the exempt Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ispahan, directly subject to the Holy See
The conference also includes Eastern Catholic bishops of two churches:
- Chaldean Rite - four dioceses - archdioceses Ahvaz, Tehran (Metropolitan), Urmyā (Shahpur) and its sole suffragan, Salmas
- Armenian Rite - diocese of Isfahan
Episcopal Conference of Kazachstan
- Ecclesiastical Province of Mary Most Holy in Astana, covering all Kazachstan
Episcopal Conference of Turkey
covering transcontinental Turkey, which is not comprised in any Latin ecclesiastical province
- Archdiocese of Izmir (in Asia Minor), nominally Metropolitan but no suffragan
- Exempt Latin dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Apostolic Vicariate of Istanbul, in Istanbul (formerly Constantinople), partly in and for European Turkey
- Apostolic Vicariate of Anatolia, in Iskenderun
- Eastern (arch)dioceses, directly subject to their Patriarchs
- Armenian Catholic Archeparchy of Istanbul, directly under the Armenian Catholic Patriarch of Cilicia, whose ancient see takes its title from a region in Turkey, yet his actual see is in Lebanon.
- Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Diarbekir (Amida), immediately subject to the patriarch of Babylon
- Greek-Melkite Patriarchal Exarchate of Istanbul, directly subject to the Melkite Catholic Patriarch of Antioch (Byzantine Rite in Greek)
- Syrian Catholic Patriarchal Exarchate of Turkey, immediately under the Syrian Catholic Patriarch of Antioch (Antiochian Rite)
South and Southeast Asia
Episcopal Conference of Bangladesh
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Bangladesh
- Ecclesiastical Province of Dhaka, covering all Bangladesh
Episcopal Conference of Burma (Myanmar)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Mandalay
- Ecclesiastical Province of Taunggyi
- Ecclesiastical Province of Yangon (Rangoon)
Episcopal Conference of East Timor
- No ecclesiastical province, all exempt, i.e. each directly subject to the Holy See
Episcopal Conference of India, including Bhutan

includes (italicized) various Eastern Church dioceses, notably Syro-Malankara (a Antiochian Rite) and Syro-Malabar (a Syro-Oriental Rite), either in Eastern provinces of their own particular churches, exempt or (some Syro-Malabar) as suffragans of Roman Catholic Metropolitan Archbishops in their mixed-rite ecclesiastical provinces
- Exempt Eastern Catholic eparchies (diocese), immediately subject to the Holy See
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Eparchy of Faridabad, see near Delhi, also serves Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and parts of Uttar Pradesh
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of Gurgaon, see located near Delhi, serving 22 states in India
- Syro-Malankara Apostolic Exarchate of Saint Ephrem of Khadki, with see near Pune, in western India's Maharashtra state, but also serving Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and parts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
- Ecclesiastical Province of Agra
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bangalore (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bhopal
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bombay
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bombay
- Syro-Malabar Diocese of Kalyan, see located near Bombay, but serves all of Maharashtra state
- Diocese of Nashik
- Diocese of Poona
- Diocese of Vasai
- Ecclesiastical Province of Calcutta (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Delhi (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Gandhinagar
- Ecclesiastical Province of Goa and Daman (entirely Latin Church)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa and Daman, primatial see of the East, Patriarchate of the East Indies
- Ecclesiastical Province of Guwahati (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Hyderabad
- Ecclesiastical Province of Imphal (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Madras and Mylapore (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Madurai (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nagpur
- Ecclesiastical Province of Patna (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Pondicherry and Cuddalore (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Raipur
- Ecclesiastical Province of Ranchi (entirely Latin Church)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ranchi
- Diocese of Daltonganj
- Diocese of Dumka
- Diocese of Gumla
- Diocese of Hazaribag
- Diocese of Jamshedpur
- Diocese of Khunti
- Diocese of Port Blair, on the Andaman and Nicobar islands
- Diocese of Simdega
- Ecclesiastical Province of Shillong (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Thiruvananthapuram (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Verapoly (entirely Latin Church)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Visakhapatnam (entirely Latin Church)
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Eranakulam - Angamaly
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Archdiocese of Eranakulam-Angamaly, the Major Archdiocese, head of the Eastern particular church, and Metropolitan Archeparchy of Eranakulam-Angamaly
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Changanassery
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Archdiocese of Kottayam
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Archdiocese of Kottayam (Archdiocese (Archeparchy) of Kottayam, nominal Metropolitan, no suffragan)
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Tellicherry
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Thrissur
Episcopal Conference of Indonesia
- Exempt diocese, immediately subject to the Holy See
Ecclesiastical Province of Jakarta
Ecclesiastical Province of Ende
Ecclesiastical Province of Kupang
Ecclesiastical Province of Makassar
Ecclesiastical Province of Medan
Ecclesiastical Province of Merauke
Ecclesiastical Province of Palembang
Ecclesiastical Province of Pontianak
Ecclesiastical Province of Samarinda
Ecclesiastical Province of Semarang
Ecclesiastical Province of Jakarta
Ecclesiastical Province of Ende
Ecclesiastical Province of Kupang
Ecclesiastical Province of Makassar
Ecclesiastical Province of Medan
Ecclesiastical Province of Merauke
Ecclesiastical Province of Palembang
Ecclesiastical Province of Pontianak
Ecclesiastical Province of Samarinda
Ecclesiastical Province of Semarang
Episcopal Conference of Laos and Cambodia
- three exempt missionary dioceses in Cambodia, no ecclesiastical province but directly subject to Rome
- Apostolic Vicariate of Phnom Penh
- Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang
- Apostolic Prefecture of Kompong Cham
- four exempt missionary dioceses in Laos, no ecclesiastical province but directly subject to Rome
- Apostolic Vicariate of Luang Prabang
- Apostolic Vicariate of Pakse
- Apostolic Vicariate of Savannakhet
- Apostolic Vicariate of Vientiane
Episcopal Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei
- Exempt (arch)dioceses in Brunei and Singapore (no provinces nor national episcopal conferences, immediately subject to Rome)
- Archdiocese of Singapore, covering Singapore
- Apostolic Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam, covering Brunei (on Borneo)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kuala Lumpur, in Peninsular Malaysia (Malaya)
Episcopal Conference of Pakistan
Pakistan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (P.C.B.C.)
- Exempt, directly subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical Province of Karachi, in Sindh province
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Karachi, in Sindh
- Diocese of Hyderabad, in Sindh
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lahore, in Punjab province
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Lahore, in Punjab
- Diocese of Rawalpindi, in Punjab
- Diocese of Multan, in Punjab
- Diocese of Faisalabad, in Punjab
Episcopal Conference of the Philippines
- Exempt dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of the Philippines
- seven Apostolic Vicariates
- Ecclesiastical Province of Caceres
- Ecclesiastical Province of Cagayan de Oro
- Ecclesiastical Province of Capiz
- Ecclesiastical Province of Cebu
- Ecclesiastical Province of Cotabato
- Ecclesiastical Province of Davao
- Ecclesiastical Province of Jaro
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lingayen-Dagupan
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lipa
- Ecclesiastical Province of Manila
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nueva Segovia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Ozamis
- Ecclesiastical Province of Palo
- Ecclesiastical Province of San Fernando
- Ecclesiastical Province of Tuguegarao
- Ecclesiastical Province of Zamboanga
Episcopal Conference of Sri Lanka, including the Maldives
- Ecclesiastical Province of Colombo
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Colombo, including all the Maldives
Episcopal Conference of Thailand
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bangkok
- Ecclesiastical Province of Thare and Nonseng
Episcopal Conference of Vietnam
Episcopal Conference of Vietnam (Hội Đông Giám Mục Việt Nam), at Nha Trang
- Ecclesiastical Province of Hanoi
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hanoi (Hà Nôi)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Hue
- Ecclesiastical Province of Ho Chi Minh City
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City (Thành-Phô Hô Chí Minh; formerly Saigon)
East Asia
Exempt without conference
- Apostolic Prefecture of Ulaanbaatar, in and for all (Outer) Mongolia
Episcopal Conference of Taiwan (officially Chinese Regional Bishops Conference)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Taipei, covering Taiwan
- part of the island is part of the Chinese mainland-based Diocese of Xiamen (province of Fuzhou/ Min-Hou/ Minhou/ Foochow)
Episcopal Conference of China (PR, including Hong Kong and Macau; not Taiwan)
- Exempt, each directly subject to the Holy See, mainly missionary Apostolic prefectures; many are truly vacant or under a temporary Apostolic administrator; No Apostolic Vicariates)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Baoqing (Paoking/ Shaoyang)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Guilin (Kweilin)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Hainan
- Apostolic Administration of Harbin
- Apostolic Prefecture of Haizhou (Donghai/ Haichow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Jiamusi (Kiamusze)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Jian’ou (Jianning/ Kienning/ Kienow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Lindong (Lintung)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Linqing (Lintsing)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Lixian(Lizhou/ Lichow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Qiqihar (Tsitsikar)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Shaowu
- Apostolic Prefecture of Shashi (Shasi)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Shiqian (Shihtsien)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Suixian (Suihsien)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Tongzhou (Tungchow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Tunxi (Tunki)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Weihai (Weihaiwei)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xiangtan (Siangtan)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xing’anfu (Ankang/ Hinganfu)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xining (Sining)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xinjiang (Jiangzhou/ Kiangchow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xinjiang-Urumqi (Urumqi/ Sinkiang/ Xinjiang)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Xinxiang (Sinsiang)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yangzhou (Yangchow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yiduxian (Iduhsien)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yixian (Yihsien)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yongzhou (Lingling/ Yungchow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Yueyang (Yuezhou/ Yochow)
- Apostolic Prefecture of Zhaotong (Chaotung)
- Russian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Harbin (Byzantine Rite), with former cathedral see in Harbin
- Ecclesiastical Province of Anking
- Ecclesiastical Province of Peking
- Ecclesiastical Province of Changsha
- Ecclesiastical Province of Chungking
- Ecclesiastical Province of Foochow
- Ecclesiastical Province of Canton
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kweyang
- Ecclesiastical Province of Hangchow
- Ecclesiastical Province of Hankow
- Ecclesiastical Province of Tsinan
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kaifeng
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kunming
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lanchow
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nanchang
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nanking
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nanning
- Ecclesiastical Province of Mukden
- Ecclesiastical Province of Hohot
- Ecclesiastical Province of Taiyuan
- Ecclesiastical Province of Sian
Episcopal Conference of Japan
- Exempt - the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (for former Anglicans in Australia and Japan) has its see in Australia.
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nagasaki
- Ecclesiastical Province of Osaka
- Ecclesiastical Province of Tokyo
Episcopal Conference of Korea (North and South)
- exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of South Korea
- Territorial Abbacy of Tŏkwon (alias Tŏkugen abbey, with a cathedral see)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kwanju (Gwangju), in South Korea
- Ecclesiastical Province of Seoul, including North Korea
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Seoul (also partially in North Korea)
- Diocese of Ch’unch’on (Chuncheon/ Chunchon) (also partially in North Korea)
- Diocese of Daejeon (Taejŏn)
- Diocese of Hamhung (Hamhŭng) (in North Korea)
- Diocese of Incheon (Inch’ŏn)
- Diocese of Pyongyang (P’yŏng-yang) (in North Korea)
- Diocese of Suwon
- Diocese of Uijeongbu (Uijongbu)
- Diocese of Wonju
- Ecclesiastical Province of Taegu, in South Korea
Oceania (Latin and Eastern Rites)
Episcopal Conference of Australia
- Exempt (arch)dioceses (immediately subject to Rome, no province)
- Military Ordinariate of Australia, for the armed forces
- Archdiocese of Hobart, covering Tasmania
- Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, covering the federal district Canberra and adjacent part of New South Wales
- Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, with see in Maylands, Western Australia (for former Anglicans in Australia and Japan)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Adelaide
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Adelaide, in South Australia
- Diocese of Darwin, covering the Northern Territory
- Diocese of Port Pirie, in South Australia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Brisbane, covering Queensland
- Ecclesiastical Province of Melbourne, covering Victoria state
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Diocese of Ballarat
- Diocese of Sale
- Diocese of Sandhurst
- Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne, a Ukrainian Catholic Church Byzantine Rite Eparchy (Diocese), with cathedral see in North Melbourne, in and for all Australia, also covering New Zealand and further Oceania
- Ecclesiastical Province of Perth, covering Western Australia
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Perth, also includes both Australian Indian Ocean Territories: Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island
- Ecclesiastical Province of Sydney, covering most of New South Wales
- Other Eastern eparchies (dioceses)
- Maronite Diocese of Saint Maron of Sydney, with cathedral see in Redfern, New South Wales; immediately subject to the Maronite Patriarch of Antioch (in Lebanon; Antiochian Rite)
- Greek-Melkite Diocese of Saint Michael’s of Sydney, with cathedral see in Darlington, New South Wales; also covers New Zealand; immediately subject to the Melkite Patriarch of Antioch (in Syria; a Byzantine Rite)
- Chaldean Catholic Diocese of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Sydney, with cathedral see at Bossley Park, New South Wales; also covers New Zealand; immediately subject to the Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Babylon (in Iraq; Chaldean Rite= Syro-Oriental)
- Syro-Malabar Diocese of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Melbourne, with cathedral see in Melbourne, Victoria; immediately subject to the Major Archbishop of Ernakulam–Angamaly (in India; also Syro-Oriental Rite)
Episcopal Conference of New Zealand
- See Australia for the Chaldean Catholic, Melkite and Ukrainian Catholic dioceses competent for both countries, with sees in Sydney, Syndey viz. Melbourne
- cfr. infra Episcopal Conference of the [South] Pacific for three New Zealand island dependencies, notably the diocese of Raratonga (on the Cook Islands, also covering Niue) and the Mission Sui Iuris of Tokelau, both suffragans of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Suva
- Exempt, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
- Military Ordinariate of New Zealand, for the armed forces
- Ecclesiastical Province of Wellington
Episcopal Conference of the [South] Pacific (i.e. South Sea)
- exempt diocese, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See
- Diocese of Tonga, on and for all Tonga
- For the Ukrainian Catholics, see Australia, under Melbourne
- The United States Minor Outlying Islands (U.S. Minor Islands) such as Wake, Midway, Johnston, which are Unincorporated Territories of USA, are administered by the US Military Ordinariate Archdiocese for the Military Services of the United States at Washington, D.C.
- Honolulu, on and for Hawaii, however is a suffragan diocese in the province of the Metropolitan Archbishop of San Francisco (California, USA)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Agaña
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agaña, on and for Guam (US unincorporated territory)
- Diocese of Caroline Islands, on the Caroline Islands, for all the Federated States of Micronesia (Micronesia) and Palau
- Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, on the Northern Mariana Islands and for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (U.S. territory)
- Apostolic Prefecture of the Marshall Islands, with see at Majuro, on and for the Marshall Islands (republic)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nouméa
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Nouméa (New Caledonia, French special collectivity)
- Diocese of Port-Vila, on and for Vanuatu, former New Hebribes
- Diocese of Wallis et Futuna, with see at Mata-Utu, on and for Wallis et Futuna (French overseas collectivity)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Papeete, on and mainly for all French Polynesia (French overseas collectivity)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Papeete, also for Pitcairn Islands (UK)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Samoa-Apia (with see at Apia on Samoa, also for American Samoa)
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Samoa-Apia, on and for Samoa
- Diocese of Samoa-Pago Pago, on and for American Samoa (US)
- Mission Sui Iuris of Funafuti, on and for Tuvalu (formerly Ellice Islands)
- Mission Sui Iuris of Tokelau, on and for Tokelau (NZ)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Suva
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Suva, on and for Fiji
- Diocese of Rarotonga, on the Cook Islands, for those and Niue (both New Zealand-associated countries)
- Diocese of Tarawa and Nauru, with see at Tarawa on Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Islands), also for Nauru (republic)
Episcopal Conference of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
- Ecclesiastical Province of Madang
- Ecclesiastical Province of Mount Hagen
- Ecclesiastical Province of Port Moresby
- Ecclesiastical Province of Rabaul
- Ecclesiastical Province of Honaira, covering the Solomon Islands
Africa (Latin Church)
Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (S.E.C.A.M.)
Most national churches are also part of an episcopal conference and a regional (subcontinental) group of those, so we list them geographically :
Northern and Western Africa
- One Latin member of the Episcopal Conference of the Arab region Latin bishops - cfr. Asia:
The Eastern Catholic Egyptian dioceses are represented in the :
Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of Egypt
- Syrian Catholic Eparchy of Cairo, eparchy for Egypt
Episcopal Conference of North Africa
- Mostly exempt dioceses, directly subject to the Holy See
- Diocese of Laghouat, in Algeria
- in Morocco:
- Archdiocese of Rabat (in Morocco)
- Archdiocese of Tanger (in Morocco)
- for Spanish enclave Ceuta, see Cadiz and Ceuta in Spain (Europe)
- in Libya :
- Archdiocese of Tunis, for all Tunisia
- Apostolic Prefecture of Western Sahara, for all Western Sahara
- Ecclesiastical Province of Alger, covering most of Algeria
Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa (R.E.C.O.W.A.)
The West African subcontinent was previously covered by two language-distinct super-conferences:
Anglophone West Africa
- Association of the Episcopal Conferences of Anglophone West Africa (A.E.C.A.W.A.), covering the five countries formerly under British colonial administration or founded from the US:
Episcopal Conference of Nigeria
- Exempt dioceses, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Latin missionary jurisdictions:
- Maronite Apostolic Exarchate of Western and Central Africa (an Antiochian Rite particular church), with cathedral see Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation, in Ibadan, Oyo State; also Apostolic Visitor in Southern Africa of the Maronites
- Ecclesiastical Province of Abuja
- Ecclesiastical Province of Benin City
- Ecclesiastical Province of Calabar
- Ecclesiastical Province of Ibadan
- Ecclesiastical Province of Jos
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kaduna
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lagos
- Ecclesiastical Province of Onitsha
- Ecclesiastical Province of Owerri
Episcopal Conference of Gambia and Sierra Leone
- Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Diocese of Banjul, in and for all the Gambia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Freetown, covering Sierra Leone
Episcopal Conference of Ghana
- Ecclesiastical Province of Accra
- Ecclesiastical Province of Cape Coast
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kumasi
- Ecclesiastical Province of Tamale
Episcopal Conference of Liberia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Monrovia
Non-Anglophone West Africa
- Conférences Episcopales Régionale de l’Afrique de l’Ouest Francophone (C.E.R.A.O.), covering the countries formerly under French colonial administration; third-language countries are affiliated here, notably with Senegal :
Ecclesiastical Conference of Benin
- Ecclesiastical Province of Cotonou
- Ecclesiastical Province of Parakou
Ecclesiastical Conference of Burkina Faso and Niger
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bobo-Dioulasso, in Burkina Faso
- Ecclesiastical Province of Koupéla, in Burkina Faso
- Ecclesiastical Province of Ouagadougou, in Burkina Faso
- Ecclesiastical Province of Niamey, covering Niger
Episcopal Conference of Côte d'Ivoire
- Ecclesiastical Province of Abidjan
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bouaké
- Ecclesiastical Province of Gagnoa
- Ecclesiastical Province of Korhogo
Episcopal Conference of Guinea
- Ecclesiastical Province of Conakry, covering Guinea
Episcopal Conference of Mali
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bamako, covering Mali
Episcopal Conference of Togo
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lomé, covering Togo
Episcopal Conference of Senegal, Cape Verde, Mauritania and Guinée-Bissau
- Ecclesiastical Province of Dakar, covering Senegal
- neither of the above West African super-conferences however covered the dioceses, all directly subject to the Holy See, in three countries formerly under Portuguese or (Franco-)Spanish colonial administration, now participating in the same ecclesiastical conference as ex-French Senegal
- the Exempt Diocese of Nouakchott, covering Mauretania
- two exempt dioceses, covering Cape Verde:
- two exempt dioceses, covering Guinea-Bissau:
Eastern Africa
- two exempt members (no ecclesiastical province, directly subject to the Holy See) of the Episcopal conference of the Arab region Latin bishops, see Asia:
- Diocese of Djibouti, for all Djibouti
- Diocese of Mogadiscio, for all Somalia
Episcopal Conference of Ethiopia and Eritrea
Neither country has or is part of any Latin Church province.
- Eritrea has no Latin hierarchy, even the post of Apostolic nuncio is held by the nuncio to Sudan in Khartoum.
- Ethiopia has the following exempt apostolic vicariates and apostolic prefecture, each immediately subject to the Holy See
- Apostolic Vicariate of Awasa
- Apostolic Vicariate of Gambella
- Apostolic Vicariate of Harar
- Apostolic Vicariate of Hosanna
- Apostolic Vicariate of Jimma-Bonga, at Jimma
- Apostolic Vicariate of Meki
- Apostolic Vicariate of Nekemte
- Apostolic Vicariate of Soddo
- Apostolic Prefecture of Robe
Eastern Alexandrian rite particular churches (Metropolitanates sui juris)
However, each country has an Alexandrian rite (like the Egyptian Copts, but in Geez language)) Metropolitan particular church 'sui iuris', whose episcopates fully parttake in the joint Episcopal Conference, yet also has its own council of bishops
- Ecclesiastical Province of Addis Abeba (Ethiopia, sui iuris)
- Ethiopian Catholic Archeparchy of Addis Abeba, the Metropolitan Archdiocese, with three suffragans Eparchies (dioceses)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Asmara (Eritrea, sui iuris)
- Eritrean Catholic Archeparchy of Asmara, the Metropolitan Archdiocese, with three suffragans Eparchies (dioceses)
Episcopal Conference of Kenya
- Exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kisumu
- Ecclesiastical Province of Mombasa
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nairobi
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nyeri
Episcopal Conference of Malawi
- Ecclesiastical Province of Blantyre
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lilongwe
Episcopal Conference of Sudan & South Sudan
- Ecclesiastical Province of Juba, covering the Roman Rite in South Sudan
- Ecclesiastical Province of Khartoum, covering the Latin rite in Sudan
- Eastern church jurisdictions, covering both countries
- Melkite Territory Dependent on the Patriarch of Egypt, Sudan and South Sudan (Greek-language Byzantine Rite), with cathedrals in Cairo and Alexandria
- Syrian Territory Dependent on the Patriarch of Sudan and South Sudan (Antiochian rite; no see here, but vested in the Syriac bishop of Cairo (in Egypt, immediately subject to the Patriarch of Antioch)
- for the Armenian Catholics in Sudan, see Egypt: Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Iskanderiya (Alexandria, a suffragan of the Patriarch of Cilicia)
Episcopal Conference of Tanzania
- Ecclesiastical Province of Arusha
- Ecclesiastical Province of Dar es Salaam
- Ecclesiastical Province of Dodoma
- Ecclesiastical Province of Mwanza
- Ecclesiastical Province of Songea
- Ecclesiastical Province of Tabora
Episcopal Conference of Uganda
- Exempt diocese, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical Province of Gulu
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kampala
- Ecclesiastical Province of Mbarara
- Ecclesiastical Province of Tororo
Episcopal Conference of Zambia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kasama
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lusaka
Central Africa
(?only Latin dioceses) This subcontinent is still covered by two distinct super-conferences:
- Association of Episcopal Conferences of Central Africa, covering the three countries formerly under Belgian colonial administration: Congo, Burundi and Rwanda
Ecclesiastical Conference of Burundi
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bujumbura
- Ecclesiastical Province of Gitega
Episcopal Conference of the Congo (-Kinshasa, ex-Zaire)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bukavu
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kananga
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kinshasa
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kisangani
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lubumbashi
- Ecclesiastical Province of Mbandaka-Bikoro
Episcopal Conference of Rwanda
- Ecclesiastical Province of Kigali, covering Rwanda
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kigali
- Association of Episcopal Conferences of the Central Africa Region, covering countries formerly under French or Spanish colonial administration
Ecclesiastical Conference of Cameroon
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bertoua
- Ecclesiastical Province of Douala
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Douala
- Diocese of Bafang
- Diocese of Bafoussam
- Diocese of Edéa
- Diocese of Eséka
- Diocese of Nkongsamba
- Ecclesiastical Province of Garoua
- Ecclesiastical Province of Yaoundé
Episcopal Conference of the Central African Republic
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bangui, covering the Central African republic
Episcopal Conference of Chad
- Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical Province of N'Djamena
Episcopal Conference of the Congo (Brazzaville)
- Ecclesiastical Province of Brazzaville, covering the republic
Episcopal Conference of Equatorial Guinea
- Ecclesiastical Province of Malabo
Episcopal Conference of Gabon
- Exempt missionary circonscription, directly subject to the Holy See
- Apostolic Vicariate of Makokou
- Ecclesiastical Province of Libreville, covering the rest of Gabon
Southern Africa
- Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (I.M.B.I.S.A.)
- Exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See, in a country without province or conference
- Mission sui juris of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha; vested in the exempt, South American Apostolic Prefecture of the Falkland Islands
Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé e Principe
- Exempt, directly subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical Province of Huambo
- Ecclesiastical Province of Luanda
- Ecclesiastical Province of Lubango
- Ecclesiastical Province of Malanje
- Ecclesiastical Province of Saurímo
Episcopal Conference of the Indian Ocean (minor African East coast island states)
- Only exempt dioceses, each for a whole country (or two) without national conference, directly subject to the Holy See
- Diocese of Port-Louis, for Mauritius
- Diocese of Port Victoria o Seychelles, for the Seychelles
- Diocese of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion, for the French territory Réunion
- Apostolic Vicariate of Archipel des Comores for the Comoros and Mayotte
Episcopal Conference of Lesotho
- Ecclesiastical Province of Maseru
Episcopal Conference of Madagascar
- Ecclesiastical Province of Antananarivo
- Ecclesiastical Province of Antsiranana
- Ecclesiastical Province of Toamasina
- Ecclesiastical Province of Fianarantsoa
- Ecclesiastical Province of Toliara
Episcopal Conference of Mozambique
- Ecclesiastical Province of Beira
- Ecclesiastical Province of Maputo
- Ecclesiastical Province of Nampula
Episcopal Conference of Namibia
- Ecclesiastical Province of Windhoek, covering Namibia
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Windhoek
- Diocese of Keetmanshoop
- Apostolic Vicariate of Rundu (not exempt)
Episcopal Conference of South Africa, Botswana and Swaziland
covers the dioceses in the republic of South Africa, and two neighbouring countries whose only dioceses belong to its provinces Botswana and Swaziland
- The wider Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (I.M.B.I.S.A.) also includes Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe
- Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bloemfontein
- Ecclesiastical Province of Cape Town
- Ecclesiastical Province of Durban
- Ecclesiastical Province of Johannesburg
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Johannesburg
- the province of Johannesburg also includes the only diocesis in Swaziland:
- Ecclesiastical Province of Pretoria
- Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pretoria
- the province of Pretoria also includes both dioceses in Botswana:
- Apostolic Vicariate of Francistown (not exempt)
- Diocese of Gaborone
Episcopal Conference of Zimbabwe
- Ecclesiastical Province of Bulawayo
- Ecclesiastical Province of Harare
Eastern Catholic Churches by non-Latin Church
These retain many Orthodox traditions, even in the hierarchic terminology, such as calling bishoprics Eparchies and archbishoprics Archeparchies.
In many respects they fall outside the competences of the regular Roman Curia, where they are mainly administered by a special Congregation for the Oriental Churches
Their respective diocesan structures overlap with and are partially parallel to each other, to the Latin Catholic church and to Orthodox churches, often 'sharing' a see. In addition, exempt, 'mixed' ordinariates for the Eastern churches without dioceses of their own are established in a few (European and Latin American) countries, directly subject to the Holy See
We present them grouped per ancient rite, or liturgical tradition
Exempt, joint ordinariates for all the Eastern faithful
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in Argentina, for all Eastern Churches, vested in the Latin Church Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Buenos Aires
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in Brazil, for all Eastern Churches, cumulated with varying Latin Church Metropolitan sees
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in Poland, for all Eastern Churches, vested in the Latin Church Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Warszaw
- Ordinariate for Eastern Catholics in Spain, for all Eastern Churches, vested in the Latin Church Metropolitan Archbishop of Madrid
Byzantine (Constantinian) rite churches (Europe- and Lebanon-based)
Exempt, joint Ordinariates for the Byzantine Rites faithful
- Ordinariate for Byzantine-rite Catholics in Austria, vested in the (Latin Church) Metropolitan Archbishop of capital Vienna, for Byzantine Rite Eastern Catholic churches
(Greek-)Melkite Catholic Church (Patriarchal)
- Other ...
- Melkite Greek Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Venezuela, with cathedral see in Caracas
- Melkite Territory Dependent on the Patriarch of Egypt, Sudan and South Sudan, with cathedrals in Cairo and Alexandria
Romanian Catholic Church (Major Archiepiscopal)
- an ecclesiastical province sui juris, covering Romania
- Romanian Catholic Archeparchy (Metropolitan Archdicose) of Fagaraș and Alba Iulia, the Major Archbishopric, with cathedral see at Blaj, Alba Julia
- Exempt, i.e. Immediately subject to the Holy See'
- Romanian Catholic Eparchy of St George's in Canton, bishopric for the diaspora in North America (United States and Canada), with cathedral see in Canton, Ohio (USA)
Ukrainian Catholic Church (Major Archiepiscopal)
Synod of the Ukrainian Catholic Church
- Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia for the Ukrainians, with cathedral see in Munich (Bavaria, Germany), for Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
- Ukrainian provinces and Metropolitan dependencies
- Ukrainian Catholic Major Archeparchy of Kyiv–Halych, the Major Archiocese and head of the particular church
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Kyiv, the Metropitan Archeparchy
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Crimea (Krym), on the Russian-annexed Crimea, with cathedral see at Simferopol
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Donetsk
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Kharkiv
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Lutsk
- Ukrainian Catholic Archiepiscopal Exarchate of Odessa
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Lviv (Metropolitan Archeparchy)
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Ternopil – Zboriv (Metropolitan Archeparchy)
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk (Metropolitan Archeparchy)
- Polish province
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Przemyśl–Warsaw (Metropolitan Archeparchy)
- European dioceses, immediately dependent on the Major Archbishop, not part of his province
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London (Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in Great Britain), with cathedral see in London, for England, Scotland and Wales (in the UK)
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saint Vladimir the Great of Paris (Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in France), with cathedral see in Paris, for France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland
- Overseas provinces and Metropolitan dependencies
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg, Metropolitan of the province in Canada
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, Metropolitan of the United States province
- Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of São João Batista em Curitiba, Metropolitan of the Brazilian province
- Overseas Eparchies, suffragans of Roman Rote Metropolitan Archbishops
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Santa María del Patrocinio in Buenos Aires with cathedral see in Buenos Aires, under the otherwise Latin Church ecclesiastical province of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne with cathedral see in North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, for Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, under the otherwise Latin Church ecclesiastical province of Melbourne (Australia)
Hungarian Catholic Church (Metropolitan)
A single ecclesiastical province sui juris
- Hungarian Catholic Archeparchy of Hajdúdorog, the Metropolitanate in chief, with two suffragan bishoprics:
Ruthenian Catholic Church (Metropolitan)
- confusingly, here the more general adjective Byzantine is often used instead of Ruthenian
- although its origins are, as the name suggests, in Ruthenia, (now part of Slovakia and Ukraine) its sole exempt diocese, i.e. immediately subject to the Holy See, covers the Czech Republic while all other dioceses depend from the US-based Metropolitan head of the church
- sole ecclesiastical province, the Metropolitanate sui juris, entirely in the United States - Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh
- Archeparchy of Pittsburgh, head of the particular church, the Metropolitan Archdiocese, with three suffragan dioceses:)
- further directly dependendent on the Metropolitan
- Ruthenian Catholic Eparchy of Mukacheve, in Ukraine, but only for Zakarpattia Oblast
Slovak Catholic Church (Metropolitan)
Synod : Council of the Slovak Church
- Slovak Metropolitanate sui juris of Prešov, the head of the particular church and sole province's Metropolitan Archeparch, with suffragan Eparchies
- overseas diocese immediately subject to the metropolitan (not part of his province)
- Slovak Catholic Diocese of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto, eparchy for Canada, with cathedral see in Toronto, Ontario
Byzantine Catholic Church in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia (Episcopal)
- Croatian Diocese of Križevci, in Croatia, also covering Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina; suffragan in the ecclesiastical province of the Latin Church Metropolitan Archbishop of Zagreb
- exempt: Byzantine Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Serbia, for the Catholics of Bzyantine Rite in Serbia
Italo-Albanese Catholic Church (Episcopal)
entirely exempt, i.e. each directly subject to the Holy See :
- Italo-Albanese Diocese of Piana degli Albanesi, with cathedral see at Palermo, on Sicily
- Italo-Albanese Diocese of Lungro, with cathedral see at Lungro, near Cosenza in Calabria
- Italo-Albanese Territorial Abbacy of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata
Albanese Catholic Church
- only the Apostolic Administration of Southern Albania, with a pro-cathedral see at Vlorë, which is suffragan to the Ecclesiastical Province of the Latin Church Metropolitan Archbishop of Tiranë–Durrës
Belarussian Catholic Church
No diocese presently, only an apostolic visitor for Belarus and another for abroad
Bulgarian Catholic Church
- only the exempt Apostolic Bulgarian Catholic Exarchate of Sofia, which participates in the Latin Church Episcopal conference of Bulgaria
Greek Catholic Church
entirely exempt, i.e. each directly subject to the Holy See:
- Greek Apostolic Exarchate of Greece, with cathedral see in Athens, for Greece
- Greek Apostolic Exarchate of Istanbul, with see in Istabul, for Turkey
Macedonian Catholic Church
- only the exempt Macedonian Apostolic Exarchate of Macedonia, with cathedral see in Strumica; vested in the Latin Church bishop of Skopje, also in Macedonia, in the ecclesiastical province of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Vrhbosna/Sarajevo, in Bosnia
Russian Catholic Church
entirely exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See:
- Russian Apostolic Exarchate of Harbin, with former cathedral see in Harbin, in and for China
- Russian Apostolic Exarchate of Russia, vacant since 1951
Alexandrian rite churches
Coptic Catholic Church (Patriarchal)
- Coptic Catholic Patriarchal See of Alexandria, actually in Cairo; also Metropolitan Archbishop of the church's only ecclesiastical province sui juris, with the following suffragans, all in Egypt:
- Coptic Catholic Eparchy of Alexandria
- Coptic Catholic Eparchy of Assiut
- Coptic Catholic Eparchy of Guizeh
- Coptic Catholic Eparchy of Ismayliah
- Coptic Catholic Eparchy of Luqsor
- Coptic Catholic Eparchy of Minya
- Coptic Catholic Eparchy of Sohag
Ethiopic Catholic Church (Metropolitan)
A single ecclesiastical province sui juris, covering Ethiopia (Synod styled Council of the Ethiopian Church)
- Ethiopic Catholic Metropolitanate of Addis Abeba, the only and Metropolitan archeparchy (archdiocese), with three suffragan eparchies (dioceses):
Eritrean Catholic Church (Metropolitan)
A single ecclesiastical province sui juris, covering Erirea, which has no Latin Church diocese
- Eritrean Catholic Metropolitanate of Asmara, the only archeparchy, with three suffragan eparchies:
- Eritrean Catholic Eparchy of Barentu
- Eritrean Catholic Eparchy of Keren
- Eritrean Catholic Eparchy of Segheneyti
Antiochian rite churches
Maronite Catholic Church (Patriarchal)
- (Arch)eparchies immediately subject to the Patriarch of Cilicia, but not part of his province
- Maronite Eparchy of Notre-Dame du Liban de Paris, with cathedral see Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Liban in Paris; also Apostolic Visitor of the Maronites in Western and Northern Europe
- Eparchies suffragan to a Latin Metropolitan
- Maronite Eparchy of San Charbel en Buenos Aires, in the province of the Metropolitan Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Buenos Aires
Syrian Catholic (Syriac) Church (Patriarchal)
Synod of the Syriac Catholic Church
- Exempt, directly subject to the Holy See
- Syrian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Canada, with cathedral see at Montréal, Québec
- Syrian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Venezuela, with cathedral see at Maracay, Aragua
- Patriarchal ecclesiastical province
- Syrian Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch, with a cathedral see in Beirut, for Lebanon
- with a single suffragan, for the same proper eparchy (diocese) of the Patriarch, the Syrian Catholic Diocese of Beirut
- Patriarchal exarchates
- Syrian Patriarchal Exarchate of Basra and the Gulf, for southern Iraq and Kuwait
- Syrian Patriarchal Exarchate of Jerusalem, with cathedral see in Jerusalem, for the Holy Land (Palestine and Israel) and Jordan
- Syrian Patriarchal Exarchate of Turkey, for Turkey
- Other (arch)dioceses etc. (none Metropolitan), directly subject to the Patriarch (but not part of his province)
- Syrian Catholic Archeparchy of Baghdad, Archeparchy for central Irak
- Syrian Catholic Archeparchy of Mosul, Archeparchy for northern Irak
- Syrian Catholic Archeparchy of Aleppo, Archeparchy for part of Syria (cfr. infra)
- Syrian Catholic Archeparchy of Hassaké–Nisibi, Archeparchy for part of Syria (cfr. infra)
- Syrian Catholic Eparchy of Cairo, for Egypt
- Syrian Territory Dependent on the Patriarch of Sudan and South Sudan, no proper see, but vested in the Cairo Eparch as Protosynkellos for Sudan and South Sudan
- Syrian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Deliverance of Newark (diocese of Newark), with cathedral see at Bayonne, New Jersey, for the United States
- nominal Metropolitans, without suffragans, both in Syria
Syro-Malankar(a) Catholic Church (Major Archiepiscopal)
- Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See:
- Apostolic Exarchate of Saint Ephrem of Khadki, with see near Pune, in western India's Maharashtra state, but also serving Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and parts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of Gurgaon, see located near Delhi, serving 22 states of India
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of St. Mary, Queen of Peace, of the United States of America and Canada, with cathedral see at Elmont, New York
- Ecclesiastical Province of Trivandrum
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Major Archeparchy of Trivandrum (Metropolitan Archdiocese of Trivandrum), the Major Archbishop, chief of the particular church
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of Marthandom (Diocese of Marthandom)
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of Mavelikara (Diocese of Mavelikara)
- Diocese of Pathanamthitta
- Ecclesiastical Province of Tiruvalla
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Archeparchy of Tiruvalla (Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tiruvalla)
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of Muvattupuzha (Diocese of Muvattupuzha)
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of Bathery (Diocese of Bathery)
- Syro-Malankara Catholic Eparchy of Puthur (Diocese of Puthur)
Armenian Rite : Armenian Catholic Church (Patriarchal)
Synod of the Armenian Catholic Church
- Exempt, directly subject to the Holy See
- Ordinariate for Armenian-rite Catholics in Eastern Europe, with cathedral see in Giumri, Armenia; actually only for Armenia, Georgia (Gruzinia), Russia and Ukraine
- Ordinariate for Armenian-rite Catholics in Greece
- Ordinariate for Armenian-rite Catholics in Romania
- Armenian Apostolic Exarchate of Latin America and Mexico, Apostolic Exarchate with cathedral see in São Paulo, in Brazil, also for Mexico and Uruguay
- Patriarchal ecclesiastical province of Cilicia (named after Ancient Cilicia, the part of Asia Minor (modern Turkey's Anatolia) where its see was originally)
- Armenian Catholic Patriarchate of Cilicia, the patriarchal head of the particular church for the whole Armenian rite, with cathedral see in Beirut, Lebanon, as Metropolitan Archeparch (Archbishop), with four suffragan eparchies
- Armenian Catholic Archeparchy of Beirut, the Proper (arch)eparchy of the Armenian Catholic Patriarch, in Lebanon and Turkey
- Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Alexandria, with cathedral see in Cairo, in and for Egypt, also for Sudan
- Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Isfahan, with cathedral see in Ispahan, in and for Iran
- Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Kameshli, with cathedral see in Qamishli, in and for Syria
- other dioceses, immediately subject to the Patriarch, but not part of his province
- Armenian Catholic Archeparchy of Aleppo, Archeparchy (not metropolitan) with cathedral see in Aleppo, in and for part of Syria
- Armenian Catholic Archeparchy of Istanbul, Archeparchy (not metropolitan) with cathedral see in Istanbul (the former Constantinople), in and for Turkey
- Armenian Catholic Archeparchy of Baghdad, Archeparchy (not metropolitan) with cathedral see in Baghdad, in and for Iraq
- Armenian Catholic Archeparchy of Lviv, Archeparchy (not metropolitan) with cathedral see in Lviv, in and for (part of) Ukraine
- Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Exarchate of Damascus, Exarchate with cathedral see in Damascus, in and for part of Syria
- Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Exarchate of Jerusalem and Amman, Exarchate with cathedral see in Jerusalem, in the Holy Land (Israel/ Palestine), also for Jordan
- Armenian Catholic Eparchy of San Gregorio de Narek en Buenos Aires, Eparchy with cathedral see in Buenos Aires, in and for Argentina
- Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg in Glendale, Eparchy with cathedral see in Brooklyn, New York, in the United States, also for Canada
- Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Sainte-Croix-de-Paris, Eparchy with cathedral see in Paris, in and for France
Syro-oriental rite churches
Chaldean Catholic Church (Patriarchal)
- Chaldean Catholic Catholicos-Patriarch of Babylon
- the patriarchal proper Metropolitanate Chaldean Catholic Metropolitan Archdiocese of Baghdad, with its three sufragans Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Alquoch, Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Amadiya, Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Aqra,
- Chaldean Catholic Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kirkuk, Chaldean Catholic Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tehran, Chaldean Catholic Metropolitan Archdiocese of Urmya with its sole suffragan Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Salmas,
- Archdioceses of Chaldean Catholic Archdiocese of Ahwaz, Chaldean Catholic Archdiocese of Basra, Chaldean Catholic Archdiocese of Diyarbakir, Chaldean Catholic Archdiocese of Erbil, Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Mosul
- Eparchies of Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Aleppe, Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Beirut, Cairo, Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Saint Peter The Apostle of San Diego, Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Detroit, Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Mar Addai of Toronto, Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Sydney, Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Sulaimaniya, Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Zaku
- Territories dependent on the Patriarch: Chaldean Catholic Territory Dependent on the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Chaldean Catholic Territory Dependent on the Patriarch of Jordan
Syro-Malabar Catholic Church (Major Archiepiscopal)
Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church
- Ecclesiastical Province of Eranakulam - Angamaly
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Archdiocese of Eranakulam-Angamaly, the major Archdiocese, head of the particular church, and Metropolitan Archeparchy of Eranakulam-Angamaly
- Exempt, immediately subject to the Holy See
- Syro-Malabar Apostolic Exarchate of Canada
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Eparchy of Faridabad, see near Delhi, also serves Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and parts of Uttar Pradesh
- St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago, with cathedral see at Bellwood, Illinois, for the USA; also Syro-Malabar Apostolic visitator in Canada
- Syro-Malabar Diocese of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Melbourne, for Australia, with cathedral see at Melbourne, Victoria state; also Syro-Malabar Apostolic visitator in New Zealand
- Ecclesiastical Province of Changanassery
- Ecclesiastical Province of Tellicherry
- Ecclesiastical Province of Thrissur
- Metropolitan Archdiocese (Archeparchy) of Thrissur
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Archdiocese of Kottayam (Archdiocese (Archeparchy) of Kottayam, nominal Metropolitan, no suffragan)
- Syro-Malabar dioceses, suffragans of Roman Catholic (Latin Church) Indian Metropolitan archbishops, hence part of their mixed-rite provinces
- under Agra
- under Bhopal
- under Bombay
- Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Kalyan, see located near Bombay, but serves all of Maharashtra state
- under Gandhinagar
- under Hyderabad
- under Nagpur
- under Raipur
Other and various types of Catholic sees and jurisdictions
- List of Catholic dioceses (alphabetical)
- List of Roman Catholic archdioceses
- Titular (arch)episcopal sees
- List of Roman Catholic military dioceses
- List of Roman Catholic apostolic administrations
- List of Roman Catholic apostolic vicariates
- List of Eastern Catholic exarchates
- List of Roman Catholic apostolic prefectures
- List of Roman Catholic territorial prelatures
- List of Roman Catholic missions sui juris
See also
Eastern churches
- List of Armenian dioceses
- List of Chaldean dioceses
- Coptic Catholic dioceses
- Ethiopic Catholic dioceses
- Macedonian Catholic Church
- Maronite dioceses
- Melkite Greek Catholic dioceses
- Ruthenian
- Syriac Catholic dioceses
- Syro-Malabar Catholic dioceses
- Ukrainian Greek Catholic dioceses
a. | ^ Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia. The Republic of Kosovo unilaterally declared independence on 17 February 2008, but Serbia continues to claim it as part of its own sovereign territory. The two governments began to normalise relations in 2013, as part of the Brussels Agreement. Kosovo has received recognition as an independent state from 110 out of 193 United Nations member states. |
- ↑ Beal, J.P, J.A. Coriden, and T. Green (2000). New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law. Paulist. p. 571. "Google Books". Google. Retrieved 18 Jun 2015.
- ↑ "Hispanic Ministry Network Region XI Leaders". United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Retrieved 14 Apr 2012.
- ↑ "Bishops and Dioceses". United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Retrieved 23 March 2013.